It’ll be sitting inside the boxes near them. Journal Entry Don't overthink this one. In this quest, you have to fight Buck, who is the champion fighter in the Arroyo area. Fred calls you back in Cyberpunk 2077 when you complete Evelyn main story with Voodoo Boys. You can first find him after you complete The Rescue and head out of your apartment to the elevator. This fight will actually be quite simple. It’ll take place in the Arroyo area in the Santa Domingo district. Continue reading below for our Tips and Tricks on how to finish this mission without too much trouble. Once you have the quest unlocked, take a look at your quest journal and you’ll see the fight and different parts of this quest. How To Begin “Beat The Brat”: In Act 1 or Act 2, go to your apartment complex.On the floor with your apartment, you’ll find a man training with a robot. These missions revolve around boxing fights where you’ll need to fight with only your hands around Night City. Buy gorilla hands cyberware to get a stronger punch against Hugh. Beat on the Brat: Kabuki is a side job in Cyberpunk 2077.It is one of the four jobs which must be completed as part of the side job, Beat on the Brat. Area: Heywood (The Glen) Quest Giver: Coach Fred Requirement: Complete Main Job “The Rescue” Reward: €$4000 and/or Cesar’s car (if you choose to keep the prizes) / 855 XP […] Go to the fight in Arroyo. This walkthrough will guide you through all steps of the Beat on the Brat: The Glen Side Quest. Blazing through Cyberpunk 2077 side missions can help earn you some more cash, and one of those missions is the Beat on the Brat side job. Check out the side quest job walkthrough guide on Beat On The Brat: Kabuki for Cyberpunk 2077. To know about the consequences of your choice, continue reading this guide. The side job Beat on the Brat: Kabuki is now unlocked. Investing skill points into Body makes a massive difference, especially Rush under the Street Brawler tree. You should dodge all of his attacks. Here’s a walkthrough of Beat On The Brat (Arroyo) in Cyberpunk 2077. Early on in your playthrough of the main campaign in Cyberpunk 2077, you’ll unlock a side quest in your quest journal called ‘Beat on the Brat.’. In this fight, you have to defeat the champion of the Animals, named Rhino. When you leave V’s apartment in Night City for the first time, you’ll likely run into Coach Fred starting this chain of side jobs. You are free to choose whether you want to keep the car or give it back to him. Every mission is listed below with the last one explained further down. This also triggers a random conversation with a kid nearby saying their Dad got messed up by Razor Hugh early on in his career. Before you start the fight, you’ll be given the option to throw the fight. Once you’ve finished Beat on the Brat in Kabuki, Arroyo, Rancho Coronado, and The Glen, you’ll get a text from Coach Fred. Beat On The Brat; Beat On The Brat: Arroyo; Beat On The Brat: Kabuki; Beat On The Brat: Pacifica; Beat On The Brat: Rancho Coronado; Beat On The Brat: The Glen; Starting Location: Beat on the Brat: Rancho Coronado To start the quest, you need to talk to Coach Fred, who can be found in the boxing ring near your apartment. This is a walkthrough for Beat on the Brat: Pacifica, a Side Quest in Cyberpunk 2077. Cyberpunk 2077 has many different and optional side quests or in this case Side Jobs that you can attempt to complete. You’ll also unlock this fight during your playthrough of the ‘Playing for Time’ main mission. They won’t stack, but you can eat a few to get minor buffs like extra health and stamina. If you manage to beat him, you’ll get your reward shortly after he finishes speaking. Read on to learn all the available choices in Beat on the Brat: Pacifica, how to get the best possible result, tips and strategies for the Quest, and all available rewards. Your objective is to beat Ozob whom you’ve met in another job. Also, you can talk to every character near the arena again for optional dialogue. To help you out with completing the Beat on the Brat side quest in Cyberpunk 2077, we’ve prepared this guide where we’ll be walking you through each of the five fights that you have to win to finish this side quest. He’ll wander off to the side on a phone call about all his upcoming opponents backing out of their fights. To do this, you’ll have to constantly be moving to keep both of them in your line of sight so you don’t get flanked from behind. If you figure out how to do this properly, this fight will be a walk in the park for you. This means that you shouldn’t even risk blocking his attacks because even those will do quite a bit of damage as he punches several times at once. The next fight will be with the champion of glen, named Cesar. When you arrive at the arena, you may notice every boxer you’ve beaten here as well as Viktor the Ripperdoc. Area: Watson (Kabuki) Quest Giver: Coach Fred Requirement: Complete Main Job “The Rescue” Reward: €$1000 or €$4000, 268 XP, 602 Street Cred XP Mission Info: Don’t overthink this one. The most important thing in this fight is to counter all of Rhino’s attacks. Beat on the Brat is a chain of quests that revolve around boxing fights through Night City. This walkthrough will guide you through all steps of the Beat on the Brat Side Quest. You will meet Ozob again. If your Body is at level 5, you’ll also be able to bet $12,000 and a sniper rifle. Since this is the first fight, it won’t be that hard; so you should go for the bigger bet to get more money. Parrying seems to vary on whether it works well for people. Beat on the Brat: The Glen is a side quest in Cyberpunk 2077.. Walkthrough. Learn how to unlock the Kabuki Fight, notable items & rewards, side job walkthrough! Doing so will give you much more money, but if you choose to actually fight him, you’ll get much more street cred. Throw or Win the Fight in Cyberpunk 2077’s Beat on the Brat Beat On The Brat (Pacifica) is a side mission / job in Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to learn all the available choices in Beat on the Brat: Rancho Coronado, how to get the best possible result, tips and strategies for the Quest, and all available rewards. Other than that, you just have to do the same thing that you’ve been doing in the previous two fights and you’ll have a relatively easy time defeating Razor. Beat on the Brat is a side job in Cyberpunk 2077. You can complete Cyberpunk 2077 Take care of other things until Fred Calls you back Back Beat On The Brat Final mission following this video guide. To begin, head to the fight area in Arroyo. If you dodge this attack, Cesar will be vulnerable for a bit and you’ll be able to land some easy punches on him. Head to the fight location in Pacifica as marked on the map. This fight takes place in a small boxing ring in Pacifica. Once you’ve defeat Razor and won the fight, the Beat on the Brat quest of Cyberpunk 2077 will be finally completed. Read on to learn all the available choices in Beat on the Brat: Kabuki, how to beat the Twins, tips and strategies for the Quest, and all available rewards. Check this side quest job walkthrough guide on Beat On The Brat: Rancho Coronado for Cyberpunk 2077. He isn’t the most technical fighter, but he makes up for it with his raw power. V must take on César Diego Ruiz, a Valentinos member and boxing champion of The Glen who has a girlfriend, Micaela, with a baby on the way. This is a walkthrough for Beat on the Brat: The Glen, a Side Quest in Cyberpunk 2077. Fighting Razor Hugh is extremely difficult, similarly to other fights, but primarily because of his health. Talk to Ozob. The best way to go about this fight is to fight the twins one at a time. Beat on the Brat is a side quest in Cyberpunk 2077 that players can take part in. Here are some tips and exploits on how to beat Razor Hughs. For more Cyberpunk 2077 guides on Watson Side Jobs, gigs, and other districts too, click the links below. Register a new account or log in, if you already have one. Throwing the fight seems to give extra money, but less street cred if you win. He’ll mention setting up a final fight with Razor Hugh, who you may have seen on posters throughout Cyberpunk 2077. Eat consumables in your backpack once you sit down and start talking to Viktor. You’ll still need to worry about one to three hits taking you out similar to other Beat on the Brat side jobs. Your first opponent in this quest will actually be a pair of twins, so you’ll have to fight two people at the same time. See how to unlock Rancho Coronado, rewards, notable items & how to beat Rhino. This will trigger a bugged phase where he keeps taunting you and doesn’t move or attack. Your fists count as a Blunt Weapon, which means you’ll recover 3% health on successful hits. One of which is Beat On The Brat Side Jobs are often unlocked through talking to various NPC characters and/or getting random messages. When you’re ready to fight, head over to the Animal’s Club and talk to Rhino inside to start the fight. The thing about Buck is that he has a lot of power in his punches. Most players will find that the first side gig they ever get in Cyberpunk 2077 is the questline called "Beat the Brat." Beat on the Brat: Kabuki is a side job / mission in Cyberpunk 2077. This is IGN’s Cyberpunk 2077 walkthrough for Beat on the Brat, one of many Watson Side Jobs. Your objective is to defeat the champion of Kabuki. He is probably the second fighter you should go against in terms of difficulty. Learn how to beat Razor Hugh of Beat on the Brat: Rancho Coronado, moves, strategy tips, recommended cyberware, skills & more. Beat on the Brat: The Glen - Side Job Details Rewards: $8000, 950 EXP, 2137 Street Cred, and vehicle: Alvarado "Vato" Locations: The Glen, Heywood Nearest Fast Travel Point: The final fight in this quest will be against Razor. More walkthroughs will be added over time. If you’re not in the mood for another fist fight, then there is another way for you to complete this Beat on the Brat quest. You can then hit one of them with a strong attack to stun them and then focus on the other twin while that one recovers. To complete this job, V must defeat the champions of Kabuki: Certo and Esquerdo. You can see Beat On The Brat Cyberpunk 2077 Kabuki Fight location following this video guide. The next Beat on the Brat quest will get unlocked during the ‘Playing For Time’ main mission. Once your fight ends with Razor Hugh, Beat on the Brat is complete. There are 5 parts to the Beat on the Brat side quest, which take place in various locations. To start the Beat on the Brat side mission in Cyberpunk 2077, you have to talk to talk to coach Fred. This means that you’ll have to play through other quests a bit before you can continue with the next Beat on the Brat quest, so you can have the appropriate level, skills and perks for it. Beat on the Brat: Kabuki - Side Job Details Rewards: 500 or 1000 Eddies depending on bet, and Street Cred: Locations: Kabuki, Watson Nearest Fast Travel Point: Here’s a walkthrough of Beat On The Brat Kabuki in Cyberpunk 2077. Once you’ve finished Beat on the Brat in Kabuki, Arroyo, Rancho Coronado, and The Glen, you’ll get a text from Coach Fred. (shown in the above screenshot). Talk to them to start the fight. Cyberpunk 2077 is a non-linear sci-fi RPG based on renowned pen-and-paper-RPG designer Mike Pondsmith's Cyberpunk system and created by CD Projekt, the acclaimed development group behind The Witcher. This specific quest involves beating on a robot LOCATION: Watson – Little […] Before starting your fight, you can speak to Coach Fred about throwing the fight for some extra money. Danger: Moderate. The next Beat on the Brat quest will get unlocked during the ‘Playing For Time’ main mission. Talk to the champion of Arroyo. After the first fight, you may think that this quest is easy and you should speed run through it; but you have to be patient because the opponents will subsequently get more and more difficult. Beat on the Brat: Kabuki is a Side Job in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77). Final Beat on the Brat Fight: Razor Hugh. 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This is a walkthrough for Beat on the Brat: Kabuki, a Side Quest in Cyberpunk 2077. Cyberpunk 2077 Beat on the Brat Arroyo Champion. This is a walkthrough for Beat on the Brat: Rancho Coronado, a Side Quest in Cyberpunk 2077. Beat on the Brat - Side Job Details Rewards: 3480 eddies, +1045 Experience, +2350 Street Cred: Location: Starts in Little China, Watson: Nearest Fast Travel Point: Megabuilding H10 Atrium When Fred approaches you, complete the fight with the … After defeating four opponents, Coach Fred asks V to lose the final fight. This side quest tests the boxing capabilities of the player, as they are put in a ring trying to win a series of fights. He’ll mention setting up a final fight with Razor Hugh, who you may have seen on posters throughout Cyberpunk 2077. There will be a different side quest called ‘For My Son’ that will also happen in the same place as this quest. The location is provided in the map. His signature attack is a Superman Punch, so when you notice that he’s about to jump, quickly get out of the way. Learn how to unlock the Rancho Coronado Fight, notable items and rewards, how to beat Razor Hughes, choices & more. You just need to repeat this process a few times to win the fight. Follow the marker to the location in Arroyo. Read on to learn all the available choices in Beat on the Brat, how to get the best possible result, tips and strategies for the Quest, and all available rewards. Beat on the Brat: The Glen is a Side Job in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77). If you manage to defeat Buck, but you didn’t include the sniper rifle in the bet, you can still get it by killing him and his friends after the fight. Beat on the Brat Arroyo champion is one of the foes that the players will have to fight against. One of the side missions in Cyberpunk 2077 has you finding some twins. Cesar will bet his own car on this fight, so you’ll get a brand-new car for winning. Viktor recommends punching Hugh in the gut, this may help with staggering him. Only members on a membership plan can read and write comments. So even blocked punches will quickly chip away your health. How to do Cyberpunk 2077 Beat On The Brat Kabuki quest. Read on to learn all the available choices in Beat on the Brat: The Glen, how to beat El Cesar, tips and strategies for the Quest, and all available rewards. Talk … The first thing you need to do is to level up your defense stats and get the following skills: If you go in without doing leveling up properly or getting any of those skills, he can literally knock you out in two or three hits. Buck is a war vet with some cyber implants so he hits hard but is relatively slow. Beat on the Brat is just stupid ... (2 hits) and takes so long to beat these guys, the witcher 3 fight quests were more balanced than this, because you were at least able to block some hits and they didn't dash even when you punched them #15 < > Showing 1-15 of 82 comments Get to the fight. Head to the location marked on the map below. You can’t use any weapons or abilities; you have to make do with your fists. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. If you can consistently counter his attacks while landing some of your own, you’ll be able to beat him easily. To get to the fighting arena, you need to get to the rooftop. You can drop a weapon in the ring before the fight starts and then pick it up when it does. There are four that you’ll need to complete before reaching the final fight, with an optional one in Pacifica. This fight takes place in a small boxing ring in Pacifica. 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When fighting Razor, you should be aiming for his abdominal area at all times because that is his biggest weakness. Go over and speak to Buck, who is the champion for this area. Beat on the Brat is a Side Job in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77). If you dodge them, you’ll be able to land two or three punches in return. Go to the fight in Kabuki. Beat on the Brat starts as a pretty straightforward mission where all you have to do is beat foes but serves a dilemma in the end. Go to the fight area. This is a walkthrough for Beat on the Brat, a Side Quest in Cyberpunk 2077. This walkthrough will guide you through all steps of the Beat on the Brat: Kabuki Side Quest. An important thing to keep in mind is that you can parry their punches by blocking right before they land. Starting Location: Beat on the Brat: Arroyo. Each of the five parts will give you a unique opponent. It becomes available when V first meets Coach Fred in their apartment building. Before fighting Buck, buy the ‘Gorilla Arms’ Cyberware from the Ripperdoc, who can be found in the Jig-jig Street in Japan Town. Once you have the Gorilla Arms equipped, talk to Buck and place your bet. Head over to the marked location in Watson and go up to the roof of the building to find the twins. While doing that mission, if you kill everyone in the club (including Rhino), then you’ll be considered the winner without even having to fight Rhino. Area: Night City (all areas) Quest Giver: Coach Fred Requirement: Complete Main Job “The Rescue” Reward: €$3480 or €$6920 / 950 XP / Street Cred XP Mission Info: You’re gettin’ noticed, V. It’s possible to get Hugh stuck on the outside of the ring if you keep pushing him back behind either of the starting chairs. Here’s a walkthrough of Beat on the Brat: Pacifica in Cyberpunk 2077. Side Quests (Side Jobs) List - Locations & How To Unlock Check out this Razor Hugh boss fight guide for Cyberpunk 2077. Check out the side quest job walkthrough guide on Beat On The Brat: Rancho Coronado for Cyberpunk 2077. Cesar can do a lot of damage with his signature attack, but it’s really easy to dodge as you can see it coming from a mile away because of the animation. You can bet either 500 or 1000 Eddies on the fight. Rhino lives up to his name with his immense punching power, so you’ll have to do a bit of preparation before you get into the fight. However, Cesar will get super emotional after the fight and he’ll beg you to not take his car away from him. This makes it so you can attack with more damage as well as a stronger block. It’ll take place in the Arroyo area in the Santa Domingo district. The next fight will take place in the Rancho Coronado area in the Santo Domingo district. Buck, who is the champion of Kabuki: Certo and Esquerdo walkthrough guide! And stamina & more, Coach Fred asks V to lose the final fight, you ’ ve met another... 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