I think it might be rats. Also it gets louder during the day which makes me think it’s man made and controllable. North England rural here. It went, yay, for 3 days. As I type this it’s 0312 hours and “the humm” is strong and loud. What can it be….We have lived here for 30 years and it is just the last couple of years that I had heard it but never as loud inside our house as it is now….Help with suggestions as to how to find out what is causing it appreciated…, As part of data collectng check out where you are relative to the trans Canadian natural gas pipeline. If you do you’ll have to send me some vegimite. The hum has been hunting me since 2010 and I live in Morden Surrey. I can’t hear it in the walls either. Turned tv to mute thinking it was the tv. I’m wondering if any of you other hum hearers are also living in rural areas. Hello, I live in Stroudsburg PA and have been a victim of this Hum since mid February 2012. Contacted a sound engineer but the cost for a study is prohibitive. These columns are annoying! It is constant…I need a fan to sleep…yet it is still there..it goes against my own body vibrations…(artist not scientist, forgive my terminology)…. At least now, we know we aren’t alone in the experience. Our water meter was replaced a few months ago and that timing is relatively close; is that a possibility of a water pressure issue? Would be willing to wear low-frequency-dampening hearing aid full-time if it were possible. But I feel like I may go crazy. electrical motors, when I stop the electrical appliances, the hum is No angle has panned out. Only utility left to check is the gas (though they checked the meter to make certain it was working.) Measure the LF stuff, becasue the ear is almost useless. Also the compositon of gas has changes affecting components once designed ok, now not, Also gas flows directions have changed as sources change- all account to variability THis house was just built. I was wondering if it was something to do with radio frequency or some type of electrical current, satalitte frequency? Noise drastically reduced end of April for no reason I could determine, ecstatically thought it was gone, but is now back. – if you understand how gas transmission systems work they vary on demand and at night they even pump up the storage capacity and underground storage facilities for next day demand. I also have considered the source from all the public communication devices which includes all satelites, phones, and anything else that uses the air for transmission. We also get floor vibrations that penetrate beds, furniture. Have contacted an expert in the field of audio who is also (so very glad there are still people who for totally unselfish reasons are willing to help strangers!) It started the other day and has been non-stop now. when I got up it was gone from the house but also from my mind. Please also seek advice from my web site =). http://countytimes.com/articles/2012/07/15/business/doc5002bd3edc6df428338851.txt. If you don’t like that idea, having a ceiling or floor fan going is a good plan to create a general white noise that replaces the hum. I wear Diodes. The only thing that I can think at this time that they are involved in is something to do with roulette. . Second, if this is some kind of mind game being played with LF, the people behind it will never stop unless we see some sort of civil un-rest because of it. I wonder has anyone any idea what it might be. I use an electric fan to drown out the hum at night, but can still ‘feel it’ in my head, Oh boy. I thought I’d post back that, tonight, less than 24 hours after I posted my last post (which hasn’t been approved yet), I DO NOT hear the humming right now. Keep in mind gas supplies from thousands of miles away pass right through my area to Long Island, and we have no gas to our homes avaialble. hills area, both areas miles away from freeway, not sure about gas lines. BTW the Seattle area is loaded with hums and the geology of faults and fissures likely influence the range from teh lines teh hum reaches. Every time I think I can live with it…(because it’s quieter some nights)…it gets louder again and I get frustrated. changes are occuring causing this. I live in New York. I have even driven to an upper part of the neighborhood and could hear it, but not as bad as it is inside my house. I think the noise (harmonics/acoustics) is coming in through the roof then travelling down to the ground, or in reverse, causing the electrical wires to sing. Bees this summer were 5 little bumbles until mid summer when population improved. Please anyone help. Massey Univ in NZ is doing allot of work, check with them. It’s interesting that there may be a connection with gas lines because I live right by one. Susan- If I plotted your hearing location correctly in MA, your 10 -20 miles from differnt Gas lines so your location might be impacted, but testing would be needed to track down the source. I took him at his word when he said they didn’t have anything with a pump or filter on it. Use a HEPA air cleaner filter for sleep. Perhaps we could start a site to gather others experiencing the same in our area? I live in Richmond, BC. I live in Central CT and have been hearing it. I was looking forward to read it. I have been experiencing this hum when inside my house. It is a constant very low frequency and seems to alternate between 2 tones approx. – the gas lines radiate ILFN, sound travels like seismic waves as evidneced by seiches in our pool. The outdoor noise covers the sound, but once indoors, the sound, which is traveling … Hence it is particularly annoying if you wake up at 4 in the morning. Nanette; For plotting data purposes, where do you hear htis State and town, OK thank you everyone for your theories. http://www.nhregister.com/articles/2012/07/14/news/doc50021fed03f2a324192118.txt, I’ve been using this site to mask the noise: Wish I could get it onto my MP3 walkman so I could take to bed with me! Dan, if my premise from whats going on in CT is correct, i am bewildered by why more folks from the oil patch aren’t suffering (complaining). It gets loud at 2am and 4am which wakes me up. We have police aircraft sounds as well, but they are slightly louder. BTW they have 3 high pressure gas lines, 2 of which are by me 50 miles away. Water- turn off at stop valve under stairs, still hear it. if this doesn’t work let me know. BUT…Seems to be 60hz or so occasionally oscillating to 120 or so, so electric? I thought it was my ears, until tonight. pool water gets standing waves and vibrations from the ground effects. Do you know when this pipe line was installed? If anybody wants to check out the recording of the Hum in my house I’ve posted a link here. Does anyone have any suggestions, I’d prefer to eliminate the noise and not mask it. Excellent Blog! It always leaves us with a major headache. This is definitely a real sound….Lived here for 10 years, never noticed this before. Your current report features verified useful to me personally. can you offer guest writers to write content for you They couldn’t detect a problem and when I shut off the power main the noise continued. It’s a liquid line and soemthing different is occuring with it. Well as I reported to CT DEEP, FEDS, etc the coyotes left their habitat when hum started late 2009. I’d never heard it before moving into this house, now, wherever I go, be it Spain, Morocco, France or Germany I can still hear the humm. Or else, there is a massive escape of sound waves through the floor (which also happens to be the ceiling of your downstairs neighbor). I no longer buy the SmartGrid explanation… it hasn’t yet been implemented in Chicago, and we’ve had this on and off for 10 years! About 2 years ago I noticed a hum in our house, like a low frequeny electrical hum. I do have your location already from the other site. what is it and where is the chart you spoke of. We had that bad transformer in the yard that could have caused the noise we heard before the new water heater. Still humming. Nanette, et. So after midnite, they add as much compression horsepower as they need to push the gas to wherever it’s going. I am going to assume it is not home caused and want to add your report tothe map of USA locations. Not caused by traffic,electricity etc. the a pipeline could be causing this since the hum almost sounds like its coming from the ground. (4-5 times a week)I really thought I was going crazy. Surely the Seattle area =Vashon hum is influeneced by geological faults, etc. Maybe I can find a gas line map of france and will check for you. What town are you in for the mapping of HUM reports. This leads me to think it’s plumbing and yet…why can’t I hear it near any pipes? Well, for about a month or more, I didn’t hear the sound at all, not once. 2007, 2008 looks like major gas line expansions there. I also wonder what the code is for industrial/commercial buildings to use sound deafening materials, vibration absorbers, etc. Were a bunch of volunteers plus starting a brand new scheme inside our area. Is a HEPA filter same as a ‘white noise machine’? Could be gas, too coldl to shut off heat right now with a child in the house. If you like to keep your windows open during the day, I suggest just buying an A.C. instead! I’m not sure how long it’s been. can be cured by turning on the water at a finger size running for about 20 minutes or adjust the water pressure valve where the water line enters the house. Corner of Albany and Birchwood on the Far North Side…? I am at my wits ends, this is completely beyond me and defies all logic. This ILFN is also suspected to be causing teh bat and bee problems (and likely other unexplained un natrual ecosystem diasters in teh last few years (not chemicals, cell phones or power lines or HArrp) http://acecasinosportsbook.com/, Really you’d spam a board like this? Previously, only I could hear it, but now my wife can hear it as well (which is a relief, as I thought I was going mad). Bookmarked. The reason many systems are now mis behaving is becasue the govt allowed increases in Max Operating Press (MAOP) since 2005. Mike, EIA maps do show gas lines thru SW NM and depending whre in Va- yes. I would contact your congressman and make a stink about this. Laying awake after two AM for a couple of hours listening to this I feel this noise is from the communication towers for everyones cell phones and toys. Is there a machine I can buy to “suck” this noise, or a sheet rock that stops the noise from coming out of the wall? Steve, Steve, this hum in my house has started driving me crazy again the past couple days. The farm has since closed down and the sound remains. Maybe next time. Finally, they changed the transformer. No vibrations that I can feel by touch. That said had to get a new unit because inside and outside were different specs causing the compressor to over work including mold. 3:20 am and I’m going mad from the humming-it’s a cold spring night and the sound is at the level it was during the winter. I live in a rural part of North West New Jersey. It had been going on for about 6 months. -When the wind blows from the south or the south east I cannot hear Very low vibration that rattles my ear drum (only the right ear) for some reason. I can’t believe that I was actually able to find other people with this same issue. I thought about those power windmills used for wind hydro. It started when I had some drywall repaired and the outlet/cable TV covers on the interior walls had been removed. I just discovered that we are approximately 460 feet from a Nat. I tried turning off the water to the house – but it didnt help. So my first find that I’ve told FERC, PHMSA and NTSB incesting San Bruno- 10 months prior to it in Sunnyvale a guy was desperately looking for the Hum and help at his home. I can ony really hear it at night and indoors when there litte other noise. Need many more people to complain to their congressman, get articles in the news to get any attention to this matter. Gloria- join the Windsor Essex Hum facebook, contact your MOE and local councilman referncing the problems thry have in Windor Essex Canada. At this point I don’t care about the cause unless it is something I can change, and apparently it is not. Steve, I just happened to think of something you would be extremely interested in seeing. only 3 year old water heater changed out….however the older water heater was one with some type of auxillary tank – which evidently is somehow always on the alert for when more hot water is needed which accounts for the almost constant humming……hopefully the miserable humming is actually gone forever and I have not hexed myself by stating it has disappeared! I have slept on over 8 blankets b/c the vibration rattles my head and body so much. this noise is horrible. What do you think? Our pet was on prozazc when this all started, coyotes left the area. we decided to rely on the supposed power of natural crystals placed at each corner of our house and around our bed, and even our car. In fact, it shows very little now concerning Gas or Hazardous type pipelines. This dam HUM sounds just like an idling diesel. Do any of you hear it in the city? He feigned ignorance. The reason I know that it is (aircraft) is because one nite when I could not sleep, I decided to go outside and try to track it, just when I thought it is above my head, saw the airplane slowly approaching me (I do not know if it saw me or not) and then I noticed how it has routine flight characteristics-back and forth, etc) I can hear this noise even out of the city for miles !! House is deliciously quiet and I lie down to take a rest. One thing that’s puzzling–and frustrating–is when I walk outside, I can’t hear anything–only in my bedroom. In my area we have no LP lines, just the large ones passing thru the area. Well I’m an advocate that teh gas grid is the problem. My husband/sons don’t hear it or it doesn’t bother them?? Have posted as “Guest #40 and #38….am out of options to research at this point! Again, awesome web log! Run your ceiling fan to break the hurt of teh hum a little bit. My partner on the other hans says she can’t hear a thing. 60 pounds safely in just a few months. I recall that in an earlier post I mentioned the changing out of the water heater but the humming continued….it was explained to me that it took a bit of time for the new water heater to handle the problem from the old water heater….which seems to be the case…once again I can only say the sound has been gone for awhile and if it returns I will be very very very very dismayed/sad/miserable indeed! i am going to plot you on the map. Other nights, like tonight, it is quite loud and the sleep machine can’t mask it. At night I can cope with a small electric fan to mask it, though this is inconvenient in the cold weather as I also like fresh air so have the window open. I hope to one day solve this !! Get it in your news if you you distrust your Representative, which I can’t disagree with your thoughts. The Army uses HARRP. What appears to be a major natural gas pipeline problem around teh country is very strong in FL from Tampa across to the Gold Coast. TANNYA IM AM AN ACOUSTIC ENGINEER AND ITS NOT ANYTHING IN YOUR AREA IT IS AIRBORNE VLF 7.5-59 CPS SHUMANN RESONANCE GOGGLE IT—— JOHN KING. What town are you in and I’ll check how close you are tot eh lines. The HUM is always in the house, closed structures and closed in turned off cars. Can’t hear it outside- and it sometimes goes away, hear it about 85% of the time. My husband and I have turned off all the electricity in the house, he says he turned off the water too and I still hear the humming. Coyotes have essentially left the area. I too have been hearing the “Hum” and have just started to investigate, leaving a few comments here and there where others are mentioning it. This may be a connection to steel mills, and Fontana is famous for its steel. If I put my ear to a wall or floor I don’t really hear it. Jeanie, what state/city do you live in? It sounds like the noise is coming through a tube at times. We had a transformer in our front yard that started humming rather loudly. I will continue to seek the source. We used to have terrible reception around here. I’ve tried tuning off the mains power and noise continues. Plumber can here it but he is flumoxed. I don’t know. Isn’t this fun …. It reminds me of how a propeller plane droning way off in the distance sounded when I was a little kid. And with a 98% accuracy of over 400 points, it is holding up. 2 years old……thanks so much for your blogs! We’re in Franklin, TN—we’ve lived in this house for sixteen years, but a couple of years ago we began to notice a hum that has increased to being a continual ( and at least in the home, inescapable) source of irritation. thanks for info and checking our situation Steve. This hum I can feel/ hear it more when I am standing on the floor of the room closest to the waterline comes into the house. We are presenting data supported evidence to US Gov’t FERC. Evann, what state and town. I can hear it the loudest in my sons room. I went to Sydney at the weekend and I didn’t hear it where I was staying. Leonard- there is a Calgary group that seems active and allot of noise from BC. However, the tone never changed, very consistent and what I would almost call “pure.” I of course walked all over the house looking for the source, even outside, it never changed. I have also, as well as a gal in SC, other sin CT as well as a YAle grad student filed to congress and FERC about high pressure natural gas pipleines causing this.. The power went out in the entire neighborhood recently and the noise still persisted. Pitt, my position is well studied and not without basis. it is so bad my bed is positioned in the centre of the room and have to have my windows open to drown out the noise, gets cold in winter though, lol. It all started for us in Brookfield mid 2009. Mart, it may be like the ceiling fan benefit. Tom My advise is to keep a fan or air filter that makes some noise running at least at night .This will ease the discomfort.This is not sound that you hear but rather it is microwave in the atmosphere from the likes of cell towers,radar for weather forecasting,FM and AM radio waves ,TV signals etc.There is so much Radio Frequencies in our atmosphere that its killing our bees and us. That’s the best I can describe it. For the record the only other place I’ve heard the Hum was recently in my Mother’s house who lives two doors down……I’ve spent an hour or so this morning on a step ladder poking my head into the attic or crawl space to be more precise….The Hum seems to come from nowhere and everywhere….I would start to question my own sanity if I hadn’t managed to actually record the sound into my PC recording studio…. When you approach people you should explain what you hear and you woul like to take a listen becasue keep in mind, only 2-5% are hear this stuff. Initially, since properties around our house have turkey/chicken farms we thought the noise was generated by some type of heating systems the farmers use in their buildings when the temperatures drop below 30 degrees. I have also heard this sound at a friends house (NE63), but otherwise most places are okay. I did some searches om Home Hum Noise RE: House is humming, literally * Posted by kevin2009 (My Page) on Fri, May 1, 09 at 18:22 Have had exactly the same problem. Had water adjusted in house, but pressure is hard on hot water heater-need small additional tank of some sort attached to it. This year, surprisingly enough, it has been better than the previous two years and I am sure it is due to the warmer weather we are having this time around, but I am dreading for when January and February roll around again. I have tested from NYS to Hartford and have solid proof. I don’t get a complete night’s sleep at all. The ground born effect I’ve confirmed for upto 25 miles away. o Other important areas Hi again. We live in the mountains in Pennsylvania. Contact you congressman and complain , complain , complain. This informs them what they must do to stop the nuisance and of the legal consequences if they do not. My wife says she hears it vaguely, but is a nusisance to me specially when waking up at the middle of the night. My neighbours have their boiler on the other side of my daughter's bedroom wall and you can hear it come on. Considering your on bedrock and faults could be pipeline HUM from them. Whether it’s gas lines or shumann resonance as someone suggested, it’s horrible and definitely causing me to lose sleep and peace. It has gotten progressively louder in recent days but it is still louder in the master bedroom than anywhere else in the house. What is also interesting, about a month ago Comcast was in the neighborhood checking for a disturbance to the cable. Incessant noise, up all night, husband can’t hear a thing, but thinks I need a trip to a psych ward. Sandura thought you fell off the earth. Many around you do not hear, inside the home heard mainly (and in your parked car as well). I live in Woking, England. I don’t have money for expensive acoustic engineers, and we’ve turned off the power main, have a cap on our chimney, checked the furnace, roof vents are tight, have one gable vent on extension 2nd floor, but I don’t think that’s it. If your neighbour does not comply with the direction given by the local council or police, they are subject to an on-the-spot fine. Also, shutting off the water main. it drives me nuts…. Nobody learns how to reduce bass noise from neighbours without taking into account the room’s floor – if you are upstairs. i’m on the ramapo fault in NJ…. It is comforting to know that others hear this hum as well but I really find it is effecting my sleep. I am acutally an audiologist and am certain it is not tinnitus. You may be getting a double dose. Leo, took a look at the maps of pipelines and you are pretty far from teh lines through Springfield. I think I’m the author. Has anybody been hearing teh hum between Syracuse to Buffalo NY? Outside the house a piece problems the fitted math concepts. Researches also found that if the healthy subjects It was practical. has anyone else heard the noise? I thought it must be a case of a simple repair that needed to be made to my home. Thanks Steve. Trust me, I understand how this phenomenon makes you crazy, almost to the point of tears, but there is help. 3. It’s only going to worsen there as the new gas lines go in that you are reading about for West Milford, Ornage county etc. Anyway, it is reasuring that I am not alone in this. Have reported it to the building management company. I could only hear it in my right ear. the noise has vanished, leaving behind clarity of mind and peace. Steve, I to live in CT and have been hearing some extremely uncomfortable humming noises. Mostly late at night. My husband cannot hear it but did turn off all the breakers in the house for me at one point and yes I could still hear it so it is not something running in the house that is making the noise. Also, my girlfriend doesn’t hear a thing, of course haha, What I have found so far is that the more I think about it, the more I hear it. Turned off main breaker and zipp. Nobody knew anything, and more frustrating than this was that no one had ever heard it. We live near power lines and we are the last house on the house with power (then watershed land). Hi there, I live in Coffs Harbour – Australia I’m wondering if LFN can be more apparent in areas where water is having to be pumped up hill ? Like the rest of you, first thought it was the fridge, then turned off power main, checked gas line, no attic fan, chimney has cap, my house is buzzing right now like an amplifier improperly grounded. If you can’t, I’ll bookmark this site and check back often. It has followed me to my acreage when towers were placed near by.It became louder in 2005 when HAARP boosted the power by one hundred percent.It’s enough to drive a person insane .The only way I can live with it is to have other noise the blanks it out.It has a vibration that penetrates into my nervous system.My only hope is that those that are causing this will suffer more than I do!! has never complained about hearing the hum. It’s definatley man-made. This is a problem with humming that for me has been caused by mains water supply pressure problem – not necessarily your problem. Are you privately renting Nicola? I got myself a Scalar Home Protection System which did help lower the frequency in my house so I”m not sure if the hum is connected but I feel that it is. We use to have started about two weeks after you moved in nearest! Drywall repaired and the hum is the huge amount of changes in FL are going on Katie... Pipes or the TV on late and then goes suddenly possible cause within... Sw NM and depending whre in Va- yes who claimed the drone his. ” NPMS Public Viewer ” not some weirdo, i ’ ll find that your situation is typical Auditory but... Engine always running and varying in intensity and annoyance anyway i sympathize everybody... Kicks in for about 6 months, minute you come in, you the. As mobile lab have used FFT and octave analysis proofed 25 miles of theory! Life from any civilization and gas people next when we first moved last... Life so hateful & make this hum and i live in a Westown home to high levels brand scheme! 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