Deer and Exotics Nutritionally, 1 bag of Chaffhaye is equal to 1.5 bales of good-quality hay. Chaffhaye is particularly cost effective when offered to finicky eaters such as certain horses and goats that often sort out delicious leaves from the stems. Here you will find Chaffhaye merchandise, Chaffhaye-fed animal products and helpful tools for around your barn and home. SKU 58903571. Chaffhaye can be fed as a hay alternative, with more nutrient density than hay. View Slides My goats ate it ok, I have very non-picky goats. One of the more prevalent is laminitis. According to a survey of 82 horse owners, horses’ hay and grain consumption may cost around $1, 214 in just nine months, and adding the pasture maintenance may cost you approximately $1,405 per year. Analysis, Metabolic DRY FORM ,y milkers are mini nubians and peaked at 1 1/2 gallons of milk (each) in a 24 hour period. So for a 1000 pound horse that would be 40 lbs a day? Substituting grass hay for legume hay. How much hay or haylage should you feed? Older horses are prone to Cushing’s Syndrome. With Chaffhaye, even finicky eaters will eat 100% of this soft-textured forage, substantially reducing wasted feed. With that in mind, start by feeding 1.5-2.5% of the horse’s total body weight per day in hay alone. Hay makes up the largest part of a horse’s diet, so it is important to make sure you always have plenty of hay on hand to feed the horses in your care. Horses come to expect to be fed at set times each day. 1/2 to 1 cup per bird per day. Chaffhaye is a supreme source of fiber, protein, and nutrients for horses. of Chaffhaye per 100 lbs. The Chaffhaye process retains a majority of the B-complex vitamins found in alfalfa? Step 5. Even though Chaffhaye Alfalfa is lower in sugar/starch than regular baled alfalfa, some vets prefer not to use alfalfa at all. Chaffhaye is good in the air tight heavy duty bag for 2 years according to Chaffhaye. Read Detailed 1.5 to 2 lbs of Chaffhaye per hundred weight of animal per day. Most horsemen feed 0.25-1 lb (100-450 g) of sunflower seeds a day. My horses didn’t go crazy the first day, the Curly nibbled on it all day, the mini didn’t like it until the second day, then he ate whenever I put it out. Change feed and feed schedules gradually. I was just top dressing their normal alfalfa to see if they would eat it and in the middle of my very hot yet very dry summer in a very hot shed the stuff was moldy in two days. Verified family farms. How much should I feed my horse per day? According to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, a full-grown horse should eat about 12 to 15 pounds (5.4 to 6.8 kg) of hay a day. The alfalfa used in Chaffhaye is grown on non-GMO verified farms. 7.1% to 12.0% Max 11% We carry quality name brand feeds such as Purina, ADM, Nutrena, Diamond, Nutri Source, Country Acres, OO Brand, Click to browse local dealers near your location. Chaffhaye, Llamas Chaffhaye Grass is the perfect feed for these horses. Just wondering if anyone has experience feeding chaffhaye and how it compares price-wise to just small bales of alfalfa. If you’re changing the amount of feed, increase or decrease each meal a little at a time, over several weeks if possible. I only have to … Nutritional Laminitis horses with symptoms of dampness such as stocking up should not have much of the sour flavor so chaffhaye should be fed to them sparingly. DRY FORM Because it is their basic nature to be suspicious of any new feed, some horses might need assistance getting started on Chaffhaye. 2.0 to 2.5 lbs of Chaffhaye per hundred weight of animal per day Chaffhaye is easily masticated and digested – perfect for senior animals. Much more information on Chaffhaye, feeding recommendations, and a dealer locator can be found on their website – You may find you need to feed him a little more than that per day, temporarily, to give him enough calories, amino acids, and nutrients to make up for lost ground. Being dust and mold free as a naturally moist feed, Chaffhaye is used to minimize the respiratory ailments of animals sensitive to dust or mold spores. Ruminants. Characteristics, Feeding tricks, the latest news and deals! Guaranteed dust & airborne mold-spore free. to see pricing & availability. Min 3.2% to 5.4% Chaffhaye 50 lb:Chaffhaye is premium bagged, Non-GMO Alfalfa sold in 50-pound bags that captures the key characteristics of fresh pasture, while also offering a guaranteed level of nutrition. Experts generally agree that all horses, regardless of activity level, should consume about 2% of their body weight per day in a combination of forage and concentrates (grains). 1.5 to 2 lbs of Chaffhaye per hundred weight of animal per day. Easy storage, reduction in vet bills and zero waste are Being soft, Chaffhaye makes it ... Like many people, horses can have issues with too much sugar. Chaffhaye is premium bagged, Non-GMO Alfalfa sold in 50-pound bags that captures the key characteristics of fresh pasture, while also offering a guaranteed level of nutrition. This means less waste and cleaner stalls. According to Chaffhaye, one 50 pound bag equals two 50 bound bales of alfalfa. Since Chaffhaye undergoes a fermentation, the sugars and starches are partially used as a food source by the benefic... Molasses is added to Chaffhaye for the sole purpose of providing a readily available food source for the beneficial bacteria that ferment the forage. Horses 1.5 to 2 lbs of Chaffhaye per hundred weight of animal per day. After observing the horse for a period of time, the amount fed may be increased or decreased by 10% to obtain the desired body condition and weight. Subscribe to receive our customer newsletter and stay up to date with success stories, tips & BOSS are even included as an ingredient in some commercial horse feeds. Feeding free choice is ideal for most operations. events, recall information and deals! Sep 20, 2018. BENEFITS Chaffhaye is better than questionable hay as it gets tested (at least is supposed to ) along the production, but when you get access to good hay, I would switch to that. If you are in the Cincinnati / Dayton area and would like to try Feeding... AS FED Higher digestibility, superior quality and a guaranteed Pro Tip: Quality is everything, so I always hunt for the best quality hay. Rice bran is “famous” for being loaded with calories, due to the added fats in rice bran. For maintenance, a horse should get 1.5 to 2 percent of its body weight per day in feed. 1  That is 1.5 percent to 3 percent of its body weight if it weighs about 1,000 pounds (450 kg). October was a successful month for our Chaffhaye Family with wins in the 2020 AQHA World Show and WRCA. A 50# Bag of Chaffhaye Alfalfa will feed an average 1100 pound pleasure horse for 3 days. The Chaffhaye brochure says it can be a 100% hay replacement so I'd like to have this as an alternative in case we cannot find good hay as was the case in 2011 or 2012 that we had here. Guidelines, Storing Once you have successfully introduced Chaffhaye, look out! I tried a couple bags of the chaffhaye and decided it was too difficult to feed when tossing it over a fence plus I didn't like having to deal with all the plastic bags. But did you know Chaffhaye also helps the... Did you know? On the Chaffhaye website it says you should feed 2 lbs per every 100lbs of body weight twice a day. However, unlike cattle, horses have stomachs that function similarly to human stomachs, where feed particles are mixed with pepsin, an enzyme that breaks down proteins, and hydrochloric acid, which breaks down solid particles. & Alpacas, Dealer The two main causes of body condition losses in older horses are poor teeth and reduced digestive ability. In the wild, horses would get this flavor from browsing herbs and berries. events, recall information and deals! Therefore, the molasses is a “pre-bi... We have hundreds of vendors throughout the US that carry Chaffhaye. Determine how much feed each horse can consume daily. Consists of starch, fermentation acids and pectin. Analysis, Metabolic A standard dry-bale loses these vitamins after only a few months of storage. So, you’ll probably use an old coffee can or other containers to scoop your feed. & Alpacas, Dealer Chaffhaye is a superior alternative to baled hays and processed feed that allows you to take care of your horse the way nature intended. The proper way to measure concentrates is by weight. To maximize “chew time,” though, it is best … Nutritional Analysis. Non-Fiber Carbohydrates (NFC) Subscribe to receive our customer newsletter and stay up to date with success stories, tips & Weigh the feed in the scoop and note how much feed is in the container. Captcha validation failed. Small amounts (2-4 oz/day, about 56-133 grams) are typically consumed by horses without complications and can provide some supplemental calories. Just how much your horse will need will depend on its weight. B complex ... Horses that are prone to founder must reduce their starch and sugars. Whitepaper. If you are not a robot then please try again. In these horses, forage based pellets or cubes could replace 10 to 50% of the long stem/chopped forages. Triumph Select Textured Horse Feed 50 lb. Ruminants 2.0 to 2.5 lbs of Chaffhaye per hundred weight of animal per day Deer and Exotics Feeding... Metabolic Characteristics You need to be sure to feed stabilized rice bran. Deer and Exotics. Easy Transport – Sturdy 50-pound bags are convenient for travel and feed out. Even though Chaffhaye Alfalfa is lower in sugar/starch than regular baled alfalfa, some vets prefer not to use alfalfa at all. As fed from the bag, it contains 9% protein. ... Chaffhaye is the perfect feed for older horses. Erratic schedules will annoy horses, and they may develop stall vices such as kicking, raking their teeth on the stall, or cribbing. In feeding our own horses and livestock and from speaking with thousands of horse owners over the years, we have found that most horses will go to Chaffhaye immediately. doublebowgoats , Apr 13, … 23% 79 Results (1-15 of 79) Products per Page. But with the reduced sugar/starch content (thanks to the fermentation) a bit of the Chaffhaye Alfalfa mixed with the Chaffhaye … Less Waste – Horses normally eat 100% of Chaffhaye, including stem matter. Now that there is so much forage for them, I am back to feeding alf pellets and browse but will feed chaffhaye for next winter I am sure. There are a plethora of studies on digestion benefits of Chaffhaye available for those who are interested. However, these are only part of the figures. It is ideal for ensuring maximum health and well-being of all classes of horse, deer, goat, llama, chickens, camelid, … Chaffhaye Alfalfa is a high-fiber forage and excellent source of protein. Many of our Brand Ambassadors such as... Dust & Airborne Mold-Spore Free I feel laminitis horses can eat up to 80% of their diet as grass chaffhaye. Optimal digestion means less manure is produced. BENEFITS An old kitchen scale is handy for this. NOTE: If feeding more than the suggested amount of hay or horse is grazing unlimited pasture, reduce the recommended amount of concentrate feed. 2.0 to 2.5 lbs of Chaffhaye per hundred weight of animal per day. The 2% Rule. How an animals digestive system utilizes given feed is termed their biological response. By opening the bag, the forage becomes exposed to oxygen and begins to lose its freshness. Horses 1.5 to 2 lbs of Chaffhaye per hundred weight of animal per day. The minimum feeding rate for a horse of his size, at that activity level, is 6 lbs per day. The … According to Chaffhaye, one 50 pound bag equals two 50 bound bales of alfalfa. Animals usually eat 100% of Chaffhaye as there are no weeds or hard stems for them to pick around. Nutritionists also recommend that horse rations contain 1.6-1.8 grams of salt (sodium chloride) per kilogram of dry feed matter (what feed would weigh … Horses who spend much of their time in stalls aren’t doing much grazing, but their natural feeding patterns can be replicated by keeping hay in front of them for most of the day. var action=":otliam".split("").reverse().join("");var href="vasbpunssunlr.pbz".replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g,function(c){return String.fromCharCode((c<="Z"?90:122)>=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});href=href.substr(0,4)+String.fromCharCode(4*2*2*4)+href.substr(4);var a=""+href+"";document.write(a); Subscribe to receive our occasional dealers newsletter and stay up to date with the latest news, insights, Once a day i feed my milkers about 3 cups alfalfa pellets with about 5 cups grain. Reduces “Hay Belly” – Animals have less intestinal fill from Chaffhaye because less is required to achieve nutritional needs. Chaffhaye would be fine to feed horses, but I would not give up the omolene, as it is not a complete feed by any mean. These smaller sizes are great for animals such as minis, rabbits, chickens or small goat herds. I just want to see how the two stack up against each other. It is ideal for ensuring maximum health and well-being of all classes of horse, deer, goat, llama, chickens, camelid, and other exotic animals. Grass hay has fewer calories, so horses can eat the same weight of feed, get fewer calories and keep their weight down. Select a store. Substituting grass hay for legume hay. Crude Fiber Equine Feed Calculator Fortunately, horses do quite well on a forage based diet of hay along with minerals and good clean water. Food spends little time in the small intestine, passing through within 1-3 hours after the horse ingests it. If rationed, 1.5 lbs of Chaffhaye per hundred weight of animal per day. Chaffhaye retains natural plant moisture and is 100% dust free. ... One rule we always had to remember was keep the horses out of the feed bunk! We proudly grow all our alfalfa on our Non-GMO Project Nutritional If you happen to be visiting the AQHA 2020 World Show in Oklahoma City during November 2-21, be on the lookout for our Chaffhaye booth and presence. The “pre-digestion” inside the bag allows the horse to absorb more nutrients in the forage with less spillover to the hindgut. Feeding by flakes or buckets tends to give a horse too much to eat, and it is wasteful and expensive. Link to each website Horses | Chaffhaye Lucerne Farms - Quality forage feeds, Seminole Feeds, Mainly Mulch. Chaffhaye is a premium Non-GMO Alfalfa sold in 50-pound bags that capture the key characteristics of alfalfa, while also offering a guaranteed level of nutrition. tricks, the latest news and deals! Horses are nonruminant herbivores and can eat and utilize roughages much like cattle or sheep. That’s 15 to 20 pounds for a 1,000-pound horse. â Soaking a feed, such as alfalfa cubes, does make feed consumption easier on the horse. Worn molars cannot chew hay and the horses have a difficult time swallowing and digesting the hay. Chaffhaye Grass is the perfect feed for these horses. Locator, Study Shows Fermented Alfalfa Increases Digestibility of Secondary Feeds in the Diet, Don’t complicate things… Feed Chaffhaye for B-complex vitamins. For maintenance, a horse should get 1.5 to 2 percent of its body weight per day in feed. There are no stems left behind as waste. just a few of the benefits. For smaller animals, such as foals, goats or llamas, feed about 2 to 2.5 pounds of Chaffhaye Alfalfa for every hundred weight of animal. High fiber intake reduces incidence of diarrhea, colic and laminitis Any change of feed, including change to Chaffhaye, should be introduced gradually over a week to minimize the possibility of digestive upsets. For smaller animals, we also offer Chaffhaye Alfalfa in 20 oz bags. That’s 15 to 20 pounds for a 1,000-pound horse. This is a measure of the energy... How to store an open bag One 50-pound bag of chaffhaye equals roughly 85 to 100 lb of hay. Why Hay Matters (A Lot) Hay may not seem like a big deal, but it’s one of the biggest ways you can contribute to the health of your horse year-round, support overall wellness, and keep them at an optimal weight. This makes Chaffhaye the ideal feed … Currntly Sold at: All Farmers' Locations Unstabilized rice bran easily becomes rancid and therefore potentially dangerous for your horse to eat. Why did we start feeding Chaffhaye? Chaffhaye is premium bagged, Non-GMO Alfalfa sold in 50-pound bags that captures the key characteristics of fresh pasture, while also offering a guaranteed level of nutrition. But with the reduced sugar/starch content (thanks to the fermentation) a bit of the Chaffhaye Alfalfa mixed with the Chaffhaye … They can nibble at it for a while, take a break and snooze for a while, and then come back to it, keeping some roughage constantly moving through their systems. 100% of the profits generated by the Chaffhaye store will be donated to FFA, 4 … Horses have evolved as trickle-feeders and feeding insufficient forage can result in problems such as stereotypic behaviours, gastric ulcers and/ or colic. It is ideal for ensuring maximum health and well-being of all classes of horse, deer, … When Changing Feed 38 talking about this. Chaffhaye, Llamas While they said that they would look into it, they tried pushing Lucerne Farms products on me. More about Chaffhaye: What makes us different than traditional baled alfalfa? ... Horses Characteristics, Feeding A higher biological response means your horse is getting more nutrients out of their forage. Thanks! Horses in the wild are known to graze for up to 16 hours a day! Chaffhaye Alfalfa is offered in 50, 20 and 16 ounce bags. A Presentation Ruminants Changes in season can impact how you feed hay, how much you feed, and what else you might need to add to your horse’s diet. But as a horse owner, you may find it challenging to find clean, good-quality forage on a consistent basis that is so important to your horse’s diet. Guidelines, Storing Chaffhaye Alfalfa is offered in 50, 20 and 16 ounce bags. Whenever you make a change to your horse’s feed type or ration size, make the change incrementally. Many feed stores have black oil sunflower seeds on hand, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble sourcing them in bulk. It is ideal for ensuring maximum health and well-being of all classes of horse, deer, goat, llama, chickens, camelid, and other exotic animals. Studies involving horses have shown a significantly higher biological response to fermented products like Chaffhaye. per 100 lbs. Chicken & Poultry. Details. The majority of what horses eat is absorbed into the bloodstream from the small intestines, including proteins, simple carbohydrates, fats, and essential vitamins. If you are not a robot then please try again. The major difference between Chaffhaye and baled alfalfa is that Chaffhaye undergoes a fermentation process which breaks down the plant matter. Horses. Select a store. Striped sunflower seeds, which are often consumed by humans, should not be fed to horses. nutritional analysis. The stabilization process adds shelf life to the rice bran and makes it safe for horses to eat. Example: If your horse is 1,000 pounds, start by feeding 15-25 pounds of hay each day. But with the reduced sugar/starch content (thanks to the fermentation) a bit of the Chaffhaye Alfalfa mixed with the Chaffhaye … With too much sugar, a whole host of metabolic issues can come about. I have a horse that is prone to founder. Horses will eat between 2-2.5% of their bodyweight as dry forage per day. Our recommended feeding ratio is 1.5 lbs. Chaffhaye is a natural source of yeast, beneficial enzymes and live microorganisms that support healthy digestion and absorption of nutrients. You can then calculate if certain feeds can be consumed in sufficient quantities to provide the required nutrition. Captcha validation failed. Weighing feed. For smaller animals, we also offer Chaffhaye Alfalfa in 20 oz bags. Chaffhaye is good in the air tight heavy duty bag for 2 years according to Chaffhaye. Locator. To make the best nutritional recommendations for horses with PPID, nutritionists must first consider whether the horse needs to … Feeding horses with pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID), also called Cushing’s disease, can sometimes be difficult because these horses are often older, overweight or underweight, and may have insulin resistance, with or without recurrent laminitis. The higher digestibility of Chaffhaye makes it especially ideal for young or growing animals, gestating mares, lactating mares, senior horses, working horses, as well as show and performance horses. Even though Chaffhaye Alfalfa is lower in sugar/starch than regular baled alfalfa, some vets prefer not to use alfalfa at all. This makes it ideal for horses with coughing and respiratory ailments. of horse & 2 to 2.5 lbs. A horse’s digestive system is designed to deal with large amounts of forage, either grass or hay, eaten slowly over a long period of time. Is this OK for my horse. use2bwilson, Jul 26, 2012. use2bwilson, Jul 26, 2012. However, some hays may be deficient in an essential nutrient or, depending on the breeding status and activity level, some horses may need more or less hay in order to be in good body condition. It is ideal for ensuring maximum health and well-being of all classes of horse… Subscribe to receive our occasional dealers newsletter and stay up to date with the latest news, insights, Sudden differences in the amount or type of feed can lead to colic or founder. Chaffhaye Grass is the perfect feed for these horses. When competing at the highest level, difficulty breathing should be the LAST thing on your animals’ mind Is Chaffhaye OK to feed? No more than 2 lb should be given daily. SKU 58903291. AS FED Even though Chaffhaye Alfalfa is lower in sugar/starch than regular baled alfalfa, some vets prefer not to use alfalfa at all. Feeding Guidelines. Horses are able to consume about 1.5 to 2% of their body weight in dry feed (feed that is 90% dry matter) each day. Once opened, Chaffhaye acts like any fresh product. This can be time-consuming each time you feed, especially if you have several horses. My horses didn’t go crazy the first day, the Curly nibbled on it all day, the mini didn’t like it until … Chaffhaye is premium bagged, Non-GMO Alfalfa sold in 50-pound bags that captures the key characteristics of fresh pasture, while also offering a guaranteed level of nutrition. Start with the amounts given for the weight and lifestyle of the horse. The COVID-19 crisis has ravaged the state of our nation in ways that we have not seen in over 100 years. of ruminant per day. Chaffhaye Grass is the perfect feed for these horses. I feed all my goats free choice grass hay, minerals, baking soda, and water. Horses can survive without long-stem forage, such as grass or hay, in their diets provided the forage requirement is met (at least 1-1.5% of body weight per day) through alternative forages such as chaff or cubes. If too much variation in time or quality of feed exists, it can lead to digestive disturbances. Chaffhaye is premium bagged, Non-GMO Alfalfa sold in 50 lb and 20 oz bags. Chaffhaye contains molasses. The Chaffhaye Shop is a place for everything Chaffhaye. Wrangler 12 Sweet Textured Livestock Feed 50 lb. Forage is an essential part of all horses and pony diets. So how much does it cost to feed a horse? For smaller animals, such as foals, goats or llamas, feed about 2 to 2.5 pounds of Chaffhaye Alfalfa for every hundred weight of animal. Price: $15.99. But with the reduced sugar/starch content (thanks to the fermentation) a bit of the Chaffhaye Alfalfa mixed with the Chaffhaye … Within ten days of feeding, the stomach will begin to tuck in. Required for proper gut motility and digestion. We were surprised at how difficult good hay has been to find here and how much it costs which led me to the Chaffhaye to begin with! HORSE FEED & TREATS Sort by. Your horse won’t want anything else. A 50# Bag of Chaffhaye Alfalfa will feed an average 1100 pound pleasure horse for 3 days. See what Chaffhaye (chaffhaye) found on Pinterest, the home of the world's best ideas. Each website horses | Chaffhaye Lucerne farms products on me you ’ ll use. I feed my milkers about 3 cups alfalfa pellets with about 5 cups grain i have non-picky. The same weight of animal per day same weight of animal per day – perfect senior... Subscribe to receive our customer newsletter and stay up to 16 hours a day 40 lbs a.... Feeds can be time-consuming each time you feed, including stem matter more nutrients in the scoop note... Recommendations for horses to eat, and a guaranteed nutritional analysis passing through within 1-3 after! Feed 0.25-1 lb ( 100-450 g ) of sunflower seeds, how much chaffhaye to feed horses often. Non-Gmo alfalfa sold in 50 lb and 20 oz bags horses are teeth. 1-3 hours after the horse ingests it of nutrients i always hunt for the best quality hay it ideal ensuring... Is premium bagged, Non-GMO alfalfa sold in 50 lb and 20 oz.! 20 oz bags Chaffhaye Grass is the perfect feed for these horses of! Note how much feed each horse can consume daily come about over a week to minimize the possibility digestive. Chaffhaye Shop is a superior alternative to baled hays and processed feed that allows you to take care your! Nutritional recommendations for horses to eat, and a dealer locator older horses are prone founder! This can be time-consuming each time you feed, especially if you are not a robot then please try.... Introduced gradually over a week to minimize the possibility of digestive upsets b...! Says you should feed 2 lbs of Chaffhaye alfalfa is a “ pre-bi... we hundreds! Feeding by flakes or buckets tends to give a horse should get 1.5 to how much chaffhaye to feed horses lbs of.! Pre-Bi... we have hundreds of vendors throughout the us that carry Chaffhaye proper gut motility digestion! 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