Please select a search option below. To establish your secure internet account, use your Internet PIN and log on to the SoonerCare provider portal, where you can view claim status inquiries, claim summaries, and prior authorization inquiries as described in the Provider Billing and Procedure Manual. Recommended Audience:Billing staff who submit 1500 professional claims. In Oklahoma, an OHCA provider enrollment contracts representative will conduct these visits for providers that are not already screened by another state or federal agency. Primary Care Provider Directory Oklahoma Health Care Authority's provider directories are for reference purposes only. Providers, Billing Agents and Clerks who have previously registered (activated) their account have access to the secure areas of the SoonerCare Provider Portal. Recommended Audience:Billing staff who submit UB-04 Institutional claims. The Oklahoma Health Care Authority collects the personally identifiable data submitted and received in regard to applications for services, renewals, appeals, provision of health care and processing of claims. Attendees will learn more about the policy and procedures of submitting Medicaid primary, Medicaid secondary, HMO co-pay and Medicare crossover claims. In Oklahoma, an OHCA provider enrollment contracts representative will conduct these visits for providers that are not already screened by another state or federal agency. Last Name: First Name: Facility: Specialty: select. All downloadable PDFs are no longer available. The SoonerCare Provider Portal – Medicaid on the Web training will not be a part of this webinar. Please use the new Provider Directory to search for contracted providers. Please register for the December 3, 2020 webinar offered from 2:00-3:00 p.m. OHCA Provider Services Provider Services Mission Statement. Find out if you approve for SoonerCare and enroll, from the comfort of your home. Oklahoma Health Care Authority Website. On-site screening visits may be conducted without prior notification or by appointment. The assessment may … OHCA has opened coverage for the following Covid-19 monoclonal antibodies and administration when used in accordance with the emergency use authorization from the FDA. select. Register to attend the 1500 Claim Submission webinar on Jan. 14 at 2 p.m. at the link below. Call toll free (800) 522-0114, option 5 for Provider Contracts. This website is not compatible with Internet Explorer. If you navigate away from this page, you will lose unsaved data. We are offering two training webinars on Dec. 29 about this new process and how to submit HCA-17 claims. As a SoonerCare member, or as the member’s personal representative, you may opt out of having medical information shared by the HIE at your primary care provider’s office or at the hospital providing care. 2. This site gives you the opportunity to maintain provider information, access claim and prior authorization related functions, and receive messages from the OHCA that apply specifically to you. SoonerCare Provider Enrollment Welcome to the online SoonerCare Provider enrollment application. Forgot User ID * Indicates a required field. Please allow a minimum of 48 hours for completion. is one of the most effective ways to apply for SoonerCare with real time results and date specific eligibility. SoonerCare Provider Contracts - HCP Provider Portal > Home. What is the OHCA Member Portal?As an OHCA member, you have access to the online OHCA Member Portal where you can: 1. create a personal profile to get OHCA member benefits, 2. view CEUs all in one place, 3. register for OHCA-hosted educational events, 4. update contact information, 5. pay invoices, 6. view committee information and materials, 7. and much more.How do I log in to the OHCA Member Portal?You likely already have an account set up! Health Details: SoonerCare Provider Contracts. It would not be appropriate to bill for both these services on the same date of service, unbundle these tests and bill each test separately, or to bill either of these codes and additionally bill any component separately. Home Contact Us | Login. We are offering two training webinars on Dec. 29 about this new process and how to … Oklahoma Health Care Authority Pharmacy. Electronic Health Record Incentive Program, SoonerCare Out-of-State Services Rule Changes, Addendum to Hospital Contracts for Psych & Rehab Units, Office of Inspector General Exclusion List. The Oklahoma Health Care Authority's secure portal is intended for providers, clerks and billing agents. The MHSAS Customer Enrollment application can only be accessed from the SoonerCare Provider Portal. OHCA is offering the Introduction to Oklahoma SoonerCare class via webinar instead of our regular on-site training in Oklahoma City and Tulsa. Meet financial income and resources standards in certain categories. We are working on it … Oklahoma Health Care Authority - Official Site provide health and medical policy information to Medicaid consumers and providers, administer SoonerCare and other health related programs. Soonercare log in - OHCA Member Portal Training – Portal Information – Manage Staff. Note: If you have not created your personalized site key token, you will be asked to do so before you sign into the SoonerCare Portal. The Notification of Date of Service application can only be accessed from the SoonerCare Provider Portal. This class will provide an in-depth look at the 1500 professional claims submission on the secure provider portal. Please make sure your email address(es), phone number(s) and location are up to date, so you can receive all pertinent OHCA communications. Friday 01/01/2021 02:49 PM CST . select. If you are an OHCA business partner and would like to be added to this page, please … OHCA is still without power at this time. We will discuss and demonstrate the process of completing a … OHCA has opened coverage for the following Covid-19 vaccines and administration when used in accordance with the emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA: 91300 - Pfizer BioNtech Covid-19 vaccine (effective date 12/11/2020)001A - Pfizer BioNtech Covid-19 vaccine administration - first dose0002A - Pfizer BioNtech Covid-19 vaccine administration - second dose, 91301 - Moderna Covid-19 vaccine (effective date 12/18/2020)0011A - Moderna Covid-19 vaccine administration - first dose0012A - Moderna Covid-19 vaccine administration - second dose. PROVIDER SEARCH Please select your plan. In order to complete an online application, you must first create a user account. Oklahoma City, OK 73105 concerning resources of a uniform disability information web portal. select. Your personalized site key token helps you identify that you are at the valid SoonerCare Portal site. Provider resources for Missouri Community Plan products including prior authorization information, provider manuals, forms, recent news and more. 1 Nov 2016 – Outlining the Electronic and SoonerCare Provider Portal PA submission changes (effective November 1, 2016). Forms Attention: The HCA-17 form will be removed and no longer effective on Jan. 1, 2021. The completed caries risk assessment form should be uploaded via the SoonerCare provider portal for authorization. PROVIDER SEARCH Please select your plan. Federal laws require some providers to have on-site screening visits to ensure program integrity as stated in 42 CFR Part 455. The Oklahoma Health Care Authority's secure portal is intended for providers, clerks and billing agents. Click here to access the member portal. Click here to view proper procedures when visiting the Oklahoma Health Care Authority. OHCA implemented a new electronic process for these claims which are now submitted through the provider portal. OHCA Provider portal page - find information relevant to your provider specialty, updates, billing tools, fee schedules, and much more. But, since information changes frequently, the most recent changes may not be shown in this directory. Provider Secure Site PIN Reset. OHCA’s SoonerCare Provider Directory is a listing of all contracted providers. Last Name: First Name: Facility: Specialty: select. Federal laws require some providers to have on-site screening visits to ensure program integrity as stated in 42 CFR Part 455. OHCA is presenting a webinar titled "UB-04 Claim Submission" on Tuesday, Jan. 26 at 10 a.m. When providers are performing medically necessary polymerase chain reaction (PCR), laboratory testing for combinations of COVID-19 and Influenza A&B, or combinations of COVID-19, Influenza A&B and RSV, these are the appropriate codes to bill. If you have any questions, please call the OHCA provider helpline at 800-522-0114. OHCA Provider portal page - find information relevant to your provider specialty, updates, billing tools, fee schedules, and much more. Due to the outage, the phone lines, member and provider portals and member application are also down. These forms must be saved and emailed to the SoonerCare internet help desk. • Submitting prior authorizations on the portal to include modifiers (AS, 51, 82, … Oklahoma’s Medicaid Agency. Due to the risk for anaphylaxis, treatment should only be administered in settings where health care providers have immediate access to medications to treat a severe infusion reaction and the ability to activate the emergency medical system as needed. What can you do in the Soonercare Provider Portal. Please allow a minimum of 48 hours for completion. Attendees will learn more about the policy and procedures of submitting Medicaid primary, Medicaid secondary, HMO co-pay and Medicare crossover claims. Providers Subject to On-Site Screening Visits. Please remember that all SoonerCare-contracted providers are responsible for keeping their provider file current. Please log on to the SoonerCare Provider Portal to continue. Provider Enrollment SoonerCare Provider Enrollment by Type Find out if you approve for SoonerCare and enroll, from the comfort of your home. 1 Nov 2016 – Outlining the Electronic and SoonerCare Provider Portal PA submission changes (effective November 1, 2016). Monoclonal antibody infusion is reimbursable when provided in a hospital outpatient department or physician's office experienced in infusion services. Our vision is for Oklahomans be healthy and to have access to quality health care services regardless of their ability to pay. is SoonerCare’s online enrollment portal-making health care just a click away. is SoonerCare’s online enrollment portal-making health care just a click away. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., and 1 – 5 p.m. Wed.) Please remember that all SoonerCare-contracted providers are responsible for keeping their provider file current. HCP Provider Portal. Reside in Oklahoma; 2. Did you know that you can change your SoonerCare provider, also known as your Medical Home, online? Providers Subject to On-Site Screening Visits. Thanks for visiting the HealthChoice member and provider self-service portal – your online source for claims and benefit information, plus so much more! As part of the federally mandated Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) process, all Medicaid certified nursing facilities must fill out the online form LTC-300A on the Provider Portal for all applicants that apply to reside in the facility regardless of pay source. Please log on to the SoonerCare Provider Portal to continue. Oklahoma SoonerCare Webinar. Provider Portal Access Form; Electronic Claims Submission. Visit to find your nearest county health department. Required: Starting Location: Enter a street address or city or zip code from where you will start your drive to the provider by choosing one of the corresponding Google generates locations.The travel distance to each provider will be provided. Providers that need multiple provider PIN Resets for the OHCA Secure Site must complete the form listed below. Your site key token displays. The new application will allow you to search by plan, provider name, facility, specialty, state and city. Email us Oklahoma SoonerCare Webinar. Provider Contracts: ATTENTION: If you have questions: Call toll free (800) 522-0114, option 5 for Provider Contracts (Hours: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Q0239 - Injection, bamlanivimab, 700 mg (Eli Lilly) (effective date 11/09/2020)M0239 - Intravenous infusion, bamlanivimab-includes infusion and post administrative monitoring (Eli Lilly) (effective date 11/09/2020)Q0243 - Injection, casirivimab and imdevimab, 2400 mg (Regeneron) (effective date 11/20/2020)M0243 - Intravenous infusion, casirivimab and imdevimab includes infusion and post administrative monitoring (Regeneron) (effective date 11/20/2020)If you have any questions, please call the OHCA provider helpline at 800-522-0114. The Oklahoma Health Care Authority collects the personally identifiable data submitted and received in regard to applications for services, renewals, appeals, provision of health care and processing of claims. ... which means the member application, provider application and provider portals are currently down. Effective Dec. 1, OHCA will open coverage for COVID-19 related lab services CPT 87636 and 87637 (see code descriptions below). (See the General Agreement and Special Provisions per specialty.) Every effort is made to ensure that we provide current, accurate provider information. PASRR Determinations. OHCA Member Portal Training – Portal Information – Create an Individual Login Account. OHCA implemented a new electronic process for these claims which are now submitted through the provider portal. … information, access claim and prior authorization related functions, and receive messages from the OHCA that apply specifically to you. General coding for services will not be addressed in this presentation. OHCA has received a variety of information from our business partner members, who are working to provide thoughtful services and resources to OHCA provider members as they work to deal with the COVID-19 crisis.. Review these resources below and please contact OHCA at [email protected] with any questions. Plans supported include UnitedHealthcare Community Plan - MO HealthNet Managed Care and Care Improvement Plus Dual Advantage®, and UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete®. English (US) 87637 - Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA); severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]), influenza type A and B, and respiratory syncytial virus, multiplex amplified probe technique. General coding for services will not be addressed in this presentation. Federal laws require some providers to have on-site screening visits to ensure program integrity as stated in 42 CFR Part 455. This site gives you the opportunity to maintain provider information, access claim and prior authorization related functions, and receive messages from the OHCA that apply specifically to you. Providers that need multiple provider PIN Resets for the OHCA Secure Site must complete the form listed below. OHCA Provider Services Provider Services Mission Statement. If you are experiencing difficulties, please try a different Internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari). The Oklahoma Health Care Authority collects the personally identifiable data submitted and received in regard to applications for services, renewals, appeals, provision of health care and processing of claims. Our offices are closed until further notice. 861 likes. If you are signing on to the New SoonerCare provider portal for the first time with your existing ID you should be presented with the opportunity to enter your password. TEFRA Member Enrollments Oct-Dec 2015 Jan-Mar 2016 SoonerCare Choice 76 74 Total Current Enrollees 606 611 B. OHCA may share this personally identifiable data with its authorized business associates, government agencies with jurisdiction over the OHCA, or as otherwise required or permitted by applicable law. The caries risk code submitted for payment must reflect the findings on the completed form. What can you do in the Soonercare Provider Portal. Upon arrival, the OHCA representative will ask the provider questions, review various aspects of the provider's business and view the facility. • Submitting prior authorizations on the portal to include modifiers (AS, 51, 82, … Oklahoma’s Medicaid Agency. If you are presented with a challenge question before you have the opportunity to enter your password, verify you entered your ID … select. Our vision is for Oklahomans be healthy and to have access to quality health care services regardless of their ability to pay. Username Password Submit Forgot your username or password?. As OHCA continues the “Going Green” initiative, if a claim requires special processing, utilizing the HCA-17, this action can now be completed and submitted on the SoonerCare provider portal. Crews are still working to restore the phone lines … These forms must be saved and emailed to the SoonerCare internet help desk. SoonerCare. Provider Portal Access Form; Electronic Claims Submission. OHCA Provider Services Unit is committed to professional and efficient service while maintaining a strong provider base through recruitment, retention and advocacy for the SoonerCare provider community. Provider Secure Site PIN Reset. Oklahoma Health Care Authority. 87636 - Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA); severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (coronavirus disease [COVID-19]), influenza type A and B, multiplex amplified probe technique. City and Tulsa schedules, and much more your browser windows, https: // 5 for provider Contracts p.m.... 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