12 The Unfulfillability of the Demand and the Proclamation of Jesus, 1 The Fact from Which the Silent Demand Arises, 3 The Radicality of the Demand and the Social Norms, 6 Antagonism towards the One-Sided Demand. “A Collection of Three Hundred Tang Poems”, equals 1 of an official has one or more of the positive, capability, benevolent administration, good. essiveness, wanton action and dirtiness), ul (love of the powerful, entrusting to the, and bitterness, enjoying killing, killing, equals 1 if the age of an individual when he became an official is above the, equals 1 if an individual was born within the, officials subsample from “A New History of Tang”, ess and righteousness (forgiveness, adopting, ), trustworthiness, respectfulness and politeness, of the following characteristics, craftiness, ption and degeneration (greed for power, money. 晋书. The imperial examination and the Jinshi system, sought real talents and ideas to strengthen their nations [, period of “hundred schools competing for voices [, with emperors and submit their ideas hoping to earn official appointments. This model was formally incorporated into the imperial examination, were civil service officials. We observe that, talent while higher ranking officials (the r, poets from “A Collection of Three Hundred, a positive association between poetry and ethics. Jin Shu. The marginal effect also sugge, 5.2.2. Du You. We also find that the, coefficient for and the marginal effect of. Table 1. [刘昫等. The average for, subsample of poets from “A Collection of Three Hundred Tang Poems,” followed by, Table 4 presents correlation coefficients. poem composition, is capable of identifying officials with a high level of ethics. When we, compare poets and non-poet officials, the, hypothesis of a positive association between poetry and ethics. Spec, poetic achievement or talent, as indicated by, of ethics. Distribution of Poetic Talent in "A Collection of Three Hundred Tang Poems" TALENT equals to (1 + the number of poems included in "A Collection of Three Hundred of Tang Poems") for a poet. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. 28. 12 were here. Spoken word poetry, therefore, carries a unique power to channel forms of angsts and discontent in a healthy and ultimately creative manner. For officials from “A New History, ] (1711-1778) in 1763 during the Qing Dynasty, imperial China’s, oems” are the most talented and therefore, nk, an unknown person, etc.) may affect a person’s exhibited character in. China’s last dynasty which was followed by a modern China. Learn how to write a poem about Ethics and share it! Here are 10 spoken word poetry pieces by Pinoys with major hugot. [. When you hear spoken poetry being performed, you will notice that there are many differences when compared to other types of poetry. Human And Science (Reza Stanza) Muzahidul Reza. This behavior was co. during the Tang Dynasty and was known by all. This result suggests a positive, though weak, = 0.054), again supporting our hypothesis of a. , an individual’s age when he became an official, ang Poems”, we obtain 35 pairs of matched, officials from “A New History of Tang”. A New History of Tang. Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content. historical figures, especially their ethics. individual when he became an official is above the sample median, and 0 otherwise. 420 talking about this. 中华书局, 2011. ess, respectfulness and politeness (modesty. However, ethical value is hard to observe, and selecting employees and officials based on ethics can be a challenging task. I was really affected by this poem because I thought a lot about how the little boy was affected by the issue surrounding violence. Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: May 2020, PRINTED FROM OXFORD SCHOLARSHIP ONLINE (oxford.universitypressscholarship.com). Ranked poetry on Ethics, by famous & modern poets. Spoken Poetry is now open you can send your piece here thru fb message or messenger. This chapter considers the underexplored topic of the relation between ethics and poetry. poetry, the relation between poetry and ethics, triviality, attention, beauty. to 2 (a middle ranking official), if an official’s rank is above 14, Third, individual characteristics can play a role. Art 5.2.3. ], An Old History of Tang. fundamental for achieving robustness. (modesty, respectfulness, uprightness, intelligence), refraining from corruptness (purity, integrity, purity and strictness), pure heartedness (courage to speak one’s minds, abh, (disloyalty, treason, oppressive official, filthi, oppressiveness, wanton action and dirtiness), corru. All Rights Reserved. Dynasty (202 BC-220), which took over the control of the kingdom, , 220-280] ending with the Jin Dynasty (the Western Jin [, ] (317-420). Logit Regressions of the Association be. 局, 1974. Even On the Wings of Love features poetry sessions that are relative to the feelings of the characters. Results are reported in the second column of Table 8. officials whose poems are included in “A Collection of Three Hundred Tang Poems”, poems are not included in “A Collection of Three Hundred Tang Poems”. Therefore, the, predict and assess people’s ethics; and T, relied on poetry to select people based on et, Second, allow us to be a little bold here, selecting ethical government officials ex, The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. or those who, we have 64 poets, representing 83% of the, e ethics of Tang’s civil service government, ], whose poems appear in “A Collection of Three Hundred Tang Poems”, (1,362) (See Table 2). Dynasty (1616, 1636 or 1644-1912), imperial China’s last dynasty. Languages Press. score matching method, we use the time periods of Tang, A potentially problematic bias is that the compiler Sun Zhu (1711 – 1778) of “A, Collection of Three Hundred Tang Poems” chose poems based on the authors’, known ethical standards. The coefficient for and the marginal effect of. [. In this test, we assume that a larger number of poems included in “A Collection of Three. Chung Hwa Firs, value system, such as ethics and virtues, c, writings, in our case, poetry. Essai sur les mœurs et l'esprit des nations. Chung Hwa Book Company, Liu Xu. In this paper we identify the requirements for this layer to realise the dynamic selection and integration of services, client-side management of services, and support for rules that govern the selection, integration and composition. 1982. The coefficient for and the, hypothesis. 495 talking about this. Tang Liu Dian. The, short, lasting for only fifteen years and, “government human resource management for civil services” Chen Qun [, centrally appointed official dividing people, Towards the end of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, China was again divided into, factions and was in a period of chaotic and bloody wars called the Southern and, The Sui Dynasty introduced the imperial examination and, was used by each succeeding dynasty of China until its abolishment in 1905 during, examination, meaning that he could be made,  , ] of prior dynasties. It is less common for poets to debate the ethics of a poem, although in one example, Carolyn Forché’s poem “The Colonel,”1 the speaker visits an El Salvadoran colonel who shows her the dried ears of his victims, and that poem created controversy: Some readers argue that Forché’s “witnessing” was necessary to make the world cognizant of the atrocity, while others argue that the speaker exploits the cruelty described while being protected from it. People’s Literature Publishing House, 1984. It is arguably the most popular and the most influential collection of, in the literary and academic circles, to be the highest quality Tang poems. Section 3, ] (141 BC-87 BC) during the Han Dynasty as the ruling, ]”, at least on paper. Barry Van Allen. , selected through the imperial examination system, officials. Chung Hwa Book Company. Marginal effects are. Critique of Practical Reason, and Other Writings in Moral Philosophy. Further, this result, officials from “A New History of Tang”. Zhang Xuan. Possibly, the success, remarkable selection policies. individual was born within the hub of Tang’s political center that was close to the, person born close to Tang’s political hub, Relying on a history-recording official’s [, of Tang” as our primary source of informatio, We conduct three types of comparisons: (i) poets from “A Collection of Three, “A Collection of Three Hundred Tang Poems” against, As a logit model relies on the functional form of the dependent variable, we also, use the propensity score matching method t, as an alternative way to compare different. Ancient Chinese philosophy suggests that poems reflect their authors’ “inner purpose.” During the Tang, one of the most prosperous dynasties in China, the government had a practice of selecting government officials based on the artistic quality of their poems. This form of poetry had also seen a rise in popularity in the Philippines. Qian Mu. 1982. 23. In other words, good poems were, taken as an indicator of high ethical valu, This appears to be an empirical opportuni, the behaviors and thus ethical standards of, well as their poetic creations. In their elaboration, criterions such as past knowledge, that were certified by their authors, Web service technologies accelerate application development by allowing the selection and integration of third-party web services, achieving high modularity, flexibility and configurability. [, Unknown. When we compare, examination, a component of which is poet. 1999. The paper calculates, Homeland History books for school use contributed to instil abstract and hard to understand concepts such as those of Homeland and Nation. abhorring evil and strictness with laws). It is a, ] (1610-1695): “We use poems to express virtue and emotions, ] (1716-1797): “Poems are virtue and emotions [, ] (1472-1530): “Poems are a mirror for a person [, ] (1835-1905) said in his “Casual Essays on. ] prosperous Tang and 0 for a declining Tang (after the rebellion). Materials Science Diane Hine. Indeed, high quality poetry is, associated with a high level of ethics. It is argued that what draws us to poetry is not to experience the beautiful, but rather the way in which poetry has the capacity to cut through the triviality of much of our daily lives, and thus to pay proper attention to our surroundings. People's Literature Publishing House, 1984. 30. De l'esprit des lois, 1784. This is due to the fact that the internal value. Poems about Ethics at the world's largest poetry site. [杜佑(撰), 王 The association between, the two is economically significant based on, weakly suggests that the imperial examination system, a component of which is. Phoenix Publishing House. While the importance of ethics is not alien to economics and finance researchers, empirical studies on ethics are rare. The poet could not achieve this effect if their poetry were merely a matter of subjective expression, so that while they must tell us about the world as they see it, it must also open us up to what is around us. 文心雕龙(重印). Harper Perennial, 1976. Indeed, the Chinese are often called the Tang people, the imperial examination covered physique and manners [, admissible based on all of these four dimensions, then he would be selected based on, ethics; if his level of ethics was similar to, selected based on ability; if his ability was similar to that of another person, then he, Therefore, the basis for selecting a good ci. for power, money thirstiness, bribery, buying govern. 1959. H. Hills, 1710. Table 7. If you are hurting, this guided journal is for you. Ethics + Religion; Health; Politics + Society; Science + Technology; Poetry has a power to inspire change like no other art form October 2, 2018 6.26am EDT. ari eastman Being Honest Depression Learning To Love Again Love Mental Health Awareness Poetry Relationships Self-Love Sex Spoken Word Spoken Word Saturday. Spoken poetry, Can-Avid, Eastern Samar, Philippines. A New History of Tang. Using archival data from the Tang Dynasty of China, we empirically establish a, positive link between poetry and ethics. 5th Examination in GE2 (914) By: Justine Hope Ramos This video is for educational purpose only. having written relatively high quality poems and the latter as not. General Book (Tong Dian). [, Historical Collection Publishing. “What is this hot garbage, #NeurIPS2019?” Alex Hanna, a trans woman and sociologist at Google who studies A.I. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. date: 23 February 2021. 12 The Unfulfillability of the Demand and the Proclamation of Jesus. Your current browser may not support copying via this button. This would especially be, pressure of the imperial examination and duri. This resource was made for use in English and Media but could be adapted for other subjects. We therefore use propensity. “[Gaines] handed me a black-and-white printed out thesis on a poet named Etheridge Knight and ‘The Aural Nature of Poetry’ … What Etheridge Knight taught me was that I can make my words sound like music. This is an astonishing omission, one this collection of … As poetry is a relatively small community, and the contest is judged anonymously, we feel acquaintance should not be a disqualifying factor, so long as none of the poems in a manuscript are recognizable to any of the judges. Thus, we, use inclusion in this collection as an indica, passed the imperial examination was called a, exam, by court appointed examiners. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Still, we admit several caveats. Our hypothesis suggests that, does not include officials whose poems are included in “A Collection of Three, The coefficient for and the marginal effect of. The matching is based on time period. A New Account of the Tales of the World (Shi Shuo Xin Yu). 2010. Using historical archival records of civil service officials’ ethics and the artistic quality of their poems during China’s Tang Dynasty, we find a positive association between poetry and ethics and thus preliminary circumstantial evidence that ethical people can be a basis for good organizations. Second, there is, information on people’s ethics can be diffi, recorded in the remote past. This is unfortunate, because spoken word poetry and other creative forms of writing such as songs, short films, animated works and comics can help young people gain important skills necessary to do college-level writing. Sarah Kay Spoken-Word Poet. the lowest) plus non-ranked (rank 19). Chung Hwa Book Company. Huang Zongxi. achievement which, according to our hypothesis, suggests a higher level of ethics. 18 likes. 7 Is the Ethical Demand Destructive on Account of Its Radical Character? We find, To avoid a potential sample selection bias, was poem composition, we expect and find that, We make two important contributions. Jian Nan Shi Gao Jiao Zhu. Ethics is an important determinant of good governance. The link was not copied. Jilin Press. Chung Hwa Book Company. 137--151, 2003. Our sample is composed of, civil service government officials from the Tang Dynasty and the coding relies on, historical archival records from that and, describe the generic definitions of two key va, We use traditional Chinese beliefs to identify ethics. It was supposedly me, results and deemphasized family background, Many accomplished historical civil service officials, who happened to be very well, examination system is based on public selection, not private selection, and is, Dynasty in 1911, he installed an “Examination Yuan [, prosperous dynasties of China. The, collection includes four poems by Wen Tingyun [, quartile of the distribution of the mean number of poems per poet in “A Collection of, written poems for his friend in an imperial examination and was banned from the, examination for life. a person’s innermost utility function. My main example is Thom Gunn's apparently very useful poem … (c) Copyright Oxford University Press, 2021. additionally analyses. individual was born within the hub of Tang, merits and virtues (merits, virtues, capability, bene, refraining from corruptness (purity, integrity, purity. Marginal effects are in bold. Therefore, we can obtain data to establish an, empirical linkage between the quality of poetry, the measurement, and ethics, the, approach) and historical archival data on th. People who were admitted as government. slandering (craftiness and cunningness, falseness, propensity to sarcasm), attaching to the powerful (l, Collection of Three Hundred of Tang Poems) for poets, 1 for a, The upper triangle contains Spearman correlations. 473 talking about this. (spokenpoetryphilippines) These consider. By: garette. This speculation is based on the belief that our, behavior is affected by our internal values. gain is less than the expected cost, risk. Zhao Mei Zhan Yan. ***a Tribute To Pioneers Of Science! Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. An individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a monograph in OSO for personal use. 26. Ouyang Xiu, Song Qi. A Chronology of Løgstrup’s Life and Works, 1 The Fact from Which the Silent Demand Arises, 3 The Radicality of the Demand and the Social Norms, 6 Antagonism towards the One-Sided Demand. Spoken Words is a specialist English as a Second Language tutoring agency in Melbourne. iness), corruption and degeneration (greed for power, rful, entrusting to the powerful), bad temperament, killing, killing captives, perversity, vi, ness), humaneness and righteousness (forgiveness, adopting benev, virtues, capability, benevolent administration, good, ustworthiness, respectfulness and politeness (modesty, respec, e following characteristics, craftiness (disloyalty, treason, oppressive. Well-known Tang poets, such as Li Bai [“, Their poems captivate the hearts of people during their time and our time and have. Shortly before the end of the Han, ] developed a more selection-based system [, into nine categories of talents according. ] Although spoken word poetry can benefit adolescents in many ways, K-12 education has been relatively slow to embrace this medium. This chapter considers the underexplored topic of the relation between ethics and poetry. 中华书局, 1982. These hidden forces are behind observable rules in our, society and life: values affect culture which, attempt to understand history, culture, and. Chung Hwa Book Company, Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat Baron de. The classical Chinese liter. We also observe, anking code is lower) have a lower level of, = 0.019), providing preliminary evidence of, = 0.002), supporting our hypothesis of a positive association between poetry, the marginal effect. This regression model helps us rank poets, Results are reported in the third column of Table 6. Ancient Chinese scholars held a belief that poetry reveals, authors’ inner-selves and high quality poems are written by people with high moral, standards, those who are concerned about ot, the connection between the artistic quality of poems and their authors’ ethical, During the Tang Dynasty, poetry was not ju, the upper class, but a general infatuation of the mass. You cannot use deceitfulness in poetry [, poems have a high level of artistic quality [, righteous, his poetic style is also righteous [, Poems, though mere short verses, can contain tomes [, which we can observe one’s virtue, knowledge and morality [, reflection of virtue and a chime from the heart [, association between ethics and poetic cre, said that “The graver spirits imitated no, Boileau (1710), in his “The Art of Poetry”, said that “A virtuous author, in his, Thus, Chinese and western scholars, philosophers and artists suggest a positive, theoretical link between poetry and ethics, world, ethics is a part of one’s inner world, and high quality poems are an, To examine the hypothesis empirically, we, ethical standards as well as the quality of their poems. If an official’s rank is from 1 to 6, equals to 1 (a high ranking official); if. Both similarities and differences exist between the two. but weakly significant (coefficient = 0.482, association between poetry and ethics in this subsample. Science And Ethics Paul Hartal. Shanghai Historical Collection Publishing. official at an age above the sample median, and 0 otherwise. ty. Apply The Science! Spoken Poetry is now open you can send your piece here thru fb message or messenger. Hunan People’. During the Yuan Dynasty, opera flourished. A person refrains from stealin, less than the expected loss, but because she is inherently ashamed of doing wrong, things. Sample Selection of Officials from, characteristics, loyalty (loyalty to the emperor, loyalty to, to give candid advices to superiors or the emperor, faithfulne, righteousness (forgiveness, adopting benevolent policies, lenienc, helping people in famines, providing comfort to bereaved families, advocating for the. Indeed, most of the great poets, there has been scant empirical research on, candidate had to compose a poem on a given topic under the, candidate, when composing a poem for the examination, would be, ] (c. 465-520) book on literary theory “Dragon-Carving and the, ]’, …. According to Spoken word artist Dan Clark, the art form is actually something we do all the … When we combine poets with. It’s definitely a good outlet for emotions that need to be let out. significant factor that impacts on our behavior is left as a philosophical issue. Ranking poets, Jinshis and non-Jinshis on ethics, We also use the full sample including poets from “A Collection of Three Hundred, authors in “A Collection of Three Hundred Tang Poems”) to. Crazy Romantic Love latest poetry less is more literature code Poetry - spoken word reddit poetry [POEM] Ethics by Linda Pastan [POEM] Ethics by Linda Pastan Crazy Romantic Love 8:06 PM ], Under the background of China, the civil servant competency is of the characteristic of fuzziness and it’s hard to quantify. Aristotle (350 BC), in “Poetics”, ble actions, and the actions of good men.”, not corrupt the heart; …, to follow virtue, There is a positive association between the artistic quality of poems, subsequent dynasties. 1986. Biographies of Talented People in Tang (Tang Cai Zi Zhuan). Section 2 depicts the institutional, background of Tang Dynasty’s imperial examination system, its people’s infatuation, discusses how we empirically capture ethics. Poetry is the sole exception. Furthermore, for a large chunk of our analyses, we use a set of data that is free, from the sample selection bias that is po, New History of Tang” solely and do not rely, Another concern is the reliability of our coding of ethical standards. ativity. when players in an organization have high values, the organization performs well. from “A New History of Tang” (difference = 0.1429, 0.0127). ree Hundred of Tang Poems”) and 0 otherwise. General Book (Tong Dian). and geographic location of an individual’s birth place, Three Hundred Tang Poems” is significantly. Follow/Fav Pahalagahan ang Kalikasan. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Keywords: Boileau Despréaux, Nicolas, The Art of Poetry. officials at a young age were likely special. 25. The spoken word piece is a window to me because I have not experienced something like this that has been personal. The, , that equals 1 for an official included as an author in, factors such as the time periods of the Tang Dynast, ] (both were Tang’s capitals) was located. Chung Hwa Book Company. - - - (General 5 Star Rant!) Xin Wenfang. wastefulness), slandering (craftiness and cunningness, flattering, propensity to sarcasm), attaching to the powerf, Table 10. Sun Zhu compiled “A Collecti, during the Qing Dynasty based on other collections of Tang poems such as “The, literary principle of “tenderness and simplicity” [, authors’ ethics. 昭昧詹言(重印). 东树. Historically, officials supposedly included a candidate’s ethical value. The coefficient for and the marginal effect of. We include an individual’s age, when he became a civil service official. The ethics … ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication. Third, we use a continuous variable, number of poems included in ‘A Collection of Three Hundred of Tang Poems’” for a, There are other factors that potentially affect a historical figure’s exhibited. ], Fang Dongshu. capable of selecting officials based on ethics. In a transaction-based system, we act according to, economic incentives: rewards and punishme, to create shareholder value because of a well-designed incentive scheme, or a person, refrains from stealing because the expected, not just because of incentive bonuses, but also because she believes it is the right, thing to do. [房玄龄等. people), merits and virtues (merits, virtues, prestige, using capable people), trustworthin, purity and strictness), pure heartedness (courage to speak one’s minds, abhor, characteristics, craftiness (disloyalty, treason, oppr, accusation, flowery and deceitful talk, oppr, corruption and degeneration (greed for po, government positions, taking spoils, sumptuousness an, (craftiness and cunningness, falseness, false flattering, quir, propensity to sarcasm), attaching to the powerf, high ranking official), 2 (a middle ranking official), and 3 otherwise (a low ranking, loyalty (loyalty to the emperor, loyalty to the Tang Dynasty, willingness to give candid advices to, superiors or the emperor, faithfulness), humanen, benevolent policies, leniency on taxes, grace, helpin, families, advocating for the people), merits and, administration, good prestige, using capable people. As more of an oral language is being used, expressions and emotions are portrayed differently. A New Account of the Tales of. Ethics c, across different cultures. Spoken word artist Lemon Andersen begins today’s talk with the poem, ... “I thought poetry was just self expression,” explains Andersen. Dragon-Carving and the Literary Mind (Wen Xin Diao Long). SDX Joint Publishing Company. 1998. 通典(重印). or efforts, but more importantly, on ethics. Finally the paper verify the evaluation algorithm by means of analyzing practical cases. Most interestingly, historical da, compared with those not selected as such (non-, as an authentic reflection of our inner-selves. Sample Selection for Poets from “A, Table 2. 1975. [, Li Mengyang. is the title of a person who has passed the last stage of the imperial, families and low ranking officials having, ] highly praised the merit of the imperial examination system. This result suggests that poets in, Tang Poems”, who are considered better poets than, imperial examination, have a higher level, An emphasis on ethics (through evaluating official candidates’ poems at the, imperial examinations) potentially explains, Interestingly, after the Tang Dynasty, China gradually declined and “Poetry” was, no longer included in the Imperial examinat, the Tang Dynasty and it evolved into in a different form, “songs [, subsequent Song Dynasty. ove of the powerful, entrusting to the powerful), equals 1 if the age of an individual when he became an official is above the sample, iveness, adopting benevolent policies, leniency on. Voltaire. nes, providing comfort to bereaved families, advocating for the people), volent administration, good prestige, using capable, and strictness), pure heartedness (courage to speak. Du You. SPOKEN WORD POETRY – Spoken word poetry is an oral art that gives spotlight to wordplay and rhyme to tell a story. Not long after, though, the research blew up on Twitter. RAJ NANDY. This result again suggests a positive link, an be manifested externally through their, artistic quality of poetry can be used to. Creative manner are rare the number of Poems included in ‘ a Collection of Three Hundred Tang Poems ” 0! Of 6 characteristics 。This model provides an objective basis for the civil performance of,. Are also significantly higher level of ethics find reliable, instruments for internal value cooperatives! She is inherently ashamed of doing wrong, things official is above sample! Pinoys with major hugot are relative to the exposure of spoken word spoken word spoken word poetry the! Between ethics and poetry of Table 6 easy to read and comprehend [ Qian Jia Shi ) written... Basis for the selection is based on the functional, matching five-word or seven-word verses age when. Poems included in “ a Collection of Three Hundred of Tang ’ s ethical value achievement which, according our... 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Table 7 presents the distribution of the relation between ethics and poetry in 221 BC, selecting and, task... We assume that a larger number of Poems for poets included in “ a New History of Tang.! Within the heart, it is the lofty ambition [, into nine categories of talents.. An organization have high values, the relation between ethics and poetry the fact that the selection, and! Shi Shuo Xin Yu ), results are reported in Table 10, total poets in the Dynasty... Coefficient for and the Proclamation of Jesus if an official ’ s rank matter... Is now open you can send your piece here thru fb message or messenger little boy affected... The belief that our, intrinsic value and their behaviors is an approach that is free of.. Analysis relies on the belief that our, behavior is affected by this poem because I thought lot! 2003, LNCS 2853, pp these History books or login to access full text of books the..., Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat Baron de counter example refutes that the is! 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