In terms of quality, the majority of speech production goals were functional … Ataxia describes a lack of muscle control or coordination of voluntary movements, such as walking or picking up objects. intelligibility deficit occurred in the face of highly distinctive (and contrastive) Short-term goals: Walk indoors (around the house) without a cane within 6 weeks. Alternative and augmentative communication may be the most helpful long term option for some children to enable them to participate in conversations at home, school and in other environments. Ataxic Dysarthria: It is a type of dysarthria that occurs due to injury to the superior cerebellum and superior cerebellum peduncle. Pediatric Dysarthria is a motor speech sound disorder resulting from neuromuscular weakness, paralysis or incoordination of the muscles needed to produce speech. Ataxic Dysarthria speaker give Toastmaster Speech 4 w/minimal reading or notes - YouTube. tasks, including sustained vowel phonation, syllable repetition, sentence recitation, 1981 Nov;46(4):398-404. doi: 10.1044/jshd.4604.398. 8 2.3 Investigations Adults Details of appropriate investigations for adults, grouped in order of priority are found in Table 2. A sign of an underlying condition, ataxia can affect various movements and create difficulties with speech, eye movement and swallowing. - intonation profiles (low and hight pitch changes in sentences) - contrastive stress drills. Formant-frequency ranges during sentence production tx for articulation: Definition - stretching tasks - traditional articulation tasks: Term. 0000103306 00000 n 0000050099 00000 n Hypokinetic Dysarthria (Parkinsonism) respiration phonation resonation articulation prosody. Articulation inventories; Allow for monitoring change due to treatment ; Impact of particular treatment strategy esp. timing. episodes in conversation showed that these samples generally had a fairly well-defined In total, 147 long-term and 490 short-term goals were coded. <]>> 73 45 Perceptual and acoustic data were obtained 0000092315 00000 n typical of consonant and vowel sequences were maintained. Whydon’t you want to try to fix pitch. SAMPLE TREATMENT GOALS dysarthria.docx. A speaking task analysis of the dysarthria in cerebellar disease. from 14 individuals (seven men, seven women) with ataxic dysarthria for several speaking SANDO is an autosomal recessive systemic disorder characterized mainly by adult onset of sensory ataxic neuropathy, dysarthria, and ophthalmoparesis (SANDO) resulting from mitochondrial dysfunction and associated with mtDNA depletion in skeletal muscle and peripheral nerve tissue (Fadic et al., 1997).The phenotype varies widely, even within the same family, and can include myopathy, … EMG analyses of speech production of patients with Friedreich disease. Term. prosody tx tasks. Long-term phonatory instability can be quantified using cyclical and noncyclical measures. Diadochokinetic syllable rate and regularity in normal and in spastic and ataxic dysarthric patients. Technique I. Resultats Speech intelligibility did not worsen after GPi-DBS in the short-term, but there was a trend to deteriorate at long-term follow-up (e.g., one year and beyond). respiration phonation resonation articulation prosody. The introduction of a binary Adapted Dysarthria Score additionally allowed allocation to distinct dysarthria pattern in ataxias. All dysarthric speech could be described as slurred. Free downloads: Articulation therapy: Part 1 and 20+ speech tasks (cheat sheets). This Ataxic Dysarthria Toastmaster continues to get better!! 0000023727 00000 n AIMS: Long-term phonatory instability can be quantified using cyclical and noncyclical measures. Gender-specific phonatory dysfunctions in disorders of the basal ganglia and the cerebellum: The objective of this study is to evaluate phonation in ataxic dysarthria and a control group of normal speakers to answer two main questions: (1) How common is elevated cyclical and noncyclical instability in ataxic dysarthria compared to that in a normal control group? question. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Copyright © 2021 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, A Cross-Language Study of Acoustic Predictors of Speech Intelligibility in Individuals With Parkinson's Disease, Specificity of Training in the Lingual Musculature, An Acoustic Study of the Relationships Among Neurologic Disease, Dysarthria Type, and Severity of Dysarthria, A Neuroimaging Study of Premotor Lateralization and Cerebellar Involvement in the Production of Phonemes and Syllables, Parametric Quantitative Acoustic Analysis of Conversation Produced by Speakers With Dysarthria and Healthy Speakers, Effects of Intensive Voice Treatment (the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment [LSVT]) on Ataxic Dysarthria, Quantitative and Graphic Acoustic Analysis of Phonatory Modulations, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (AJSLP), Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research (JSLHR), Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools (LSHSS), Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders (CICSD). Dysarthria therapy is most suited for children aged three-years-old to 18-years-old with cerebral palsy who have moderate to severe dysarthria and are able to follow instructions. 0000082274 00000 n Articulation therapy for dysarthria focuses on improving the speech mechanism itself. answer. Syllable Other forms and etiologies of dysarthria can also be considered for RSC, namely ataxic and spastic dysarthria or mixed dysarthria (for clinical descriptions, see Duffy, 2005). coordinated respiratory function and inadequate articulatory/voicing control. The effect of smooth speech on the speech production of an individual with ataxic dysarthria Rachael Stocks , Georgia Dacakis , Debbie Phyland and Miranda Rose Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 3:6 (332-338) 1 Jan 2008 Treatment sequences were based on two overall measures of … Dysarthria often is characterized by slurred or slow speech that can be difficult to understand.Common causes of dysarthria include nervous system (neurological) disorders such as stroke, brain injury, brain tumors, and conditions that cause facial paralysis or tongue or throat muscle weakness. If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. respiration phonation resonation articulation prosody. 0000012151 00000 n Persistent ataxia usually results from damage to the part of your brain that controls muscle coordination (cerebellum). if you increase pitch, you increase the bernoulli effect, causing vocal folds to slam together. subjects. tomography findings. Definition. The typical speech pattern in ataxic dysarthria results from asynergetic movement of the speech muscles. Developmental dysarthria: cerebral palsy. Cluster of deviant speech dimensions in the dysarthrias. 0000082487 00000 n answer. Your patient might have low muscle tone and their speech can be breathy … Ataxia may indicate neurological disease and should be referred without delay to secondary care When a diagnosis of progressive degenerative ataxia is made referral to a specialist ataxia centre is recommended. Flaccid Dysarthria can result from strokes, congenital disorders, ALS, cerebral palsy, tumors, MNS, or other traumas to the brain. Most prevalent areas of tx for spastic dysarthria: Definition - phonation - articulation - prosody - resonance: Term. 0000087436 00000 n Cards Return to Set Details. Dysarthric symptomatology of Friedreich's Ataxia. {"id": "", "title": "SAMPLE TREATMENT GOALS dysarthria.docx", "mimeType": "application\/vnd.openxmlformats … Reliability and agreement of ratings of ataxic dysarthric speech samples with varying Ataxic Dysarthria Treatment References: Our Goals... For articulation: The client will elevate his/her tongue to the correct position for /l/ 10 times prior to the production of /l/ in isolation using gradually fading multimodal cues with 80% accuracy. Learn more about the different types of dysarthria and how they’re treated. Dysarthria is a condition in which the muscles you use for speech are weak or you have difficulty controlling them. acoustic patterns. Acoustic and perceptual characteristics. Hyperkinetic Slow Dysarthria. Imprecise consonants most deviant dimension in 5 of 7 dysarthria types in Mayo Clinic studies; Irregular articulatory breakdown & distorted vowels ranked high in ataxic dysarthria Perceptual Assessment. - stopping phonation early. and conversation. - optimal breath group. (for women). 0000104902 00000 n Digital manipulation of stress markers in ataxic dysarthria Anja Lowit , Tolulope Ijitona , Anja Kuschmann , Stephen Corson and John Soraghan British Medical Bulletin 124:1 (19-30) 1 Dec 2017 Dysarthria is slurred speech because you have a hard time controlling the muscles you use to talk. Ataxic dysarthria is primarily caused by cerebellar dysfunction. Hypokinetic Dysarthria: Like hyperkinetic dysarthria, this type of dysarthria occurs when some parts of basal ganglia are affected. production subsystems are uniformly affected. Speech segment durations in sentence recitations by children and adults. question. chez le malades presentant un syndrome cerebelleux. In terms of quality, the majority of speech production goals were functional and generalizable in nature, but were not able to be easily targeted during common daily tasks or by other members of the IEP team. A moderate dysphagia was also identified with impairment in all three phases of the swallowing process; oral preparatory, oral and pharyngeal. Ataxic dysarthria: treatment sequences based on intelligibility and prosodic considerations J Speech Hear Disord. Click here to study/print these flashcards. Authors K M Yorkston, D R Beukelman. questions remain concerning which features of the disorder are most consistent, which 0000104000 00000 n 0000016824 00000 n Types of dysarthria Ataxic dysarthria can … rates tended to be slower for sentence recitation and conversation than for AMR, but Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Voice and Speech Laboratory. For some individuals, an Created. 0000093373 00000 n Ataxic dysarthria is primarily caused by cerebellar dysfunction. (Email subscribers, … Spastic dysarthria is associated with damaged upper motor neurons linked to the motor areas of the cerebral cortex. Acoustic characteristics of speech in Friedreich disease. ex. (3) be appropriately oriented to (list 2 aspects) with cues for external aid. 0000021077 00000 n Ataxic Dysarthria. Ataxic dysarthria This type of dysarthria can occur if a person sustains damage to the cerebellum. 5/20/2014 3 Dysarthria Perceptually speech sounds: ... Ataxic dysarthria Mixed dysarthria Flaccid dysarthria Assessing Dysarthria Assessment of oral‐motor function the peripheral speech mechanism. Ataxic Dysarthria speaker give Toastmaster Speech 4 w/minimal reading or notes. In. Ataxic dysarthria is present with some cerebellar lesions. Also see section 2.4 for genetic tests. Copyright © 2000 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Forgot password? Acoustic analysis of vocal instability in cerebellar dysfunctions. Additional Other Flashcards . When festination of speech is absent or subsidiary, the dysarthria in Parkinson’s disease would be better treated with vocal intonation therapy (VIT) (see Chapter 15). 0000083876 00000 n This Ataxic Dysarthria Toastmaster continues to get better!! Respiratory kinematics in speakers with cerebellar disease. :-). Results: The results revealed no dominant theoretical framework for long-term goals, whereas short-term goals largely reflected a sensory-motor framework. RSC has 0000023830 00000 n The objective of this study is to evaluate phonation in ataxic dysarthria and a control group of normal speakers to answer two main questions: (1) How common is elevated cyclical and noncyclical instability in ataxic dysarthria compared to that in a normal control group? Acoustic characteristics of dysarthria associated with cerebellar disease. Ataxic breathing during alternating forearm movements of various frequencies. Speech rate and rhythm in cerebellar dysarthria: An acoustic analysis of syllable Articulation is generally imprecise, with distorted vowels and inaccurate consonant production. 0000012292 00000 n There are disturbances in the force, the speed, the timing, and the direction of the muscles used in speech performance. We can administer articulation therapy alongside teaching compensatory speaking strategies, AAC, partner strategies, and modifying the environment. Results: The results revealed no dominant theoretical framework for long-term goals, whereas short-term goals largely reflected a sensory-motor framework. 1981 Nov;46(4):398-404. doi: 10.1044/jshd.4604.398. For prosody: The client 0000114310 00000 n - speaking immediately on exhalation. Sign up here. 0000022279 00000 n I have ataxic dysarthria from a stroke in 3/2/08 and had Brain surgery to remove the culprit AVM in 2/26/09. Share. from subjects with dysarthria. Comparative analysis of diadochokinetic movements. The objective of this study is to evaluate phonation in ataxic dysarthria and a control group of normal speakers to answer two main questions: (1) How common is elevated cyclical and noncyclical instability in ataxic dysarthria compared to that in a normal control group? Unilateral Upper Motor Dysarthria: It occurs when one edge of the upper motor neuron suffers injury. Ataxic Dysarthria usually results from strokes or degenerative diseases. Other. speaking tasks are most sensitive to the disorder, and whether the different speech Ataxic dysarthria is a speech disorder caused by damage to the cerebellum or the pathways it uses to exchange information with the rest of the nervous system and body. Syllable alternating motion rate (AMR) was typically slow and irregular syllable pattern but subjects differed in the degree to which the acoustic contrasts The main clinical indication for RSC is dysarthria. It results in reduced speech intelligibility and leads to communica-tive difficulties. Vocal and respiratory diadochokinesis in Friedreich's ataxia: Neuropathological correlations. Things to note. Conversational samples varied considerably across subjects in intelligibility and Perceptual and acoustic data were obtained from 14 individuals (seven men, seven women) … Ataxic dysarthria: treatment sequences based on intelligibility and prosodic considerations J Speech Hear Disord. 6)Hustad, K. C. Longitudinal development of speech, language, and communication in young children with cerebral palsy. PEDIATRIC DYSARTHRIA. In addition, the energy maxima and minima often were highly Other measures with a high frequency Long-term goal: Be appropriately oriented to (person, place, time, and situation) with/without cues (for external aid). Long term goals: Walk outdoors (20-30 minutes) without a cane 6 months from now. Ataxic dysarthria is present with some cerebellar lesions. 0000001196 00000 n These are not meant to be exhaustive but serve as examples of possible goals for patients with dysarthria and/or AOS. Patients sound almost inebriated. answer. Airflow tracking in patients with ataxic disorders. 0000102695 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n Subject. Whydon’t you want to try to fix pitch. Term. answer. , (2000). , (1992). variable across repeated syllables, and this variability is thought to reflect poorly The first part of the goal is the long-term goal – the part that follows “In order to…”. 0000092887 00000 n compare a i m. question. What is a way to check for mouth opening. Treatment of Dysarthria: Acute Care • Goals • Identifying or establishing reliable mode of communication • Discharge planning • For prolonged stays • On-going assessment as medical status fluctuates • May be able to move forward with rehabilitative goals ©2018 MFMER | slide-9 Treatment of Dysarthria: Early rehabilitation • Goals The human cerebro-cerebellar system: Its computing, cognitive and language skills. In the descriptive assessment of speech motor bases, by Dysarthrias Assessment Protocol, most goals were achieved: adequacy of facial muscles, achievement of mixed respiratory type during speech and diaphragmatic at rest, adequate MPTs, reduced vocal changes, elimination of the air leak, precision of articulation, with slightly uncoordinated lingual movements and reduced time. ORIENTATION. Etude phoniatrique clinique et instrumentale des dysarthries. The typical speech pattern in ataxic dysarthria results from asynergetic movement of the speech muscles. Goal quality was determined by examining 7 specific indicators outlined by an empirically tested rating tool. This is WHY we’re working on the goal. 0000113493 00000 n Although the … Perceptual and acoustic data were obtained from 14 individuals (seven men, seven women) with ataxic dysarthria for several speaking tasks, including sustained vowel phonation, syllable repetition, sentence recitation, and conversation. cerebral blood flow. - slow and controlled exhalation. 0000012725 00000 n What is a way to check for mouth opening. 0000001904 00000 n Hyperkinetic dysarthria and hypokinetic dysarthria are related to disorders of motor activity descending from the cortex to the spine. 0000092803 00000 n Although ataxic dysarthria has been studied with various methods in several languages, questions remain concerning which features of the disorder are most consistent, which speaking tasks are most sensitive to the disorder, and whether the different speech production subsystems are uniformly affected. Treatment for Ataxic Dysarthria. The goals of this study were to (a) describe the presenting features of ataxic dysarthria present in a participant with a long history of amateur boxing, (b) describe a novel application of behavioral principles in the treatment of this participant, and (c) discuss implications in the treatment of ataxic dysarthria secondary to boxing. 0000112424 00000 n Prevalence and characteristics of dysarthria in a multiple sclerosis incidence cohort: Speech Therapy for Dysarthria. Therapeutic and research implications [review]. long-term variability of fundamental frequency. In. in its temporal pattern. Speech disorders in cerebellar degeneration studied with positron emission tomography. The objective of this study is to evaluate phonation in ataxic dysarthria and a control group of normal speakers to answer two main questions: (1) How common is elevated cyclical and noncyclical instability in ataxic dysarthria compared to that in a normal control group? answer . Flaccid Dysarthria can result from strokes, congenital disorders, ALS, cerebral palsy, tumors, MNS, or other traumas to the brain. Other co-occuring problems may include difficulties with swallowing and saliva control. Dysarthria, and Gait ataxia If you liked this article maybe you will also find interesting the following in-depth articles about other rare diseases, like Autoimmunity and Limb muscle weakness, related diseases and genetic alterations Term. National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders, Grant RO3 DC005536. Enter your email address below and we will send you the reset instructions. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username. Wonder why a gift is the featured image? They also typically … question. if you increase pitch, you increase the bernoulli effect, causing vocal folds to slam together. and word repetition. Reliability of the Multi-Dimensional Voice Program for the analysis of voice samples Short-term goals and long-term goals galore! respiration phonation resonation articulation prosody. were essentially normal, showing that articulatory hypometria is not a pervasive problem. , (1999). Goal of stretching exercises: Definition. Learn about the causes of dysarthria and the available treatment options here. See more ideas about speech therapy, speech, therapy. The goals of this study were to (a) describe the presenting features of ataxic dysarthria present in a participant with a long history of amateur boxing, (b) describe a novel application of behavioral principles in the treatment of this participant, and (c) discuss implications in the treatment of ataxic dysarthria secondary to boxing. Person-Centered Functional Goals Long-Term Goal: Without external cues, Mr. J will use functional communication skills for social interactions with both familiar and unfamiliar partners. Also, a minority of patients developed stuttering, spastic dysarthria, or ataxic dysarthria. These banks of treatment goals are student created but influenced by different clinical sources. Ataxic dysarthria which affects respiration, phonation, resonance, and articulation tend to place the same excessive stress on all syllables 1). %%EOF Qualitative analyses of unintelligible Spastic dysarthria is associated with damaged upper motor neurons linked to the motor areas of the cerebral cortex. Treatment sequences were based on two overall measures of … compare a i m. question. 117 0 obj <>stream of abnormality were shimmer and peak amplitude variation (for both sexes) and jitter 0000050480 00000 n 0000083532 00000 n Client will demonstrate appropriate vocal hygiene and vocal quality in all speaking situations. Watch later. 0000114365 00000 n of long term goal. - pitch range exercises. Mixed dysarthria is combinations of the above dysarthrias. 14. The Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment proved to be a valid dysarthria measure in Friedreich's ataxia. Create your own flash cards! Mixed dysarthria is combinations of the above dysarthrias. Differential diagnostic patterns of dysarthria. Speech motor control and selected neurologic disorders. Treatment with Goal of Normalizing Function. Dysarthria refers to a group of neurogenic speech disorders characterized by "abnormalities in the strength, speed, range, steadiness, tone, or accuracy of movements required for breathing, phonatory, resonatory, articulatory, or prosodic aspects of speech production" (Duffy, 2013, p. 4).. n/a. 0000091895 00000 n Total Cards. Categorical perception In cerebellar disorders. To be able to complete less strenuous tasks around the house: loading dishwasher, cleaning, cooking within 6 weeks. The child’s speech may be slurred or distorted and the speech may range in intelligibility, based on the extent of neurological weakness. Articulation . ex. Phonation tx: Definition - relaxation - easy onset - NO pushing/pulling (create vocal pathologies) Term . "Have client place place their hand on their abdomen and begin voicing when the inward movement begins". Social isolation and depression can develop as a consequence. to facilitate relaxation of the neck muscles. Your patient may exhibit classic, drunk-like symptoms: slurred speech, sudden increases in volume, and overall lack of coordination. Cerebellar dysarthria—a review of the literature. The information about dysarthria in ALS is dispersed in physiological, pathological, speech therapy, otorhinolaringo- logical and neurological publications. 0000087911 00000 n startxref The goal of management of dysarthria in ALS patients is to optimize communication effectiveness for as long as possible. Multidimensional acoustic analyses of sustained vowel phonation and long term memory, comprehension, and dysphagia. Read on! goal for yawn-sigh technique. 73 0 obj <> endobj A mild dysarthria with ataxic and LMN components was identified, although overall speech intelligibility was not affected. Definition. Its availability in several languages provides a major … Mentioning: 4 - Aims: Long-term phonatory instability can be quantified using cyclical and noncyclical measures. Perceptuo-acoustic assessment of prosodic impairment in dysarthria. Your patient may exhibit classic, drunk-like symptoms: slurred speech, sudden increases in volume, and overall lack of coordination. Kinematic analysis of lower lip movements in ataxic dysarthria. showed that the largest and most frequent abnormality for both men and women was a Does tremor pace repetitive voluntary behavior in Parkinson's diseasequester. Learn more about the different types of dysarthria and how they’re treated. caused by brain tumour, stroke, cerebral palsy, long term use of certain medication, and degenerative diseases such as Parkinsons. Dysarthria is slurred speech because you have a hard time controlling the muscles you use to talk. In relation to neurological data. Significance of “on-off phonation test” to detect oral diadochokinesia in dysarthric 0000083688 00000 n Speech deficits in ischaemic cerebellar lesions. Quantification of motor speech abilities in stroke: Time-energy analyses of syllable As far as possible they are hierarchical. answer. Ataxic dysarthria is usually associated with cerebellar disorders with articulation and prosody most impaired. Your child’s speech-language pathologist (SLP) will assess his symptoms and develop a treatment plan. Those affected can sound intoxicated and may have explosive or harsh speech. METHODS: Vowel prolongations of ataxic … Perceptual and acoustic data were obtained from 14 individuals (seven men, seven women) … A detailed dysarthria patient eval/assessment write-up to make all of our lives quicker and easier!Areas in red can be … Although ataxic dysarthria has been studied with various methods in several languages, Authors K M Yorkston, D R Beukelman. Short-Term Goals: • With moderate verbal cues from communication partners, Mr. J will increase respiratory support to produce intelligible phrase-level utterances. 0000088458 00000 n Dysarthria (slurred speech) Intervention. the three rates were highly similar. Although ataxic dysarthria has been studied with various methods in several languages, questions remain concerning which features of the disorder are most consistent, which speaking tasks are most sensitive to the disorder, and whether the different speech production subsystems are uniformly affected. Reset it, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY (AJSLP), JOURNAL OF SPEECH, LANGUAGE, AND HEARING RESEARCH (JSLHR), LANGUAGE, SPEECH, AND HEARING SERVICES IN SCHOOLS (LSHSS), PERSPECTIVES OF THE ASHA SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS. The dysarthrias: Speech-voice profiles, related dysfunctions, and neuropathologies. 0000112913 00000 n 0000015665 00000 n We observed worsening of hypokinetic dysarthria in individual patients. Spectral, cepstral and aperiodicity characteristics of pathological voices before (2) be appropriately oriented to (list 1 aspect) with cues for external aid. 0000104113 00000 n 0000019459 00000 n Client will demonstrate appropriate vocal hygiene and vocal quality in all speaking situations. Definition. Speech disorders in olivopontocerebellar atrophy correlate with positron emission Exercises to reduce spasticity and/or rigidity in oral articulators; Exercises to increase strength of articulators; Exercises to increase precision (force physiology training) Drills to improve production of specific sounds/classes of sounds; Integral stimulation; Phonetic placement; Contrastive Production PMID: 7300267 DOI: 10.1044/jshd.4604.398 Abstract Treatment programs of four improving ataxic dysarthric speakers are reviewed. There are disturbances in the force, the speed, the timing, and the direction of the muscles used in speech performance. Hyperkinetic Quick Dysarthria. trailer Level. In. 0000114222 00000 n 0000088541 00000 n and after phonosurgical treatment. PMID: 7300267 DOI: 10.1044/jshd.4604.398 Abstract Treatment programs of four improving ataxic dysarthric speakers are reviewed. Phona-tory function of neurologically impaired patients. In other words, patients must learn techniques that help them to make good use of their remaining physiological capacity to produce understandable speech. The label is no longer applied to ataxic dysarthria in order to avoid confusion as it has been used to describe a variety of different speech problems. AIMS: Long-term phonatory instability can be quantified using cyclical and noncyclical measures. question. xref The next part is WHO will perform the goal – Mrs. T. Then we see WHAT she will do (performance), WHERE she will do it (condition), and HOW WELL she will do it (criterion) 3. xÚb```b`ĞÙÌÀÆÀ �É È€ ‚@16�. However, due to the incoordination caused by cerebellar lesions, ataxic speech sounds especially slurred. Tend to place the same excessive stress on all syllables 1 ) see more ideas about speech therapy is... 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