I had to tough decision to put my beautiful golden retriever to sleep two weeks before his 10th birthday. I asked the attendees to please place a feather on her arms. I think Mom put that request in my head and she looked so beautiful. Recently I keep seeing them falling down next to me during math class, my friend’s house, my bedroom, in the living room, etc. He was my buddy and went everywhere with me. Hahaha, have to admit I simply started laughing out loud when I saw it. Maybe my angel – protection. I picked it up with tear filled eyes & simply said, “Thank you mum.” I knew then & there that mum was with me. I do not know which of the explanations to take but I do know that I have lost my dad for 31 years now and last week marked the 31st year since he passed. can anyone help me please i found 4 white feathers at the top of my stairs my mum had one years ago appear out of no where but we can not understand why i found 4 together. In Native American culture, features were given to warriors after they displayed bravery or won battles. 31yrs ago my daughter passed away and about 1 month after her passing a big white feather was sitting on my living room floor I didn’t understand how it got there as all my windows were closed, I know now this was from my daughter.x, This morning I found a white feather on my bed my father passed away on August 7th 2018. If you lean into these, you will know exactly the next steps to take without any hesitation. I thought he was going to fly and grab the feather!!! I’ve been finding black&white or grey,black&withe or black&grey feathers for months and two days ago i lost my grandpa the thing is today in my way home for a dangerous street i saw a beautiful like perfect totally white feather for the very first time i didn’t know what could mean but now i know thank you. When I got out the ambulance to take my daughter into the hospice there was a white feather at my feet. Thank you guardian angel, I feel very loved and protected now. I was pleased with that, so I took a few shots. Anyway I went to get my laptop from under the bed and next to it was a big white feather, straight the wash I new it was a sign, although unsure who from my sister who died in November 2007 or my Dad who dies April 2020. I dont care if you believe it or not, it happened. The white feather is a gentle nudge to take the leap of faith. I was afraid he was going to fly away, so I started shooting more pictures of him. As we were leaving the hospital we put my mom in the passenger seat. I’ve had encounters with spirits before and I know our year in a half old Son has 2 of his passed Grandmothers looking after him, and I know my Mother in law is at peace knowing she’s with her full family now. When she was dealing with cancer she asked me to contact my Chicken friends for a request for feathers. They leave feathers to give you hope and encourage you to continue moving forward. We’re so terribly sorry to hear about the losses you’ve experienced. I fell pregnant during June 2016 and was due 27th February 2017, it just so happens I gave birth to my little boy Finley on the day that my grandad passed away. In my dream he was on passenger side looking at me. I felt a sense of peace and love. Mom passed away August 15, 2015. I miss him terribly, so my other siblings, his wife, his children, grandchildren and other family and friends. Today, I found a small white feather in my path while outside walking. I catch the feather from the sky. Then the other day I was sitting on the beach feeling down. She was very Spiritual. I believe the feathers I found today were a sign from my mom and aunt that everything will be okay and they are looking our after me. On the day he died, my husband rang me very early in the morning from hospital, round 5.30am, to say they’d switched my FIL’s life support machine off and they expected him to pass away within the hour. I am just walking and I look down and I see a feather. I kept going through all of the photos and sure enough, it was one of HIS feathers! I also think it was someone up there giving me the strength to be strong for my husband and two young sons. Often, this signal is in the form of a lone white feather. Ì found a white feather on my living room floor yesterday morning. i lost my aunt who was my other mother to me in dec. i was holding her hand when she left this world , she held me in her hands on the day iwas born as she was the one to deliver me. A couple of days after Mum died i went for a walk and within a few minutes of leaving home there was a bright cobalt blue wet feather in my path. I was at work yesterday as I came out of work I saw a single white feather on the ground. When he left he took a part of my heart. We have been suffering for a long time. When I arrived home there was another one in my garden. My father’s anniversary to his passing is February 8, 2007, So that date is this week!!!!!! I really needed this and believe I am being told my father is close to me. This month I make 19 months clean and sober! Years ago when I was in college my bf and I decided one night that whichever one of us passed on first would send the other one a white feather to let her know everything was ok on the other side. A spiritual visitation has taken place. The first one was on her back and a work college picked it off and said to my mum this white feather was on your back do you know what this means and explained .. then realising our recent loss! Today when I was watching another video/story I paused a video while I went to make a cup of tea and when I came back out a white feather laid upon the garden chair next to where I was sitting. Could not believe it to thank you my angel x. I have been going through a stressful time lately worrying about family members health and in what direction in life, at age 66, I should be aiming for. After finding one today and then hearing what my mum had to say it brought a sense of comfort and happiness and I truely believe that the white feather does have a meaning! one was on a day i was headed to her house to help clear it up when i jumped into my car a brown and white feather was in the coin holder. Tears rolling down my face missing mum so much, I wento. Feathers are easily caught by the wind. He was drinking and driving! Wishing you love and happiness”, So about the white feathers it’s true am blessed to be part of this ,I lost a close friend 6/5/18 haven’t been my self lately , was very down plus my mom not feeling too well , just lying down in the sitting room on the couch behold a white small feather blew through the window just rested on me where I was lying down I felt relieved and I smile knowing it’s all well. At her christening party I found a white feather in their garden. Missed him so much. Required fields are marked *. On the day of her funeral, I was constantly talking to mum & was asking her to guide me through the day ahead. I know it was my nan giving me a sign, as im a worrier as she knew. White Feathers white is the most common and often considered the symbol for purity, which is very much aligned with the meaning of angels. International callers will be charged in British Pounds. This pain has been so hard. A while ago we got a nest of tables similar to a set Mum had (I didn’t get them from her home due to misbehaviour of executors, but that’s a very long and painful story!) He had been suffering from a rare blood cancer for about 2 years but his death was unexpected. I did not believe in any signs from anyone who died,but my dad died nearly 18 months ago,he was one of lifes special people,very few are as special, I loved being in his company,he was wise,uncritical,a rare human being,desperately missed,I longed for a sign,I was very low a few months after his passing,I was tearful all the time,a winters evening in my home,I looked at the back of a cabinet and there was a beautiful soft white feather,I immediately felt overwhelming peace,how strange,then I researched white feathers.fathers day yesterday I was very sad I asked for a sign,bought some lights for the garden decided to put them up very late last night,my husband said it is too late ,I do not go in garden unless very sunny,did all the jobs,going in house for night,happened to glance on floor ,there were two tiny white feathers,my man and dad,I felt so relieved,I find it unbelievably uncanny,but they must be a sign. I had applied at this company for a Security Officer. Last week after I had a meltdown of crying I walked past my dining room table and found a white feather on the floor. It provides a strong connection to the divine. After my family had left, my boyfriend told that while he was unplugging the toilet, feathers were coming up(????). Wishingmoon accepts Mastercard, Visa, Visa Delta, Solo, Electron and Switch (UK only) for telephone readings (18+). I pointed this out to my boyfriend who was sitting next to me and he said it was just a feather from the seagulls, but I know it was my Parker saying hello to me. We’re so glad to hear that! I have been sat at home with all the windows and doors closed etc as it was winter. After reading about it I know now that the baby is fine and it is near me. Cleaning this morning n by the back door there was a single white feather be lovely to think he’s here watching over me miss him so so much, I just found a white feather in my front yard its my daughters 18th today and she was hoping to get a message from her pop who passed 3yrs ago we miss him so much ive also found black & white feathers recently so thanks dad, Hi everyone I lost my best friends on the 16/12/16 I had a reading this day so I have been speaking a lot to her, I was sweeping my living room floor and came across a white feather then 10 mins later I was hoovering my hall stairs and there was one there aswell. I took this feather and also put it in the box along with the first one I saw.. Then this morning while watering my flower pots, I saw another white feather inside my pot. I walked over and picked it up, it was clean and very white. After that I’ve been observer, search about how to avoid those freaking animals that can ruin lives, and my Mom told me not to think of those negativism in my thoughts, and I keep on praying to God to keep safe my family/important in my life. I have put the feather in my phone case & took comfort from it , I can only hope it’s a sign that my mum is ok, I had a small white feather on my bed I thought it came out of my stuff animal I checked everywhere on my stuff animal several of times can’t seem to find a opening tear anywhere…but, it’s strange because I don’t know where the feather came from, I lost my husband nearly 4 years ago ,when me and kids have a really down day ,I have noticed a feather just fly’s across our path ,it helps us so much knowing he is here for us ,puts a smile on our face. Additionally, every feather has a hollow shaft running through its center. Thank god. I’m about to relocate ti new place further away from my familk and friends. Finding a white feather is a symbol that your angels are near. So that day it was particularly warm and I opened the car window just a tiny bit. He was a man of God and loved his family. I’m 35 now and recently had a baby. I feel he is sending me positive vibes to stay strong. only to be taken away from her again, he dies again in her dream. After all, worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace. And during the last years of her life, I was her care taker. Since the second feather you found was ‘greyish’ white and has a black tip, it may have a similar meaning to white feathers, but something is happening on earth that your loved one is concerned about. On my way out a white small feather fell on the ground in front of my path. I’ve just found a white feather completely randomly. I started Se white about a 4 years ago during a rough patch in my life. My feather flew on my face and landed at my feet….. Was a little upset it had mysterally disappeared. Then she said that it would be a feather. White feathers were given to young, fit men who did not volunteer for service. I lost my husband three years ago, April 21, 2014. My boyfriend passed away August 17 of this year. As I looked down the drive, there on the ground beside my car lay a single white feather. black feather, greay feather, brown feather, white feather meaning - Feathers are a sign from the Angelic and Spirit realm, to let us know that they are always taking care. I was so amazed how it got there and somehow felt happy and positive it was my little angel hannah. I live in the US, and have been quite worried about the state of the country. couple hrs latr when i took my real mom someplace both of us could smell tea in the car. I have only found out I have a serious health problem and have been so anxious for two weeks. My sister passed last Sept and my husband has dementia. A white feather could be confirmation from the angels that you're traveling on the right path in life. Please I need more insight about this. I had been on the boardwalk and saw other people walking their dogs and it made me really miss Parker. I have so many stories about feathers, but will share this one… Just as my mum and dad were about to Face time me to tell me about my dad’s forthcoming knee replacement operation, I walked into my craftroom and suddenly noticed two white feathers lying on my carpet! I felt it was a gift from a hawk! Another common meaning behind white feathers is that a loved one is watching over you from the spirit realm. Since she passed I’ve been finding white feathers all the time. I was literally walking into my bedroom and a white tiny feather fell down from the curtain and I just felt some sense of joy and peace instantly. Daughter-In-Law ’ s around, if that doesn ’ t see any birds with white feathers in! 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