var feedback2 = [document.getElementById("v0"), document.getElementById("v1"), document.getElementById("v2"), document.getElementById("v3"), document.getElementById("v4"), document.getElementById("v5"), document.getElementById("v6"), document.getElementById("v7")]; After that, students complete a gap-fill text with the information. 'It might have been towed away'. 'It could be Jin as he is always using his phone'. Unfolding mysteries – a game to practise modals of deduction This is a game that helps students practice and produce past modals in a fun context and encourages them to be creative. By clicking "OK" and continuing to use this website, you are agreeing to the use of these cookies. if (correctanswers<9) { var answerStr = newStr.replace(/ ✓| ✗/g,""); She must be in the kitchen.' when they land on a square there will be a situation. Decide if it is a present state (simple), an action in progress (continuous) or finished (perfect). In this post, I am describing activities where students practice using past modal verbs for speculation and deduction. If they give up without guessing the truth, the student who picked up the card keeps it. The named people are asked if they agree that it could be or could have been them and if the justifications are valid. The speculate cards are spread out face down. The aim of the game is for the students to try to guess the truth about the person in the situation using the modal verb of speculation on their card. Modal phrases, on the other hand, are similar to modal verbs, except they are an amalgamation of helpful verbs. The other students in the group then make deductions about the place being described, e.g. All my classes get “probably”, as it fills a vital gap between “may/might” and “must”. • A girl walks into class late without talking to anyone. PAST MODALS (deduction/speculation) By HappyNN We can use modal verbs for deduction – guessing if something is true using the available information. Join onestopenglish today . question2[i].style.color="green"; students advance around the board using dice. Afterwards, review the correct answers with the class by reading each sentence aloud and seeing if the students can remember the correct response. The student then turns over a speculation card. She must, Andrew's good friends with Gemma. 'She's not here. A multi-level English curriculum featuring cartoon animated videos, engaging games, interactive tests and a progress tracker. ... We use the modal verbs might, may and could + an infinitive form without to when we think it is possible that something is true. } Past Modals for Deduction Type the correct answer into the box. Finally, have the students read their theories to the class and then discuss which theory the students think is most plausible. Basic User 2. 'You see a classmate chatting on their phone. Depending on the information available, you might be more certain that your conclusion is true, or less certain that your conclusion is true – and we use different modal verbs to indicate the degree of certainty. Pairs then read out their clues to the other pair. 'Someone must have stolen it. Modals of Deduction Worksheet. • She gives a piece of paper to the teacher. Next, students read three situations, make deductions and speculate on what they think is happening in each situation by completing modal verb prompts and justifying their ideas. Modals – deduction (past): Grammar test 1. If the two cards match (e.g. I have been using them with upper-intermediate, advanced, FCE, and CAE students who often struggle with the concept of using modal verbs for something other than expressing ability or obligation. ESL Modals of Deduction Game - Reading, Listening and Speaking Activity - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 25 minutes In this fun modals of deduction speaking activity, students play a game where they make deductions with could be, might be, can't be and must be, and guess places from descriptions. Where's my car?' You, She always gets me a present, but this year she didn't. students must comment on this situation by making a deduction in present or past.encourage students to not repeat the same deduction if they land on the same square as another classmate and let them be as original as possible. They must, She just said she didn't want any wine. When someone guesses the truth written on the card, the student stops the conversation and gives the person who guessed correctly the card. Interactive Version - In this modals of deduction and speculation interactive worksheet, students complete a variety of exercises to practice making deductions and speculating. For each sentence, choose between can't, might or must to fill each space. Who is it?' Working together as a class, the students then brainstorm and write down the names of two people, a location and six random objects. Grammar explanation. for (i=0; i<9; i++) { for (i=0; i<9; i++) { Copyright © 2021 TeachThis Limited. ESL Modals of Possibility and Certainty Activity - Reading, Listening and Speaking - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 40 minutes In this modal verbs of possibility and certainty activity, students make predictions and express possibility and degrees of certainty for statements about life in the year 2050. In this modals of speculation and deduction worksheet, students make deductions and speculate on what is happening in mysterious situations. } When everyone has finished, the groups give their answers. The groups read each question on the worksheet, e.g. 1. Your mother be a great cook. function checkanswer2() { We use modal verbs for deduction – guessing if something is true using the available information. The other pair listens and makes deductions, trying to guess the place. The students then use past and present modal verbs of deduction to discuss and answer the question. The student reads the sentence aloud and then speculates on the situation using a past modal of deduction (must, could, might, can't + perfect infinitive), e.g. feedback2[i].innerHTML= " " + String.fromCharCode(10003); Grammar worksheets > Modal verbs > Modals of deduction > modals of deduction and speculation (editable, with key) modals of deduction and speculation (editable, with key) The ws provides explanation of the use of the modals for present and past deduction and speculation and 2 exercises - one on present and other on the past. This is an amazing yet easy to use worksheet for higher level students where they can practice modals of deduction in a fun and amusing context. It requires some preparation by the teacher but once you have done it once it will be easy to replicate for other classes. 'Some people are walking and some are sitting down'. The student with the most situation cards at the end of the game wins. Both of the quizzes are in HTML5 and thus they should work on your mobile devices supposing they support this technology. Modals of Deduction and Speculation ESL Games, Activities and Worksheets, ESL Modals of Deduction Game - Reading, Listening and Speaking Activity - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 25 minutes, ESL Modals of Deduction and Speculation Worksheet - Reading and Writing Activity - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes, ESL Modals of Speculation Game - Listening and Speaking Activity - Intermediate (A2-B1) - 35 minutes, ESL Modals of Deduction Activity - Reading, Listening and Speaking - Intermediate (A2-B1) - 40 minutes, ESL Past Modals of Deduction Game - Reading, Matching and Speaking Activity - Intermediate (B1) - 25 minutes, Apostrophes and Quotation Marks Worksheet, Joomla module for Social media integration, Joomla Social Comments and Sharing - share and comment on Joomla site to social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedI,Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki. var question0 = [document.f0.q0, document.f0.q1, document.f0.q2, document.f0.q3, document.f0.q4, document.f0.q5, document.f0.q6, document.f0.q7, document.f0.q8]; } else {alert("Well done - all correct.")} Your mother __________ be a great cook. Give each group of three a copy of the worksheet. } Past modal verbs of deduction – grammar chart . Oct 29, 2018 - ESL modals of deduction and speculation games, activities and worksheets to help you teach your students how to make deductions and speculate. See more ideas about english, this or that questions, vocabulary definitions. Students then take on the role of a detective and write a theory about how all the information could be connected to the missing person's case using modals of deduction and speculation. question0[i].value = question0[i].value.substring(0, question0[i].value.length-1); Give each group of three or four a set of sentence cards and a set of speculation cards. In this past modals of deduction activity, students play a pelmanism game where they speculate on situations using past modals of deduction and try to match cards together. If you want to learn more about Grammar, consider checking these pages: 1. Modal verbs of deduction and speculation We can use some modal verbs + infinitive to talk about how certain we are that something is or is not true. Independent User 3. If not, the student turns the two cards back over, keeping them in the same place. 'It could be an airport'. Sophie is in Bali this week and she discovers some unusual Indonesian food. Home Page >> Grammar Exercises >> Advanced >> Modal Verbs of Deduction Modals of Deduction Exercise. must can't might Want to know how cookies are used on this site? Free Practice Tests for learners of English. This free modals of deductions speaking activity helps students to practice past and present modals of deduction. In this fun modals of deduction speaking activity, students play a game where they make deductions with could be, might be, can't be and must be, and guess places from descriptions. 'It might have been Ayumi because she loves chatting', etc. correctanswers++; question0[i].value = trueanswers0[i]; question0[i].value = answerStr; I don't know why I am so tired these days. feedback2[i].style.color="red"; It was made for a group of B1+ students who were familiar with modals from previous lessons. question0[i].value = question0[i].value.concat(" " + String.fromCharCode(10007)); Afterwards, the students put the speculate cards back on the desk face down and mix them up again. Advertisements. • She’s missing a tooth. var str= question0[i].value; Give each group of four a set of situation cards and speculate cards. modals of deduction must, might, can't. Each clue gets progressively easier, so by clue 4 or 5 the students should know the place being described. Student A then reads out a second sentence and the other students continue to make deductions. In this modals of speculation activity, students play a game where they speculate the truth behind various situations. Modals of deduction worksheets English Lessons for Kids - Videos, Printables, Games, Online Tests Teach kids with an engaging blended English program. Student B then reads their sentences to the group and so on. var question2 = [document.f2.r0, document.f2.r1, document.f2.r2, document.f2.r3, document.f2.r4, document.f2.r5, document.f2.r6, document.f2.r7]; Sarah never stops talking about Steve. 'Your friend, Noah is always late to class'. This is a simple but useful exercise for students to practice the use of modals for deduction. It's then the next student's turn to play. to make guesses based on known facts. The students shuffle each set of cards and spread them out face down on the table in two sets. function checkf0() { Copyright © 2020 Tiny TEFL Teacher. Give each student a copy of the two-page worksheet. Give each student a copy of the worksheet. When I put new activities on this site, you can find out through Facebook updates. The students try to remember the position of the cards and continue playing until all the cards have been matched. 1. The student reads the situation on the card to the group, e.g. The students base their answer on what they know about their classmates, e.g. Use of modals of deduction. } He might. This continues until they guess the place. H everyone, this board game is to practice modals of deduction. The students then take it in turns to turn over a sentence card, e.g. var newStr = str.replace(/’|‘/g,"'"); Tiny TEFL Teacher uses cookies for analytics and to help run the adverts on this website. } 'Oh no! question0[i].value = question0[i].value.concat(" " + String.fromCharCode(10003)); Read the explanation to learn more. Students begin by matching each modal verb of deduction or speculation with its function. With more than 700,000 registered users in over 100 countries around the world, Onestopenglish is the number one resource site for English language teachers, providing access to thousands of resources, including lesson plans, worksheets, audio, video and flashcards. Past Modals of Deduction: The Hangover. modals exercise. var trueanswers0 = ["must", "can't", "can't", "might", "must", "might", "must", "can't", "must"]; question0[i].style.color="green"; Your mistakes are in red - try again. var answers0 = ["must", "can't", "can't", "might", "must", "might", "must", "can't", "must"]; Modals of deduction and speculation By april60 Grammar guide for advanced students to learn how to use modal verbs of deduction and speculation in the present and in the past. We can make deductions about the present : 'Where's Joanna?' Proficient User For each sentence, choose between can't, might or must to fill each space. Choose one word to complete each sentence - must, might or can't. Each group then comes to a consensus and writes down the name of one student. feedback2[i].innerHTML= " " + String.fromCharCode(10007); var altanswers0 = ["must", "can't", "can't", "could", "must", "could", "must", "can't", "must"]; This page focuses on making deductions about the present or future. else { var correctanswers=0; All classes also get additional expressions which are not modal verbs but are always needed for communicative activities that get students to make deductions. You are always so keen to get back home to eat! '), the student keeps the two cards and has another turn. Modal verbs are verbs which help verbs convey meaning. View the privacy policy. She, You studied this for 3 years at university! "); The plan below includes detailed instructions and the game cards. } if (question0[i].value.substring(question0[i].value.length-1, question0[i].value.length) == " ") { if (question0[i].value.toLowerCase()== answers0[i]||question0[i].value.toLowerCase()==altanswers0[i]) { Download full-size image from Pinterest . Students choose the appropriate/best modal and put th... 1,629 Downloads . We can use modal verbs to talk about how sure or unsure we are about something in the past just as we use modals in the present with a slight change in the form. Grammar explanation We can use modal verbs for deduction – guessing if something is true using the available information. Tel: +85281207580. 2. Here is a fun activity to practise modal verbs of deduction in the classroom. The game then continues with the next student picking up a situation card and so on. (present deduction) He must have been very happy when … Modals (deduction) practice Learn about using modals of deduction. The other students in the group then take a speculate card each. Comments (1) - Link to this exercise from your website or blog: ewelatosck see more contributions by ewelatosck Comments on this exercise: mohammad51: correct answers posted by mohammad51 20200811 I answered the quiz ( I am sure all answers are correct ). question0[i].style.color="red"; } General use of modal verbs of deduction We can use certain modal auxiliary verbs to make deductions, i.e. Sep 10, 2018 - Explore Olya Malynovska's board "ENGLISH. There are a range of uses of modal verbs, such as to convey possibility, probability and speculation. The student with the situation card listens to the conversation. Divide the students into groups of four (Student A, B, C and D) and give each student a corresponding set of sentence cards. Each pair thinks of a place and writes five clues to describe it. question0[i].style.color="black"; The text is about a missing person's case. Modals of deduction. else { if (question2[i].value == "1") { }. question2[i].style.color="red"; Afterwards, divide each group into two pairs. She must have been to the He must be really happy about his promotion. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I'm also on Facebook. If they say yes, the groups that named the person score one point. This is a lesson plan based around the theme of hangovers in which students get to grips with past modals of deduction, and question formation. The students shuffle the situation cards and place them face down in a pile. The modal verb we choose shows how certain we are about the possibility. Modals of deduction are important, read the following grammar information: Use “modals of deduction” to offer a sure or possible conclusion drawn from diverse situations. } Choose the best words to complete these sentences. Students take it in turns to pick up a situation card, without showing it to anyone. 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