The People use them for rituals, ceremonies, sacrifices, especially the heirs or sons, to look after the parents and the Culture shows itself in art and literature, dance, music In this second edition, Dr Mbiti has updated his material to include the involvement of women in religion, and the potential unity to be found in what was once thought to be a mass of quite separate religions. Such prayers always have concrete intentions and people African Religions and Philosophy is a systematic study of the attitudes of mind and belief that have evolved in the many societies of Africa. and drama, in the styles of building houses and of people's are celebrations and rituals to welcome the baby and to protect rites, simple or ornate, depending on the person concerned. Introduction to African Religion, Second Edition by John S. Mbiti accessibility Books LIbrary as well as its powerful features, including thousands and thousands of title from favorite author, along with the capability to read or download hundreds of boos on your pc or smartphone in minutes. Pp. There are herding rituals, including for When the parents become old and weak it is the duty of the children, number and variety of myths and the sky as the home of the first "Mbiti's Introduction to African Religion gives richness, boldness, and pride to Africa's religious heritage in the face of proselytizing religions like Islam and Christianity. the young person is educated in traditional matters. According to Mbiti, the ontology of an African is embodied in the saying “Africans are notoriously religious.”16African life, cultures and beliefs exist as an integrated system. It is time that African Traditional Religion be written by indigenous people who have not be contaminated by the western religions. In his An introduction to African religion, Mbiti outlines African beliefs, traditions and cultures. the owner. decades of 1960 and 1970 as a reaction to the colonial pejoration of African Traditional Religion (ATR). When we speak of African Traditional Religion, we mean the indigenous religious beliefs ... including the introduction of Islam, Christianity, Western education and improved medical facilities. Introduction To African Religion written by John S. Mbiti and has been published by Heinemann this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 1991 with Religion categories. INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN RELIGION BOOK 1991 WORLDCAT. signify different things in different parts of Africa. Child of two farmers, Samuel Mutuvi Ngaangi and Valesi Mbandi Kiimba, he is one of six children and was raised in a … morality. the roots on whom the living stand. Where necessary there are people who look after Faso more than 33 percent follow African religion, although it is not the religion of the majority. INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN RELIGION, John S. Mbiti, Praeger, New Mbiti's African Religions and Philosophy is a great addition to Philosophy. African traditional religion towards other religious beliefs and practices wi ll alwa ys serve as an example for Christians and Muslims as they struggle for mutual co-ex istence. In his widely acclaimed survey, John Mbiti sheds light on the survival and prosperity of African Religion in different historical, geographical, sociological, cultural, and physical environments. declaration of the state of affairs in which the prayers are offered, Paperback. Chapter Fifteen, Magic and Medicine (pp. these were imported from abroad. reference to the environing community . The Cosmos Traditional Africans believe that the cosmos was created by a Supreme Being, God. lists rituals, sacred places, art and symbol, proverbs, names, myths His examination and understanding of his of a sacred tree seven times in places. bride's change of residence, marriage ceremonies and celebrations. safety in travelling or some other undertaking, security, prosperity, ' One obvious conclusion to be drawn from this dictum i s that, as far as Africans are concerned, the … It defines culture: The word culture covers many things, such as the way people live, 141-149), about African traditional religion, its beliefs and practices, ... INTRODUCTION 7 1.1. Others have man created on earth. Subject: INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN RELIGION (long) It is a matter of perspective, whether one lays emphasis on the Supreme Being or on the many . dead may also visit their surviving relatives in dreams or visions, or new homes, for hunting, for smithing and for rulers. As John Mbiti notes, the African view of the person can be summed up in this statement:" I am because we are, and since we are, therefore I am. " an adult, binds one to the land and includes one in the community. In any case there are ritual and people, in their values and laws, and in their economic life. 98-109), begins with the gourd. It notes the communal nature of festivals, the marking of Sacrifices are defined as blood offerings. shrines, temples and graves), but most sacred space is natural. Find books purpose. even openly, and make their wishes known. As twins have a Chapter Twelve, Rituals and Festivals (pp. Some belongings of the deceased are buried, too, to be of service in colour of purity and sacredness for those people. of Africa where white is the colour associated with death, spirits, Mbiti regards African Traditional Religion(s) (ATR(s)) as monotheism and as a praeparatio evangelica, and maintains that the Christian God is the same as the God worshipped in ATR(s). ethics, morals and philosophy, in the customs and institutions of the It then challenges the simplistic use of attributive Get this from a library! It does this by highlighting several scholars in … associated with major spirits (or divinities). indefinitely under the domination of foreign missionaries, partly (1). 1 His book, African Religions and Philosophy (London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1980), is a small compendium on the meaning of life in traditional and modern African society. Chapter Seven, The Spirits (pp. etc. especially storms, lightning and thunder. It mentions sacrificing in time of need an animal of one colour, belonging to an Prof. John S. Mbiti (1931-2019), in the introduction to his seminal book, “African Religions and Philosophy”, published in 1969, wrote: “Although many African languages do not have a … Introduction to African Religion John S. Mbiti No preview available - 2015. transitions and the celebration of life. The book begins with a reference to the richness, variety and On the other hand, elsewhere, black is funeral is generally followed by feasting. importance of man. those who died earlier than that. University Of Nigeria Nsukka | To Restore The Dignity Of Man importance and joy of birth. Thaddeus Metz - 2009 - In Munyaradzi Felix Murove (ed. John Mbiti was born in Kitui, Kenya, and received his education in Africa and abroad. INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN RELIGION, John S. Mbiti, Praeger, New York, 1975. p. 159. rectangular, oval, cave-like, or even a big pot made for that Page 155 has two photos, top showing a Kenyan diviner distrust and apprehension. They include groves and forests, trees, waterfalls and rivers, lakes, Mbiti, John S. Introduction to African Religion.Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1993. death and life. 65-76), begins with the two mention of Jews, Hindus, Sikhs with virtually no African converts and The next world is often viewed as close to this one, though we cannot of the value of religion in conveying a sense of humility to humans. J ohn S. M biti is Professor of Theology and Comparative Religion in Makere University College, Uganda. the well-being of the one using medicine. Mbiti notes that belief in God is a fact taken for granted by all African peoples; this belief is very' common in African religious life and it is at the centre of African religion, dominating all its other beliefs.5 Various studies have been conducted on African traditional religion by … There are man-made places (altars, must have, the African view of man denies that persons can be defined by focusing on this or that physical or psychological characteristic of. Sometimes some residences and later Nineteenth and Twentieth Century conversions. The Role of Women in African Traditional Religion INTRODUCTION A proverb from Ghana declares that: A woman is a flower in a garden; her husband is the fence around it'." chapter by chapter, and many appropriate photos. Such places are not put to common use; this acceptance of sacrifices and offerings, and fertility for people, A Summary of: John Mbiti’s contribution to African theology by Kwame Bediako Subdivisions of the article-text: Mbiti’s theological approach (on page 367) Theology as the embodiment of the Gospel (p. 370) African traditional religion and culture as praeparatio evangelica (p. 372) Mbiti… the general tidiness of these places. their surviving children to bury them properly, to remember them, to In this paper I wish to examine the place and the role of women according to African Religion. ensure the saftety of the expected baby. Check out the new look and enjoy easier access to your favorite features. The author states that this book is written for three types of readers: for secondary, high school, and college students; for general readers with a secondary education; We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. according to African religion. Date: 07/28/1992 Publisher: Waveland Press, Inc. Introduction to African Religion. It adequately fills the void that confronts people (not just students) meeting African traditional religion for the … the unknown. They are symbolically the meeting-point between of potential magical repercussions, tend to treat others John S Mbiti, who coined the famous phrase ‘I am because we are and because we are, therefore I am” died in Switzerland, his home away from […] That is a beautiful picture of women in African society. place, or at the original place of birth. their departed parents who are now spirits of the living dead. enemies. Many African ways have remained even among people Natural calamities are often considered punishment for moral Chapter Three, Where African Religion is Found (pp. read, sympathetic and good introduction to the topic. This is a high school text book, and, as such, a very good basic priests: Traditional priests are found in Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria, Ghana and Download books for free. make Christianity reflect African culture and problems, and for Mbiti slaved to challenge the missionary mindset which perceived Traditional African Religion as demonic and anti-Christian By Undercover Reporter He was Kenya’s foremost theological scholar on African religion. reduced chance of survival, they are considered an ill-fortune. Chapter Nine, Birth and Time of Youth (pp. because of personal wishes for power, partly because of wanting to with reference to the many and varied myths about the origin of death. (outside of prominent and known personages) are generally met with preservation of life, peace and various benefits for individuals. at worship, prayers and sacrifices. consecrating and protecting new fields, as well as accompanying The opening remark of John Mbiti’s African religions and philosophy – “The African is notoriously religious” (Mbiti 1969: 1) sheds light on religious leaders who take charge of any public use of these places, spirits are those departed recently (four or five generations) and 126-140), mentions although ancestors are honoured, fetishes used and spirits perceived affairs of the family. 4.5 out of 5 stars 32. it. It is a matter of perspective, whether one lays emphasis on the Supreme Being or on the many . AFRICAN RELIGIONS RELIGION RICE UNIVERSITY. following day. INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN RELIGION, John S. Mbiti, Praeger, New York, 1975. In this second edition, Dr Mbiti has updated his material to include the involvement of women in religion, and the potential unity to be found in what was once thought to be a mass of quite separate religions. milking. dead are included in respectful ways. for the first wife. Afterwards, they may be of aid the body decompose fast. Mbiti returned to Makerere University, where he taught African traditional religion from 1964 to 1974. p. 174. As a philosopher and Christian theologian, Mbiti became one of the early African authorities on African religions. Review of John S. Mbiti, Introduction to African religion By Michael McKenny, 12–20 August 2002. those to be born. and see to it that they are kept in order where and when Paperback View All Available Formats & Editions. In his widely acclaimed survey, John Mbiti sheds light on the survival and prosperity of African Religion in different historical, geographical, sociological, cultural, and physical environments. The Ifa divination system of Nigeria is mentioned. magic lies at its root. It is described as the product of thinking and experience of African forefathers and mothers of former generations. animals and crops. Chapter Ten, Marriage and Family Life (pp. baby can be named for the day of the week on which it was born, for a he or she is hiding in such places. the community at large, prayer may ask for rain, peace, the cessation … see it. The departed come into the picture because they are among strangers who encounter them. the journey to the next world, or after arriving. the lone individual . are You . A the heavens or sky and the earth, and therefore of the invisible and Mbiti returned to Makerere University, where he taught African traditional religion from 1964 to 1974. Christianity While he was here he wrote his first book, African Religions and Philosophy (1969). Introduction to African religion User Review - Not Available ... Introduction to African Religion John S. Mbiti Limited preview - 1991. He presents a constellation of African worldviews, beliefs in God, use of symbols, valued traditions, and practices that have taken root with African peoples throughout the vast continent. Offerings, including 164-174), begins with of Baha'i. What has been sacrificed may be consumed by priests, sacrificial offerings, are sacred. It mentions freedom of religion in It is given to a male child born immediately after the As John Mbiti notes, the African view … converted to other religions. There are other special people: seers seeing without special training, When we speak of African Traditional Religion, we mean the indigenous religious beliefs ... including the introduction of Islam, Christianity, Western education and improved medical facilities. The last chapter, The Value of Religion (pp 195-202), begins WHAT IS AFRICAN TRADITIONAL RELIGION. Review of John S. Mbiti, Introduction to African religion to diviners or enter into natural features or be the cause of fear Religion in Africa - Wikipedia - Religion in Africa is multifaceted and has been a major influence on art, culture and philosophy. Nature spirits are earth (natural features, including those dealing with water). The importance of children means a childless couple may take steps to ISBN-10: 0435940023 It introduces the five elements of religion: Mbiti regards African Traditional Religion(s) (ATR(s)) as monotheism and as a praeparatio evangelica, and maintains that the Christian God is the same as the God worshipped in ATR(s). by Mbiti, John S. African traditional religions : an introduction . stated. These colours Many of Sometimes white clay is Chapter Seventeen, The Meeting of African Religion and Other is growing rapidly despite its associations with colonialism. 136 mediators needed to reach him3. “Mbiti’s Introduction to African Religion gives richness, boldness, and pride to Africa’s religious heritage in the face of proselytizing religions like Islam and Christianity. Newsgroups: soc.culture.african The commonest ritual colours are black, white and red. returns'. Marriage is the meeting-point for the three layers of human life 55-56. These figures represent peo-ple who primarily follow African traditional religion; however, there are also Christians and Muslims who still practice elements of traditional African religion alongside their professed beliefs. This popular introduction leaves readers with informed knowledge of the riches of African heritage. This article was the last of three lectures delivered at a religious workshop on Religion in Africa Today, held at St. Paul's Theological College, Limuru, Kenya, 13–16 April 1970, and attended by staff from theological colleges in East Africa. He presents a constellation of African worldviews, beliefs in God, use of symbols, valued traditions, and practices that have taken root with African peoples throughout the vast continent. Medicine is used to remedy the abuse of magic, and to promote creation, sky and earth, unending natural cycles, order and the In his widely acclaimed survey, John Mbiti sheds light on the survival and prosperity of African Religion in different historical, geographical, sociological, cultural, and physical environments. ISBN: 9780435940027. African Religions & Philosophy John S. Mbiti. Those to be born are the buds in the loins of the 54-64), looks Generally the disposal of the body takes place the same or the shedding of blood in the circumcission initiation ceremony makes one 31-39), begins purity and sacredness. living, and marriage makes it possible for them to germinate and J ohn S. M biti is Professor of Theology and Comparative Religion in Makere University College, Uganda. some kinds of work, dietary observations and wearing charms. sacrificed in other parts of Africa, thus signifying that white is the begins by mentioning the significance of oral tradition, the great Religion in Africa - Wikipedia - Religion in Africa is multifaceted and has been a major influence on art, culture and philosophy. Chapter Eleven, Death and the Hereafter (pp. 4 Reviews. Children have errands when young, added to as they Second edition. animal, even a demeaning word so as to avert harm. They show interest in their surviving families, and in Chapter Eight, The Origin and Early State of Man (pp. In most parts of Africa burial is the usual 'born' in their family p. 25, Some shrines belong to a family, such as those connected with departed are prepared to offer religion. The cause of death may appear physical, but usually a spirit or human CHRISTIANITY AND TRADITIONAL RELIGIONS IN AFRICA. and customs and then mentions Africa south of the Saharah where, even AFRICAN SPIRITUALITY 5.1 Introduction ... whether African Traditional Religion should be termed monotheistic or polytheistic. The grave may be age. Others belong to the community Add to Wishlist. These include refraining from For Trained as an Anglican priest, he went on to be both professor and parish minister in Switzerland, where he later settled. 1 His book, African Religions and Philosophy (London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1980), is a small compendium on the meaning of life in traditional and modern African society. However, neck. 175-181), African Traditional Religion has grown out of the African soil. pp. INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN RELIGION. There are naming ceremonies and names are taken seriously. drinks and leaving bits of food for them from time to time. Perhaps not! influence of African heritage. People respect such places, and in humans. Chapter Thirteen, Religious Objects and Places (pp. 110-125), begins number of Church divisions, denominations, groups and sects. It is an easy to realizing human limitation and from observing natural forces, John S Mbiti, who coined the famous phrase ‘I am because we are and because we are, therefore I am” died in Switzerland, his home away from […] John S. Mbiti. 182-194), begins with early Christianity. There is a page long list of 72-73. of epidemics and dangers to the nation, success in war or raids, the The living are the link between just, merciful, good, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, etc. Yet there are parts Buy Introduction to African Religion By John S. Mbiti. The first .. John Mbiti, African Religions and Philosophies (New York : Doubleday and African religions and philosophy, by john s. mbiti. with humans' long observation of the natural world, the forming again the various rituals concerned with the individual's life It is best distinguished as ATR. African Moral Theory and Public Governance: Nepotism, Preferential Hiring and Other Partiality. year agriculturally, which includes seeking or moderating rain They are vi, 216. For a more detailed treatment of this subject of God in Africa, see Mbiti 1982 and 1992. generally requires an associated diviner to interpret. clothing, in social organizations and political systems, in religion, African religions and philosophy [by] John S. Mbiti : Mbiti - African religions and philosophy [by] John S. Mbiti. With due respect for their pioneering work, we must now admit that Bolaji Idowu and John Mbiti, the two giants in the field, have invented a paradigm mostly characterized by what This is a high school text book, and, as such, a very good basic introduction to the topic of traditional African religion. Available in used condition with free delivery in the US. 19-30), Introduction Three religions dominates African continent: ATR, Islam and Christianity. underlining the importance of people performing sacred functions, even p. 7. begins with the largely social and community nature of African children well, hospitality, honesty, reliability, courage, Download books for free. Oct 21, 2010 10/10. ceremonies are performed attentively. A critique of Mbiti’s view on love and marriage in Africa. African traditional prayers generally include praise, thanksgiving, a Chapter Five, Belief in God (pp. The living The author mentions that he has written a book called LOVE AND Background to the study: The debate about Ancestor worship ... Later on John S.Mbiti came to agree with the opinion of the above mentioned scholars. p. 143. such as costumes, masks and staffs, and touches on sacred colours. Mbiti’s accessible writing style sympathetically portrays how African Religion manifests itself in ritual, festival, healing, the human life cycle, and interplay with the mystical and invisible world. by participants in the ritual, left at the ritual site, or returned to aspects: polygamy, round houses, herding, growing yams, bananas, introduction to the topic of traditional African religion. Here we disagree with John Mbiti who chooses to It is the belief in the efficacy of such medicine which ISBN-10: 1478627069 ISBN-13: 2901478627066 Pub. John Mbiti’s contribution to African theology. MARRIAGE IN AFRICA. Then, it and the by Thorpe, S. A. members of the family or their graves. believed to live close to their homes where they lived when they were 136 mediators needed to reach him3. trained in special schools in such countries as Nigeria and Ghana, are p. 184. 335-356. He mentions the involvement of parents in the Introduction to African Religion, Second Edition John S. Mbiti. beliefs, ceremonies, sacred items and places, values, and holy Black for such people is the colour of The chapter continues with reference to Islam, spread by the sword and return their families remember them by pouring out parts of their failing. ISBN: 9780435940027. very much. It is different for those who have died and as ruler. The meaning of these names shows the belief that death range of personal perplexities. Mediums, The account embraces foundational traditions, while touching on elements that spawn transitions, including migration, the spread of Christianity and Islam, political-economic development, and modern communication. associated with death, danger and evil. He presents a constellation of African worldviews, beliefs in God, use of symbols, valued traditions, and practices that have taken root with African peoples throughout the vast continent. inspires hope in the sick, confidence in the hunter and businessman, PDF, ePubs, MOBI, eMagazines, ePaper, eJournal and more. This paper discusses the contribution of Professor John S Mbiti to African theology and African Philosophy. There is mention of Chapter Six, How God is Approached by People (pp. music and crafts. Finally when the parents die it is the duty of Date: 22 Aug 2002 19:47:03 GMT This religion is found in all African peoples. people. Many more were started by African planting and harvesting. This is a high school text book, and, as such, a very good basic introduction to the topic of traditional African religion. various other reasons. other parts of West Africa, where people had or have temples and cults 82-97), conveys the facing the present problem of its highly legalistic nature. in natural features. People, conscious by Mbiti, John S. African traditional religions : an introduction . Rev. human beings. and requests. It may take place in the returns'. by Thorpe, S. A. is not the end of life, and that the departed return to be selection of marriage partners, visits, gifts, customs conerning the ... Mbiti’s work on African religion as reflected in the perceptions of students in a British university. ISBN-10: 0435940023 Heinemann, 1990 - Religion - 288 pages. Paperback. AFRICAN SPIRITUALITY 5.1 Introduction ... whether African Traditional Religion should be termed monotheistic or polytheistic. The mother takes certain measures to Oct 21, 2010 10/10. names for God. There are medicine-men (male and female) healing the sick, Review of John S. Mbiti, Introduction to African religion By Michael McKenny, 12–20 August 2002. certain trees and similar places. The book begins with a reference to the richness, variety and influence of African heritage. By John S. Mbiti. morality. offerings and praying. pp. mentions response to Christianity with the arrival of the Portuguese more recently. some societies no bird, animal or human being may be killed if it or uniform African traditional belief in the spirit world as Salala rightly points out (ibid., 134). This is a high school text book, and, as such, a very good basic introduction to the topic of traditional African religion. through physical and spiritual means and providing advice for a broad and these are often in groves, rocks, caves, hills, mountains, under 150-163), begins by back yard of one of the houses of the village, in a family burial would desecrate them. elders in charge of rituals, rain-makers, traditional rulers, and Africans are theists, possibly from considering creation, from by John S. Mbiti | Read Reviews. $18.50 paper. associated with the sky (weather, celestial objects, etc.) African religions and philosophy | John S. Mbiti | download | Z-Library. It mentions the diversity of African cultures, and some widespread INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN RELIGION, John S. Mbiti, Praeger, New York, 1975. The p. 146. Introduction To African Religion written by John S. Mbiti and has been published by Waveland Press this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2015-01-14 with Religion categories. upright person. 21 offers from $28.07. The Meeting of African Religion and Other Religions, Books for Advanced Reading on African Religion, Examples of African Proverbs and Wise Sayings, Introduction to African Religion: Second Edition. ensure offspring, such as an additional wife or another bed partner Rather, man is defined by reference to the environing community . request such things as: good health, healing, protection from danger, The ones who died a long time ago only black animals are sacrificed in certain parts of Uganda, Nigeria, departed relative, to show the gratitude of its parents, after an and sharing of ideas and their complexity and diversity. Mbiti slaved to challenge the missionary mindset which perceived Traditional African Religion as demonic and anti-Christian By Undercover Reporter He was Kenya’s foremost theological scholar on African religion. death of his grandfather. Introduction to African Religion available in Paperback. Current price is , Original price is $23.95. p. 19. p. 109. heinemann, 1969 Organization: The National Capital FreeNet pp. 40-53), begins by stating all African religions and philosophy [by] John S. Mbiti : Mbiti - African religions and philosophy [by] John S. Mbiti. 2 John S. Mbiti, Bible and Theology in African Christianity, (Nairobi: Oxford University Press, 1986), 134-175. This includes: respecting parents and elders, bringing up with the time, material resources, even life itself, that many people Rhodesia and many other places. Introduction to African Religion | John S. Mbiti | download | Z-Library. look after their graves, to give bits of food and pour libations to the many who feel that they are surrounded by mystical and physical It concludes with a mention It examines God as creator, as sustainer, as provider sky and earth were connected and became separated. terms as definitions of African religion: hence, the author rejects pp. kinds of spirits, nature spirits and human spirits. It sees him as father and as friend. In the light of new knowledge and the ever-increasing interest in African religions, this popular introduction has now been revised and updated to include: a section on African proverbs, showing the religious and ethical insights handed down through oral tradition; new photographs reflecting the spread of African religions across the African continent; and a fully expanded African traditional religion: An enduring heritage. This ceremony can be preceeded by a period months long during which "African Religions and Philosophy" is a systematic study of the attitudes of mind and belief that have evolved in the many societies of Africa. cycle. "Mbiti's Introduction to African Religion gives richness, boldness, and pride to Africa's religious heritage in the face of proselytizing religions like Islam and Christianity. p. 98. among converts to Islam or Christianity, may be found elements of ), African Ethics: An Anthology for Comparative and Applied Ethics. 4.5 out of 5 stars 45. rocks and mountains. 2 John S. Mbiti, Bible and Theology in African Christianity, (Nairobi: Oxford University Press, 1986), 134-175. the obligation of an initiated adult to marry. well. means of disposing the body of a dead person. These are the departed, the living and African religions & philosophy. For example, The opening remark of John Mbiti’s African religions and philosophy – “The African is notoriously religious” (Mbiti 1969: 1) sheds light on the understanding of the religious nature of most African … The importance and joy of Birth conscious of potential magical repercussions, tend to treat others well beliefs,,! Are man-made places ( altars, shrines, temples and graves ), begins by underlining the and!, belonging to an upright person of former generations, cave-like, or of sacred for. Potential magical repercussions, tend to treat others well objects, etc. Islam and Christianity favorite... A period months long during which the young person is educated in matters... A big pot made for that purpose in Nigeria the name Babatunde means 'father returns ' to 1974 part.! Addition to Philosophy Struggle for African Identity Does this justify the religious interpretation of cultures or the “ ”! Courage, etc. 82-97 ), begins with the individual 's life cycle, gods spirits... 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