L'abbiamo sentito decine di volte il voodoobilly di Cramp Stomp sui loro Interiors sordid werewolf register doesnt frighten anymore but its still magnificent, and Rorschachs stumbling riffs always seem to rhyme with hell. adibito a orgia tenebrosa selvaggia e perversa. Lo stile originalissimo del gruppo mescolava elementi presi dal punk rock con chiare influenze rockabilly e dette un decisivo impulso alla nascita del genere cosiddetto psychobilly. The Cramps were an American punk rock band formed in 1976 and active until 2009. Persa la sezione ritmica, ma non la verve eretica, Artist: The Crampss Song: Sunglasses After Dark Album: Songs The Lord Taught Us / [Intro] (Feedback and random trills 0:00 to 0:20) (Guitar and drums enter at 0:21) N.C. e|----- I still like the idea of playing for the pure euphoria. Their first album, Songs the Lord Taught us (Illegal, 1980), is one of the masterpieces of the New Wave: Interiors hiccuping, sepulchral, lycanthropic shaman-guru voice, wrapped in layers of echo, the surly rockabilly figures of Ivy, grotesque guitar anti-virtuoso, the crazed 6-string distortion of Gregory, heir apparent to the satanic perversion of the Stooges, and the occult and tribal primitivism of Nick Knoxs drumming, evocative of the most sinister jungle rites, along with an all-pervading air of amateurism (by their own admission they couldnt play) are the ingredients of their shameless epilepsy, which sounds to have been torn from atrocious suffering and obsessive neurosis. ha mai imparato a modulare la melodia, la chitarra non e` mai progredita al "danse macabre" che e` I Was A Teenage Werewolf Excellent article, ty! No abusive ads There's something about a gal playing a sexy Gretsch guitar that makes a many a little weak in the knees. They have stayed faithful to their cliches, ignoring the rise and fall of techno, grunge and britpop: in a hundred years, they will seem like classics. Dal caleidoscopio esoterico emergono, per overdose di ferocia e di black humour, rarità. “I think what passes for rock ‘n’ roll isn’t, and it’s alarming how many people respond to mechanical kinda dance music that’s not very sensuous or human-sounding.” As long as she played, she helped keep the real stuff alive. Live is instant, and there’s a visual impact. sul successivo Psychedelic Jungle (IRS, 1981) Il boogie maestoso e frastornante di Can Your Pussy Do The Dog Great article, really enjoyed it The fan listens with horror and lust to Ivys clamourous guitar psycho-thrash and Interiors macabre rockabilly hiccuping emerging from the grooves of Two Headed Sex Change and Eyeball In My Martini, among images worthy of Bela Lugosi. 390. E forse l'aspetto piu` duraturo della loro arte e` proprio quello porno, le l'imitazione di un'auto, che si ubriaca, che si spoglia, che si butta sul (come soltanto loro lo sanno ricostruire) di Hypno Sex Ray e dei due minuti Sep 3, 2011 - Just a blog about the things i love, all things kitsch! The Cramps covered The Crusher, Do the Clam, Blues Blues Blues, Strange Love and other songs. Peace. 18. They played a strange new form of rock n’ roll that they dubbed “psychobilly,” a blend of harsh garage rock and punk heavily influenced by Lux and Ivy’s favored sounds of Fifties rockabilly, doowop, and “wicked instrumentals.”. fra immagini degne di Bela Lugosi. e quadriglie sadomaso (Saddle Up A Buzz Buzz), con due grandiose maniacali di Gregory, erede della perversione satanica degli Stooges, il Il canto singhiozzante, catacombale e licantropo In 1985 she acquired a 1958 Gibson 6120 hollow-body and fell in love with the sound of the massive, heavy instrument, which became one of … un altro po' nei meandri delle fantasie erotiche post-puberali. e apre una fase completamente nuova della loro carriera: e` una sorta di drive-in, ore piccole in balera, sesso nel sedile posteriore) sta TV Set, in cui il canto androide e psicotico e` incalzato da un tribalismo “I think some guitarists get into an ego thing where they want to perform in some technical way, which even if you can it’s not always the best thing to choose to do. You'll also find some vintage and retro things as well. Il primo album, Songs The Lord Taught Us (Illegal, 1980), e` uno dei grandi da collegiali affamati di storie piccanti. Il registro sordido e licantropo di Interior non fara` piu` paura, ma e` THIS IS WHAT’S COOL! That stands for rock n’ roll, which is supposed to be violent and dangerous and have this dangerous sound…No matter how long I’ve been doing this, I hear something new when I listen to him. (aggiungendo un basso alla line-up) a favore di atmosfere piu` pacate e morbose, Human Fly tab by The Cramps. I Cramps, come tutti i classici, sono ormai citazioni di se stessi. loro limiti. l'indiavolato country di palude Cornfeld Dames, (MOSTLY) NEW YORK PUNKS IN THEIR HOMES THEN AND NOW! “Tear It Up” – The Cramps live in L.A., 1980: But, despite her position as one of the finest guitarists in rock and roll and the co-founder of perhaps the most fascinating cult band of the 20th century, she was rarely asked questions about music, which was her job, her passion and her life. la parodia alla Kinks di People Ain't No Good, Never comment on these kinda things, but had to mention it’s a gretsch. Well forgive them the coarse Like A Bad Girl Should and Devil Behind That Bush in exchange for the two minutes of swinging rockabilly (the way only they know how to reconstruct it) of Hypno Sex Ray and the two minutes of rock and roll acrobacy of Haulass Hyena. I Cramps sembrano percorrere un cammino inverso a quello di tante bande primordiale che li trasforma in reperti macabri e spigolosi di istinti bradi Get It All Instant and unlimited access to all of our sheet music, video lessons, and more with G-PASS! She was the queen, the high priestess, rock ‘n’ roll incarnate, a consummate symbol of dangerous music in her garter belts and vinyl mules, her hennaed curls crowned with a prom-queen tiara ( “No queen of rock n’ roll should be caught dead without a crown,”) jerking the fretboard of her massive Gretsch toward the audience like the barrel of a gun. Il loro effettismo dell'alienazione si compenetra nella societa` consumista, di acrobazie rock and roll di Haulass Hyena. One accurate tab per song. psycho-thrash di Ivy e il macabro singhiozzo rockabilly di Lux dilagare nei E abbiamo ascoltato It used to be vinyl and now it’s a CD, but it’s still amazing that this little thing reproduces a universe of sound. Their continued homage to Saturday night civilisation (horror movies at the drive-in, the small hours in the dancehall, sex on the back seat) is becoming a rock institution as though it were a subculture museum, an adulterated version of Dr. Caligaris laboratory and Todd Brownings freakshow. The band was disbanded following Lux Interior's death in 2009. Add new tab Related for Cramps. "inferno". Dopo una pausa dovuta a beghe legali, nel 1983 la banda e` di nuovo sulla scena, I suppose if Ivy hadn’t been so incredibly sexy, they would have asked more about her playing….and boy could she, but it’s hard to get past her on stage personna of sexiest woman alive! So, making one is a very sacred event.”, “… when we record, we remind each other to play things like it was the first time you’ve ever played it because the worst thing that can happen would be that you get on auto pilot and you aren’t putting all your thought and emotion into it, or really feeling it.”, “My most identifiable influences would be Link Wray and Duane Eddy…the simplicity of it…the stark chords of Link Wray and the stark single-note thing of Duane Eddy.”. Saved by Richard Trigg. Not only was she the lead guitarist and occasional bassist, she also produced the majority of the band’s thirteen studio albums and co-wrote all of the band’s original songs. La loro musica e pero` anche una grande, pantagruelica ode alla civilta` del condensando le sue insensatezze armoniche nell'Alligator Stomp. Your wealth of stories have gotten me through a lot of hard times. The Cramps Space Ghost Rock N Roll Music Rock And Roll Photo Rock Rock Y Metal Women Of Rock Guitar Girl New Wave. (cadenza da balera ed eco insistita sulla voce di Interior), precipitando in (aggiungendo al catalogo delle cover perverse almeno Completa la tua Collezione su The Cramps. Soltanto la lascivia recidiva impedisce loro di aspirare alle classifiche di Most interviewers spoke directly to her civil partner, Cramps front man Lux Interior, and largely ignored Poison Ivy, whose guitar work on her famous hollow-body Gretsch was the backbone of the Cramps sound. The Cramps / Guitar Wolf / Demolition Doll Rods : 9:30 Club: Washington, D.C. Nov 09, 1997 The Cramps / Demolition Doll Rods / Guitar Wolf: The Buckhead Theatre: Atlanta, GA: Nov 05, 1997 The Cramps / Demolition Doll Rods / Guitar Wolf: Liberty Lunch: Austin, TX: Nov 01, 1997 The Cramps / Guitar Wolf : SOMA: San Diego, CA: Oct 31, 1997 Jun 12, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Mannie Zerafa. sceneggiate all'antica (Mama Oo Pow Wow e Muleskinner Blues) “What’s Inside A Girl” – A Poison Ivy Tribute – The Cramps: The Cramps had a long succession of drummers, bassists, and second guitarists, but Lux and Ivy always remained at the helm, the Morticia and Gomez of punk, the reigning monarchs of all things debauched and scary, carrying the banner of rock high when younger bands failed to channel its energy. The Cramps era un gruppo psychobilly statunitense formatosi nel 1975.. spellarsi le mani con i tamburi. e l'epopea oscena di Hot Pearl Snatch) dilaga una vena irriverente As they cruise through Satan Baby Satan, junk, dei rifiuti, del riciclaggio. falliscono nel giustificare la loro prolungata esistenza. The site covers music, art, culture, fashion, poetry and movies – from the 60s through today. One accurate version. Passano quattro anni prima che esca un nuovo album dei Cramps, ma chi pensava Deprived of his demonic catalysm, but with Kid Congo Powers (ex-Gun Club and Ivys partner) on second guitar, on Psychedelic Jungle (IRS, 1981), their next record, the Cramps kicked back on tracks like Voodoo Idol, which approaches the sinister sound of swamp-rock, the jangling blues of Can't Find My Mind, and in two more breakneck vampiric revisitations: Goo Goo Muck and The Crusher. I Cramps nacquero nel 1975 dal connubio fra un cantante psicotico come sketch di music hall. Ivy’s distinctive playing was the backbone of the Cramps psychobilly sound. I would just point out that there was a tiny error as to the brand of signature guitar she used. "Lux Interior" (alias Eric Purkhiser) e una chitarrista spavalda come "Poison (il rockabilly) di fabbrica: Mefistofele ha rubato l'anima a due ragazzi di provincia ed ora Later on in life at a show in Miami I waited all night just to see them come out the door to hear them through the walls I was too young to get in but I was going to fucking meet them. una metropoli popolata da impiegati "zombie" (Zombie Dance) e da Dopefiend Boogie, they fail to justify their prolonged existence. Siano cover di classici dei '50 o siano composte dal duo Interior/Ivy, A big part of my life (as well as my kids). Offstage she was soft spoken, witty and thoughtful, but always ready to launch into the sex-goddess “Bikini Girls with Machine Guns” mode that she portrayed in so many Cramps promo videos. E i riff stentorei di Rorschach sembrano sempre far rima con The Cramps were born in 1975 from the union of a singing psycho, Lux Interior (alias Eric Purkhiser) and a gutsy girl guitarist, Poison Ivy Rorshach (alias Kristy Wallace, ex porno actress), he from Akron, Ohio and she from Sacramento, California, who hooked up with hobbyist blue-collar guitarist Bryan Gregory in Detroit and decided to start a band with no bassist and with an eclectic percussionist, willing to smash his bare hands to a pulp on the drums when necessary. Lou Reed-iana New Kind of Kick. What may seem amazing when you were there might not come across sonically if you hear the recording later. The band was disbanded following Lux Interior's death in 2009. indulge nello stesso comico "porn-rock" che ha preso il posto delle parodie colpito l'uomo moderno. Il loro motto non e` "sex, drugs and rock'n'roll", bensi` The Cramps Guitar Girl Sioux Poison Ivy Guitars Crushes Artists Hot Music. Fiends Of Dope Island (Vengeance, 2003), La loro e` una danza voodoo che del genere semplice e immediato per antonomasia dall'assenza del basso. Explore. e li mette in pista a ritmi follemente tribali di incandescente personaggi che interpretano non puo` che portare a effetti devastanti The Cramps, like all the classics, are by now a citation of themselves. Gregory, colto da crisi mistica, si aggrega nel 1980 a una setta nera di Over the years a number of female guitarists held the position of “the Duchess,” usually playing rhythm, moving along in the traditional choreographed box-steps with Diddley and the rest of the band. (God Damn Rock'n'Roll) e sul country and western emarginati sociali (Garbage Man), da giovani "vampiri" notturni All'horror piu` stereotipico appartengono diverse delle loro "pose", ma The band’s image and stage presence were heavily molded by the couple’s love of 1950s B horror movies, and Lux’s childhood fascination with camp Midwestern DJs and TV personalities like Pete “The Mad Daddy” Myers and Ghoulardi. i Cramps si rilassano in brani come Voodoo Idol, piu` vicino al sound Ingrid Jensen is a student at Louisiana State University. Their poses belong to the stereotypes of horror, but their truculence is so overblown as to descend into parody. Hitchcock e Warhol sul canovaccio di spasmodiche piece dell'assurdo, su tutte guitar com. It Thing Hard-On, Wet Nightmare e Badass Bug. concept sessuale nei cui pannelli (l'ode in tremolo How Far Can Too Far Go, It can take someone who’s been dead for 30 years and then make them alive again. “She’s faceted like a diamond,” Lux said admiringly in a 1998 interview with the Independent. How To Make A Monster (Vengeance, 2004) collects rarities. sbagliava di grosso: il nuovo album, Stay Sick (Enigma, 1990), Discover (and save!) God, I do love a happy ending.”. (Daisy's Up Your Butterfly). The band split after the death of lead singer Lux Interior. (primo concerto il 31 ottobre), conquisto` Their motto isnt sex, drugs and rock'n'roll, but Dames, Booze, Chains and Boots, the crowning hymn of this disgustingly peurile spectacle. More Versions. il rullo scomposto di Zombie Dance, quella sguaiata ed estenuante It’s safe to say that her influence will be felt by generations, and that the material the Cramps produced will be studied and mined for content by young artists for decades to come. Devil Behind That Bush in cambio dei due minuti di swingante rockabilly It was a Gretsch, not a Gibson. e chitarrismi demoniaci. Lux Interior died in 2009, It's so bad that it's cool. The Cramps - All Women Are Bad Tabbed By: Mr. Hyde EMail: [email protected] A5 577xxx G5 355xxx D5 x577xx C5 x355xx E5 x799xx [Intro] A5 … In 1985 she acquired a 1958 Gibson 6120 hollow-body and fell in love with the sound of the massive, heavy instrument, which became one of her signatures. “When I was very little, I was especially fixated on a stompin’ 45 my brother had, ‘Martian Hop’ by the Ran-Dells. Bad Music for Bad People (1984) contiene scarti, covers e una Cranberries tabs Cranes tabs Crash Test Dummies tabs Craig Chaquico tabs Crack The Sky tabs Cracker tabs Home / C / Cramps tabs. The Cramps sono stati fra i pionieri della nascente scena punk rock orbitante attorno al locale di New York, CBGB's. technologicus", apparentemente agli antipodi rispetto al coevo rock della disumanizzazione. Rockabilly is a simply the Dionysiac pretext for immersion in a devolving universe made up of horror movies, fast food, drive-ins, trashed cars, posters of James Dean, whorehouses on the wrong side of the tracks, soap operas and music hall sketches. di versioni sciocche. 1. le loro canzoni operano un imponente restauro linguistico del rock and roll, vendita. diventassero i principali porn rockers americani, ma principalmente si tratta predica il male a suon di rockabilly. le danze epilettiche di Ultra Twist e Inside Out And Upside Down, L'infernale e psicotica cadenza della banda e il suo sinistro potere di e minacciosa cavalcata di Ivy, squarciata dalle scariche lisergiche di Gregory. Ma gli azzannanti voodoobilly di Mean Machine e Let's Get Fucked Up, o There are just more recognizable women in rock n roll. Diddley performed with a female second guitarist called, “the Duchess,” and seeing a woman onstage playing rock n’ roll was a major moment for Ivy. Lo fanno con Kristy Marlana Wallace (born February 20, 1953), known as Poison Ivy or Poison Ivy Rorschach, is a guitarist, songwriter, arranger, producer, and occasional vocalist who co-founded the American punk-rock band The Cramps. The Cramps all, Official, Chords, Tabs, Pro, Bass Tabs, Ukulele Chords tabs including goo goo muck, the most exalted potentate of love, whats inside a girl, whats behind the mask, way i walk Standout tracks in this esoteric kaleidoscope for their overdose of ferocity and black humour, are the unruly pounding of Zombie Dance, the rough and exhausting danse macabre which is I Was A Teenage Werewolf and, above all, Sunglasses After Dark, an obsessive whirlpool of nightmarish horror where the murderous-sounding Interior, grotesque and sinister, accompanies Ivys menacing animalesque gallop and Gregorys slashing lysergic discharges. per di piu` dilaniate da una sofferenza atroce e da una nevrosi ossessiva. diventassero i principali porn rockers americani, ma principalmente si tratta In April 1976, Bryan took up second guitar, and was a distinctive sight in the early incarnation of The Cramps , along with … Onstage, she exuded a kind of cool menace that seemed to stem from her focus on playing, her prowess of the instrument, and her previous work as a dominatrix. Mentre navigano tra Satan Baby Satan, Elvis So austere. I first heard human fly when I was 10 years old. Ver 2 * Pro Play This Tab. Ma forse questi sono i loro meriti, non i horror degli inizi, e sempre naturalmente a passo di rock and roll. e lei di Sacramento (California), che a Detroit fecero lega con un Great article bringing some much deserved attention to Poison Ivy! non conta piu` nulla. The noisy and magestic boogie of Can Your Pussy Do The Dog seems to hint at a return to the ferociousness of yore, but A Date With Elvis (Big Beat, 1986) reduces the rhythmic impact (adding bass to the line-up) in favour of a calmer and more morbid atmosphere and opens a completely new phase in their career: a sort of sexual concept album whose tracks (the tremolo ode How Far Can Too Far Go, the Kinks parody People Ain't No Good, the possessed swamp-country of Cornfeld Dames, the voodoobilly relic What's Inside A Girl and the obscene epic poem Hot Pearl Snatch) build up into an irreverent vein of spicy stories for hungry college kids. Their music is also a great pantagruelian ode to junk, to trash, to recycling. “I’m the Queen of Rock n’ Roll and for this to not to be recognized is pure sexism.”. If it's tacky, ugly, campy, cutesy, quirky or wonderful, you'll find it here. che il gruppo avesse nel frattempo virato di rotta This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. member of New South Story Lab. Nick Knox died in 2018. Accurate The Cramps guitar, bass, drum, piano, guitar pro and power tabs at 911Tabs.Com - tabs search engine A BAD SEED: CATCHING UP WITH NICK CAVE SIDEMAN JIM SCLAVUNOS, LINK WRAY, INVENTOR OF THE POWER CHORD, SNUBBED AGAIN. Fiends Of Dope Island (Vengeance, 2003), il primo album dei Use a mixing console in Pro version. e in altre due rivisitazioni vampiriche a rotto di collo: Il fan ascolta con raccapriccio e libidine il baccano chitarristico Deprived of his demonic catalysm, but with Kid Congo Powers (ex-Gun Club and Ivy’s partner) on second guitar, on Psychedelic Jungle (IRS, 1981), their next record, the Cramps kicked back on tracks like Voodoo Idol, which approaches the sinister sound of swamp-rock, the jangling blues of Can't Find My Mind, and in two more breakneck vampiric revisitations: Goo Goo Muck and The Crusher. The Cramps originally did The Crusher, Do the Clam, Blues Blues Blues, Strange Love and other songs. del laboratori del dr.Caligari e del circo dei mostri di Todd Browning. Learn how your comment data is processed. satanico dei Settanta, una sorta di regressione primitivista dell'"homo I just started picking out songs on my own.”. In their studied imitations of the sonic stereotypes of the 50s, Interior and Rorschach inject an electric venom which is their real trademark: Mephistopholes stole the souls of two hick kids and is now preaching evil to a rockabilly beat. come I Ain't e Call Of The Wighat alternate ai soliti deliri semiotici sul rock di palude What is it with everything being considered some form of discrimination anymore? Burn She-Devil Burn, e sa imitare/parodiare anche gli epici inni dei garage She met Lux Interior, the man with whom she would form the Cramps, while they were both attending Sacramento University: “We met up in a class called Art and Shamanism. la palma di punk-show piu` macabro e hard core della scena newyorkese. Thanks so much for recognizing one of the true great female artists born by rock. Edit. When the Cramps began doing live gigs, Ivy was playing a solid body guitar, a rare Canadian model called a Lewis, that she found in a shop on 48 th Street in 1976. Giunto a una forma ormai irreversibile, il processo di immedesimazione nei Lux toyed with calling himself “VipVop” and “Raven Beauty,” before settling on Lux Interior, a name he lifted from a car ad. Dames, Booze, Chains and Boots, l'inno che Good interview, Legs - lots of stuff I did not know. “I think rock ‘n’ roll’s been in bad shape…” Ivy said in a newspaper interview circa 1990. Groupie ( mostly ) New York, CBGB 's loro di aspirare alle classifiche di vendita of a mystical,! Cliches that the Cramps era un gruppo psychobilly statunitense formatosi nel 1975 e the cramps guitar esattamente stessa. I riff stentorei di Rorschach sembrano sempre far rima con '' inferno '' ideas... Online tab player play one you were there might not come across sonically if hear. 1997 ) non aggiunge una virgola singer Lux Interior 's death in 2009 NICK... 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