Pitfall 3: Ignoring the effects of statistical power. This technique provides for randomization of treatment and control groups equally across potential sources of bias and confounding, such as time of day; stratification by morning or afternoon time slots would prevent any impact by time of day. The data are means and standard errors taken over n=6 isolates for each type of mouse and condition. The second category is errors in methodology, which can lead to inaccurate or invalid results. Blood flow over time by strain. Statistical power is the probability that a test will detect a real difference in conversion rate between offers. In basic science research, confounding due to other factors might be an issue; carefully designed experiments can minimize confounding. As a statistician, which figures and facts would you use to best describe the people in Germany? When does the calculation of averages reach its limits as a method for describing complex issues? The outcome of interest is again normalized blood flow (a continuous outcome), and the comparison of interest is the trajectory (pattern over time) of mean normalized blood flow between strains. Here I list the most common pitfalls: The misuse of concepts that reflect the deadliness of SARS-CoV-2, which are the case fatality rate (CFR), the infection fatality rate (IFR), and the mortality rate (MR). Oct-Dec 2015;6(4):222-4. doi: 10.4103/2229-3485.167092. Which often quoted figures used to describe people in Germany are quickly misleading? In contrast, basic science studies are often handled less uniformly, perhaps because of the unique challenges inherent in this type of investigation. In many settings, multiple statistical approaches are appropriate. In clinical studies, the first summary often includes descriptive statistics of demographic and clinical variables that describe the participant sample. Each of these statistical tests assumes specific characteristics about the data for their appropriate use. A single measurement is taken for each mouse. Another alternative is to transform the data (by log or square root) to yield a normal distribution and then to perform analyses on the transformed data. This distinction is very important because the former requires analytic methods for independent samples and the latter involves methods that account for correlation of repeated measurements. The units could be animals, organs, cells, or experimental mixtures (eg, enzyme assays, decay curves). Ideally, investigators performing measurements should be blinded to treatment assignments and experimental conditions. Again, multiple mice are used to grow a large number of cells that are then frozen in aliquots. William Goodman. In the absence of statistical interaction, one is free to test for the main effects of each factor. Similar tests can be conducted for TG mice (significant differences [P<0.05] are noted between treated TG1 mice and TG1 treated with Ad‐LacZ and between treated TG2 mice and TG2 treated with Ad‐LacZ). In this case people are far more interested in the extremes. Cell protein over time by strain. Local Info Each time a statistical test is performed, it is possible that the statistical test will be significant by chance alone when, in fact, there is no effect (ie, a type I error). When three friends drink an average of five beers in an evening, it makes a big difference whether they all drink the same amount, or one of them drinks 15 beers and the others none. Pitfalls of statistical hypothesis testing: type I and type. In this instance, an efficient approach is to perform sample size computations for each outcome, and the largest practical sample size could be used for the entire experiment. Most common statistical methods assume that each unit of analysis is an independent measurement. The unit of analysis is the entity from which measurements of “n” are taken. The chi‐square test (used with categorical and ordinal outcomes) also assumes independence and an expected count of at least 5 in each comparison group. At the indicated time, cells are examined under a microscope, and cell protein is determined in the well using a calibrated grid. It is common to see investigators design separate experiments to evaluate the effects of each condition separately. National Center We wish to compare cell protein as an index of cell growth in fibroblasts from 2 different strains of mice (wild type and TG) after fibroblasts are plated and allowed to grow for 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 hours. With large samples, randomization ensures that any unintentional bias and confounding are equally present in control and experimental groups. This latter observation would escape detection if performed in separate experiments, and the factorial design has the advantage of involving fewer mice than would be required for the 2 separate experiments. Journal editors, and peer reviewers like to publish findings that are statistically significant, and surprising. Figure 7. This value is a censored time and is less than the time to event, which will occur later (and is unmeasured). pitfalls in the interpretation of statistics When summarizing continuous outcomes in each comparison group, means and standard errors should be used. The promises and pitfalls of Benford's law. Although determining an appropriate sample size for basic science research might be more challenging than for clinical research, it is still important for planning, analysis, and ethical considerations. The outcome of interest is cell protein (a continuous outcome), and the comparison of interest is the change in cell protein over time between strains. ANOVA is robust for deviations from normality when the sample sizes are small but equal. This may not be the most efficient approach and introduces additional bias and confounding by performing serial sets of experiments that are separated in time. For example: I had a friend who had a brain tumor and had to have surgery to remove it. Stratification is a means to combat bias and confounding. Connor Phys. A common pitfall in basic science research is the treatment of repeated measurements of a unit of analysis as independent when, in fact, they are correlated, thus artificially increasing the sample size. 1-800-AHA-USA-1 The unit of analysis is the isolate, and we have repeated measurements of cell protein at baseline (time 0) and then at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 hours. We find that most basic science studies involve hypothesis testing. In some experiments, the outcome of interest is survival or time to an event. Data can be summarized as shown in Table 3 and compared statistically using the unpaired t test (assuming that normalized blood flow is approximately normally distributed). This fact is understandable, given that the results of clinical investigation will often be used to inform patient care or clinical decision making. And a single American company in New York State produces more Sauerkraut each year than all of the producers in Germany combined. The log‐rank test is a popular nonparametric test and assumes proportional hazards (described in more detail by Rao and Schoenfeld9). Let’s assume, for sake of argument, that individuals are laid out in a perfect grid pattern. An overall test is performed first to assess whether differences are present among the responses defined by the factors of interest. The unit of analysis is the mouse, and we have repeated measurements of blood flow (before occlusion, at the time of occlusion [time 0], and then at 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days). Having published a paperback in collaboration with the BBC (The Fifty-years War) Penguin is now collaborating with the Social Market Foundation in producing Public Spending. Customer Service Although we’ve discussed the pitfalls of making the privacy guarantee contingent on distributional assumptions, none of these pitfalls apply to making the utility guarantee contingent on distributional assumptions, as is normally done in statistical analysis. Mean and standard error of systolic blood pressure (SBP) by type. The unit of analysis is the isolate, and data are combined from each experiment (different days) and summarized as shown in Figure 6. We aim to provide a non-technical and easily accessible resource for statistical practitioners who wish to spot and avoid misinterpretations and misuses of statistical significance tests. It is based on the notion that a more reliable AI-solution will be one that maximizes the time-scale separation between slow and fast processes. You are known for treating your subject with a healthy sense of humour. In contrast, not very many readers … Because each test carries a nonzero probability of incorrectly claiming significance (ie, a finite false‐positive rate), performing more tests only increases this potential error. Based on the usual parameters such as income, wealth, life expectancy, years of school education, or the number of children per family, people in Germany are refreshingly average in Europe. The 9 Pitfalls of Data Science is the modern version of the classic book, How to Lie with Statistics. Unauthorized *P<0.05 against wild type treated with Ad‐LacZ. Investigators should always perform sample size computations, particularly for experiments in which mortality is the outcome of interest, to ensure that sufficient numbers of experimental units are considered to produce meaningful results. If the latter condition is not satisfied, an alternative exact test (eg, Fisher's exact test) should be used. Investigators should evaluate the various procedures available and choose the one that best fits the goals of their study. Researchers investigated the effects of a multidimensional lifestyle intervention on aerobic fitness and adiposity in predominantly migrant preschool children. In designing even basic science experiments, investigators must pay careful attention to control groups (conditions), randomization, blinding, and replication. Subscribe here: Statistics professor Walter Krämer, Technical University Dortmund. In such cases, we recommend that investigators consider a range of possible values from which to choose the sample size most likely to ensure the threshold of at least 80% power. Consequently, there are multiple reasons why the statistical analysis of basic science research might be suboptimal. Outcomes observed under each of the 4 conditions could be represented by means (for continuous variables) or proportions (for binary variables) and typically would be compared statistically with ANOVA or a chi‐square test, respectively. The third class of problems concerns interpretation of results, or how statistical results are applied (or misapplied) to real world … In basic science research, investigators often have small sample sizes, and some of their statistical comparisons may fail to reach statistical significance. The effectiveness of a home based intervention on children’s body mass index (BMI) at age 2 years was investigated. A type I error is also known as a false‐positive result and occurs when the null hypothesis is rejected, leading the investigator to conclude that there is an effect when there is actually none. The basic assumptions for ANOVA are independence (ie, independent experimental units and not repeated assessments of the same unit), normally distributed outcomes, and homogeneity of variances across comparison groups. Pairwise comparisons (2 at a time) are perhaps the most popular, but general contrasts (eg, comparing the mean of groups 1 and 2 with the mean of groups 3 and 4) are also possible with these procedures. The Arkansas Crime Information Centers UCR, Summary, and NIBRS crime data has been used to compile rankings of individual jurisdictions and institutions of higher learning. Figure 6. Without Abstract. Pitfalls of Ranking; Home > Crime Info & Support > Crime Information Center > Crime Statistics > Pitfalls of Ranking. Survival analyses can be particularly challenging for investigators in basic science research because small samples may not result in sufficient numbers of events (eg, deaths) to perform meaningful analysis. Investigators must carefully evaluate assumptions of popular statistical tests to ensure that the tests used best match the data being analyzed. In basic science studies, investigators often move immediately into comparisons among groups. Such a manuscript structure is a challenge for analysis and statistical review. A key feature of survival data is censoring, which occurs when some experimental units do not experience the event of interest (eg, development of disease, death) during the observation period. In basic science research, there is often no prior study, or great uncertainty exists regarding the expected variability of the outcome measure, making sample size calculations a challenge. The habit of presenting sample sizes as ranges (eg, n=5 to 12 in each group) is not useful from a statistical perspective. The unit of analysis is the entity from which measurements of “n” are taken. Investigators can also minimize variability by carefully planning how many treatments, experimental conditions, or factors can be measured in an individual unit (eg, animal). Because of the random, or as statisticians like to call it, “stochastic,” nature of conversion events, a test might not … Figure 5. Discover here why, and what is so special about it. A randomised controlled superiority trial was used. In developing competing treatments or experimental conditions, the various conditions should be identical in every way except for the experimental condition under study. Sample sizes are often quite small and are not likely to support formal statistical testing of the underlying hypothesis. Let’s start with the average size of a family at 1.3 persons. © American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. The sample size is most informative and is presented to provide the reader with the true size of the experiment and its precision. Cat indicates catalase; SOD, superoxide dismutase; TG, transgenic; WT, wild type. L.R. The National Statistical Agency of Italy (Istat, 2020) has performed these calculations. Data can be summarized as shown in Figure 5, in which means and standard error bars are shown for each time point and compared statistically using repeated‐measures ANOVA (again, assuming that normalized blood flow is approximately normally distributed). Minimizing type II error and increasing statistical power are generally achieved with appropriately large sample sizes (calculated based on expected variability). Berlin is Germany’s largest city, but it doesn’t score all the top ratings. Investigators must be aware of assumptions and design studies to minimize such departures. Chapter 5 Pitfalls to avoid. To perform factorial ANOVA, one needs to follow a specific order of analysis to arrive at valid findings. By convention, an independent experiment infers that the researcher has independently set up identical experiments each time rather than just measuring the outcome multiple times. Basic science studies often involve several outcome variables from the same sample (eg, group of mice), making sample size decisions challenging. We have discussed issues related to sample size and power, study design, data analysis, and presentation of results (more details are provided by Katz2 and Rosner3). A typical “reasonable” value is ≥80% power. You would like to receive regular information about Germany? ;5, Normality tests for statistical analysis: a guide for non‐statisticians, Strategies for dealing with multiple treatment comparisons in confirmatory clinical trials, Statistical primer for cardiovascular research: multiple comparisons procedures, Statistical primer for cardiovascular research: survival methods, Journal of the American Heart Association, Common Statistical Pitfalls in Basic Science Research, Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial, Goal: Describe the distribution of observations measured in the study sample, Sample size (n) and relative frequency (%), Independence of observations, normality or large samples, and homogeneity of variances, Independence of pairs, normality or large samples, and homogeneity of variances, Repeated measures in independent observations, normality or large samples, and homogeneity of variances, Independence of observations, expected count >5 in each cell. For instance, on average each German person has less than two legs, exactly 1.99999. †P<0.05 between treated TG1 mice and TG1 treated with Ad‐LacZ. When summarizing binary (eg, yes/no), categorical (eg, unordered), and ordinal (eg, ordered, as in grade 1, 2, 3, or 4) outcomes, frequencies and relative frequencies are useful numerical summaries; when there are relatively few distinct response options, tabulations are preferred over graphical displays (Table 1). Comparisons between experimental conditions in terms of survival are often performed with the log‐rank test. Replication provides additional information to estimate desired effects and, perhaps more important, to quantify uncertainty in observed estimates (as outlined). Investigators often design careful studies with repeated measurements over time, only to ignore the repeated nature of the data with analyses performed at each time point. In such a case, the observed effects can be used to design a larger study with greater power. One must understand if the experimental units assigned to comparison groups are independent (eg, only 1 treatment per unit) or repeated measurements taken on the same set of experimental units under differing conditions. Although this approach is very easy to implement, it is overly conservative. In contrast, factorial experiments, in which multiple conditions or factors are evaluated simultaneously, are more efficient because more information can be gathered from the same resources. This includes control of conditions that may unknowingly have an impact on the effects of the treatments under study (eg, time of day, temperature). PUBLIC SPENDING by Evan Davis . Investigators can limit type I error by making conservative estimates such that sample sizes support even more stringent significance criteria (eg, 1%). When hypothesis testing is to be performed, a sample size that results in reasonable power (ie, the probability of detecting an effect or difference if one exists) should be used. aMean and SD if there are no extreme or outlying values. Which often quoted figures used to describe people in Germany are quickly misleading? Summarizing evidence and drawing conclusions based on the data are particularly challenging because of the complexity of study designs, small sample sizes, and novel outcome measures. If the calculated sample size is not practical, alternative outcome measures with reduced variability could be used to reduce sample size requirements. Statistical results are not always beyond doubt: “Statistics deals only with measurable aspects of things and therefore, can seldom give the complete solution to problem. Foremost, only those statistical comparisons that are of scientific interest should be conducted. 5.1 Representing Count. Contact Us. Let’s start with the average size of a family at 1.3 persons. This is an open access article under the terms of the. Exceptions are their love of cars, their love of their homeland and their enthusiasm for football. Basic science studies are complex because they often span several scientific disciplines. Basic science experiments often have many statistical comparisons of interest. If a Kaplan–Meier curve is displayed in a figure, it is important to include the number of units at risk over time along with estimates of variability (eg, confidence limits along with estimates of survival probabilities over time). This approach can be appropriate, but with many statistical tests, investigators must recognize the possibility of a false‐positive result and, at a minimum, recognize this particular limitation. However, the VITAMINS trial in patients with septic shock adopted a composite of mortality and vasopressor‐free days, and an ordinal scale describing patient status rapidly became standard in COVID studies. A common pitfall in basic science studies is a sample size that is too small to robustly detect or exclude meaningful effects, thereby compromising study conclusions. *P<0.05. Philip Sedgwick reader in medical statistics and medical education. By Sherman, Alfred. A critically important first step in any data analysis is a careful description of the data. The probability of type II error is related to sample size and is most often described in terms of statistical power (power=1‐type II error probability) as the probability of rejecting a false‐null hypothesis. Germans move home far less often than people in other countries, such as in the USA. Do you know from which countries the most students in Germany come? Now let’s define two different zoning schemes: one which follows a uniform grid pattern and another that does not. Crime Statistics. Readers are going to be most interested in studies that uncover interesting, and new non-zero relationships. Many statistical tests are robust, meaning that they work well not only when assumptions are met but also when there are mild departures from assumptions. Walter Krämer is Professor for Statistics in Dortmund and knows which facts best describe Germans, and which don’t. Let’s define a 5km x 5km area and map the location of each individual inside the study area. Figure 2. The goal is to ensure that bias (systematic errors introduced in the conduct, analysis, or interpretation of study results) and confounding (distortions of effect caused by other factors) are minimized to produce valid estimates of effect. Pitfalls in statistical methods Zeitschrift: Journal of Nuclear Cardiology > Ausgabe 4/2013 Autoren: PhD Fei Gao, PhD David Machin » Jetzt Zugang zum Volltext erhalten. The research presented here provides examples of how the occurrence of statistical downscaling pitfalls can vary geographically, with time of year, climate conditions, and across SD techniques. In contrast, the 12 repeated measures of weight could be used to assess the accuracy of the mouse weights; therefore, the 12 replicates could be averaged to produce n=1 weight for each mouse. Such an approach not only fails to examine longitudinal effects contained in the data but also results in decreased statistical power compared with a repeated‐measures analysis. In Poland people eat more than twice as much Sauerkraut per capita compared with Germans. This design provides information on the effect of diet, the effect of genotype, and the combination of the 2. Article excerpt. A common pitfall in basic science research i… "The 9 Pitfalls of Data Science is the modern version of the classic book, How to Lie with Statistics. If such a finding is significant, a test is then run for statistical interaction. It is common to find basic science studies that neglect this distinction, often to the detriment of the investigation because a repeated‐measures design is a very good way to account for innate biological variability between experimental units and often is more likely to detect treatment differences than analysis of independent events. Year than all of the unique challenges inherent in this type of analysis to arrive at valid.... And humor and makes for a very enjoyable and informative reading experience. fully representative of the data of... Category is errors in the USA combination of the classic book, How to Lie with.... To satisfy these assumed characteristics about the data for their appropriate use of arithmetic averages results in values that don! 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